EducationThe science

Education as a socio-cultural phenomenon and the pedagogical process

To view education as a socio-cultural phenomenon is possible from the point of view that this process was formed and directly disseminated by society. After all, it is continuously connected with the vital activity of people, their skills and skills, which play an important role in the progress of human development.

Concepts of education and pedagogical process

As it is stated in many scientific works, education is education and enlightenment, as well as the acquisition of socio-historical experience by students. Here you can add the assimilation of certain skills and skills. Moreover, all information materials indicate that education as a socio-cultural phenomenon acts as a phenomenon, a society created, and it is also regulated. In the legal norms of the Russian Federation the term is considered as a complex phenomenon, which includes not only the process of education, but also the upbringing of a new generation.

That is why we can say with certainty that pedagogy is a science about the features of education. It covers a wide range of methods for the formation in a person of personal qualities and the consolidation of knowledge. The very concept of the pedagogical process is very simple - it can be represented as a purposeful and regular interaction between the teacher and his students.

Education as a social value

For the formation of the society it is necessary to have certain norms, principles and requirements. In accordance with them, society develops, undergoing constant changes in accordance with the fluctuations of the surrounding conditions - technical, natural, historical. Education as a socio-cultural phenomenon and the pedagogical process is considered the most important component of socialization. It is aimed at the complex development of the personality, the formation in the person of persistent moral qualities along with his physiological formation. The call for this phenomenon is to educate the state, so to speak, an ideal citizen, corresponding to all modern value guidelines.

Depending on how much the education system is developed in the country, the level of coherence of its society is determined. And vice versa - the features of the state system, economic and political situation have a direct impact on the image of the humanistic ideal, which seek to recreate the relevant schools.

Values of the educational process

As already mentioned, education is regulated by social norms, which, in turn, are formed gradually and also can depend on many external factors. Under the influence of technical and economic progress, an actual and most effective educational process is being created. In it, in fact, education manifests itself as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The value priorities of education have not yet been thoroughly studied by any science.

If you go into the study of this issue, you can find a huge number of orientations that stimulate the pedagogical process in the form in which it is supported by the culture of society at a given time. In general, all the value priorities can be divided into several groups. There are five:

  • Values aimed at social acceptance.
  • Communicative values.
  • Creative values.
  • Values aimed at self-realization.
  • Pragmatic values.

The characteristics of each individual group will be discussed below.

Values aimed at social acceptance

It's no secret that in every society a teacher is considered a prestigious and highly respected profession. Therefore, we can talk about its cultural significance in the social environment. The teacher is accepted by the environment as "his" person, a person who plays an important role in the formation of an ideological society. This group of values is one of a common combination of priorities that reveal the multidimensionality of education as a socio-cultural phenomenon.

Communicative values

If we speak in scientific terms, then communication can be considered a process of communication. In a narrower sense, this is the exchange of certain information, which includes the emotional interaction between people. Communication is inherent in every individual as an instinct, so without it no member of society can normally exist.

The communicative values of education are directly related to the previous group. Social approval of the profession of the teacher leads to the fact that the individual feels himself a full-fledged link in a single society, gets the opportunity to constantly contact other people and regularly expand his social circle.

Creative Values

In the modern world, creativity has become an integral part of the full development of any person as a professional in his business and simply as an individual. Education as a socio-cultural phenomenon and its current state are based on the need for a creative approach to any kind of activity, in particular, to the learning process. Educating their students, the teacher should seek an individual approach to each of them. Any child is a separate person, so you can not apply one method of instruction to all children. With the individual approach of the teacher to learning, the effectiveness of the process itself is significantly improved. At the same time, the personal qualities of each student are actively formed, that is, the stake is not made to educate society according to a certain pattern, but to construct a multifaceted and comprehensive society.

Values that ensure the self-realization of the individual

As for the influence of this type of values on the activity of the teacher, they stimulate his professional as well as moral and spiritual self-development. The teacher not only learns the basics of teaching, but also regularly improves in this area. In this context, education as a sociocultural phenomenon is revealed quite widely.

An important aspect of this group of values is the teacher's enthusiasm for his work. The more the teacher is interested in the educational process, the more he realizes himself as a competent and professionally competent person.

Pragmatic values

As an example, it is necessary to bring a foreign system of education. Abroad, the profession of the teacher is not only prestigious and highly appreciated by society, but also very promising. A young teacher, rising to the first stage of the educational sphere, already has great prerequisites for a successful future. That is, in addition to spiritual development and professional implementation, he will be satisfied with his pragmatic needs: the pursuit of career growth, decent pay, etc.

As for the domestic states, in them so far there is not so high a bar, characterizing the monetary estimation of the employees of such a sphere as education. Sociocultural phenomenon, however, can be expressed in the fact that a teacher is not just a kind of activity, but a professionally paid profession. That is, teaching the children certain skills and skills, the teacher not only self-fulfilling, but also gets the opportunity to meet their vital needs.

Functions of education

Any activity is always aimed at achieving a certain goal. This also applies to the educational process, since it can not exist on its own, but only if society needs it. Therefore, this phenomenon has two main functions: education and upbringing.

In the first case, the goal of educational activity is to help the child acquire certain knowledge, master skills and form skills, and also decide on life's reference points and future profession. Thus, the foundation is laid for the development of a full-fledged and versatile personality in the future. The function of teaching reveals education as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the context of a process that is significant for the state and humanity in general.

Parenting is used to give the child motivation to acquire the necessary knowledge. After all, not every student understands the importance of the learning process for his future. Therefore, the teacher's task is to push him to it.

Basic paradigms of the educational process

To begin to consider this issue, it is first necessary to describe its essence. A paradigm is a set of concrete attitudes, theoretical or practical techniques adopted in the scientific community as a model for action in a particular sphere. Such standards are also available in the educational process. Scientists distinguish four types of paradigms of this phenomenon:

  • Cognitive (focus on the development of thinking).
  • Personally oriented (individualized learning).
  • Functionalism (compliance with the moral standards of society).
  • Culturological (the perception of man as a subject of culture).

Education as a pedagogical process

It is the activity of educating a socially significant personality that determines education as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The pedagogical system and the process of its application are aimed at achieving this goal. As a result of the purposeful and systematic interaction of the teacher and his students, the knowledge necessary for the further development of the personality is formed. It is this contact of the teacher with his pupils that is considered within the pedagogical system.

This concept can not be limited to any specific structural components. The pedagogical process is a mixed system in which a huge number of elements of education are placed. And, no matter how independent of any of these components, it will still be considered secondary. The pedagogical system can not be equated to any substructure - it rather acts as a link.

Regularities of the pedagogical process

Education as a socio-cultural phenomenon and the pedagogical process is characterized by certain regularities, namely:

  • The dynamics of the flow.
  • Interrelation of theory and practice in teaching.
  • Unity between knowledge and pedagogical activity.
  • Development of personality in the process of education.
  • Manageability.
  • Encouraging students to work.

Pedagogical process and its elements

Structurality is an important feature that distinguishes education as a sociocultural phenomenon and the pedagogical process. Briefly, this can be said as follows: this phenomenon consists of various components, which, as a whole, combine into one combined system. The structural elements of the pedagogical process include:

  • Determination of goals and main tasks of future educational activities.
  • Establishment of contact between the teacher and his students.
  • Correct application of methods, means and forms of training.
  • Creation of such conditions, in which students will be most comfortable to perceive information.

Complex of educational institutions

If the state seeks to create an ideal society, then it must use the means to achieve this goal. As such, there is a complex of various educational institutions. In each of them there are certain curricula and directions of upbringing. In this interpretation, education as a sociocultural phenomenon and universal value acquires some state or even, rather, organizational and legal meaning.

There are several types of educational institutions:

  • Preschool.
  • General education.
  • Special.
  • Professional.

The first type of organization is represented by kindergartens, nurseries, early development schools and other similar structures. In such institutions, an introductory program for the upbringing of children is implemented, which is largely aimed at the psychological preparation of the child for further education.

General education of citizens of the state is carried out in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. As a rule, they are divided into 3 stages: primary, primary and secondary.

Special institutions (boarding schools, correctional schools) are designed to enable children with physical disabilities to become full members of society. In this, education is clearly revealed as a socio-cultural phenomenon.

Briefly about professional educational institutions: they fill the shortage of the necessary personnel in the country, preparing certain specialties. These include institutions of primary (vocational schools), secondary (colleges, technical schools) and higher (universities, institutes, academies) level.

Education is an integral part of human society. This fact defines it as a socio-cultural phenomenon. That this is a phenomenon generated by mankind, or a tool for its existence is a rather controversial issue. But, in fact, both options are correct.

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