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Efficiency in WoT - what is it and what is it for?

World of Tanks is a game that focuses on team PvP battles. And where there is a confrontation, there is always statistics and the efficiency of this or that player. On the expanses of this virtual game, the notion of a player's utility appeared relatively recently, but already has a lot of rework, calculation methods and other elements related to this indicator. Efficiency in WoT is a virtual personal card of the player, for which other players, e-sports teams and, of course, the clan owners, who exclusively on this indicator recruit new recruits, can evaluate the user. Because of this application, the efficiency was included in the player's statistics, but not officially, as the developers abandoned this idea for some moral reasons, but no one interferes with the use of the modality that visually emphasizes and shows this element of statistics. You can find out your efficiency in WoT in several ways, which we will consider in this article, incidentally touching upon some points related to this harmful but highly estimated index.

What is efficiency?

So, what is this indicator? The answer to this question is quite simple, the main thing is to strongly not paint all the characteristics and formulas themselves, which can lead to a dead end of the average user. Efficiency in WoT is an indicator of the usefulness of a player who participates in battles. This indicator visually reflects your actions in battle: damage, capture of base, light, defense, average experience, level of tanks, percentage of victories and other useful moments. But it is worth considering that efficiency does not provide information on all data, but converts them into a separate digital four-digit (or two-digit) indicator. That is, utility has its own rating scale, by which you can find out which player is good or not (in terms of gaming skills).

Why it is needed

Before you check the efficiency in WoT, it is worthwhile to think about, but what is it for? At the moment, efficiency is the only true indicator in all player statistics. It is for him to evaluate the player, give him ranks, calculate his fitness for the clan or the cybersport team. In general, this indicator directly reflects your professional gaming skills. It needs to be watched, it needs to be improved and it needs to be understood, because, without understanding all this, it will be rather difficult to play for success and achievements.

Ways to learn the efficiency

To find out the efficiency in WoT is simple enough, it is enough to install a special mod called "Olenemer", which adds additional utility indicators to the statistics. Also, this mod allows you to see the usefulness of other players right during the battle, which is convenient when planning combat operations. But mod is far from the only way to know the efficiency. - a popular Internet resource, which allows you to find out what efficiency in WoT you currently have. It is from this resource that popularity has gone on efficiency, it has the most reliable information in terms of this indicator. It is enough to go to the "RU server" section, select the section "Calculate efficiency" and select the most suitable settings (in terms of the choice of the formula and the number of indicators). Thus, it will be possible to find out everything related to the efficiency factor, and you can compare your data with the data of other players, this will help you to find out the weaknesses that need to be corrected in the future.

Ways to compare the efficiency

We learned how to test the efficiency in WoT, now you need to understand how to compare your indicators with the data of other players. In order to implement this procedure, it is again worth to turn to the Internet resource On the territory of the site there is a section "RU server" with the "Compare players" subsection, there are special tabs, indicators and detailed statistics of gaming accounts. It is through this set of elements that you can compare your successes with the successes of others, the main thing is to correctly enter the profile data (more precisely, you will need the player's nickname, with which you will compare your efficiency in WoT).

Also you can not use third-party resources and crank this case manually, using the "Olenemer" mod and the ability to create screenshots. You can take screenshots of each player's statistics and compare it with your indicators. But if you just imagine how long it will take, then it becomes somehow uncomfortable. Although the amateurs "do everything yourself" abound, so for them, this method is ideal.

Recommendations for improving efficiency

It's one thing to know your efficiency in WoT, and it's another thing to raise it. So many players think, so they have a small utility score in combat. One has to learn one thing: the indicators in efficiency are a hint, which will increase the overall level of utility. A small amount of damage - you need more damage. A small level of capture of the base - you need to play with an emphasis on victory in favor of capture. A small percentage of victories - you need to reconsider your tactical actions in the game and start fighting more effectively. It is always worth remembering this little nuance, so you can much faster increase your level of efficiency. Good luck!

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