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Erzac - what is this? Erzac cardboard

Chrome-ersatz is a boxboard that is made from unbleached and bleached cellulose, waste paper, coated wood. Erzac - what is this? This question interests many people. Erzac is a substitute for anything. Even in times of war, this concept was very spread out. Then there were substitutes for coffee, meat, butter. That is, it is chicory, something like sausage and margarine. Erzats-karton is now interested in many. It is even stronger than a real cardboard. And much cheaper. Due to the minimal costs and inexpensive production, it can be bought at affordable prices and used for various purposes.

Description and manufacturing options

Erzats-karton is a three-layer double-sided cardboard. The top layer is usually made of chemical pulp. There are the following options: uncoated ersatz, cast coating or uncoated. The middle layer is made of wood, and on the lower layer is applied light coating.


Chrome-ersatz (which is already discussed above) is best used to make boxes. The folds of the box do not tear and do not wipe. This material is used for manufacturing consumer containers. Packaging of ersatz-cardboard is inexpensive, but durable and attractive externally. Therefore, many manufacturers use chrome-ersatz cardboard. In such boxes, products are stored longer. Therefore, most often ersatz-cardboard is used to make packages intended for food. Such packaging can compete with plastic packaging. But if you need to provide rigidity, then ersatz-cardboard has no equal, because it has high stiffness indicators due to the addition of mechanical pulp to its composition.

It is light enough in weight, elastic, compact, and also durable. With all these advantages, its cost is relatively small. It is used for packaging frozen foods, bakery products, coffee, tea, sweets, chocolate. Also, this material is great for packing cigarettes, perfumes, medicines, chemistry, household goods, toys. And this is not all.

Erzac: what is it, composition and application

The composition and quality of ersatz-cardboard makes it possible to carry out high-quality printing and embossing on the packaging, and this is possible not on all kinds of cardboard. The use of high-quality paints makes the cardboard packaging noticeable to customers, which means that the goods that are packed in such boxes will have the greatest demand. But it is important for any manufacturer that his products are noticeable.

Such a cardboard is easy to buy, since its cost is affordable. In most factories, cardboard-ersatz is very common. What is it and why is it needed? It is also used in the production of corrugated cardboard packages. This material is recommended for the manufacture of high rigidity packages. They are used for heavy products.

Variety ersatz-cardboard

Such a cardboard is recycled and cellulose. Cellulose has a white inner side, and therefore is used in products for packaging medical products, cosmetics and food products. All other niches, except corrugated and intertwined cardboard, are occupied by junk cardboard. There is also a kind of kraft paper with a kraft turn - a cellulose cardboard pasted on the back with a thin layer of kraft paper. It has found its application in the process of packaging frozen semi-finished products. It ensures high safety of products, which is also important for the manufacturer.

At the moment, the import of ersatz-cardboard does not cover all production needs, which means that the domestic market for its manufacture will continue to develop. Soon you can expect the release of cardboard even more strength and much higher quality.

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