EducationThe science

Economic information

Economic information is considered one of the most important types of information. A distinctive feature of this variety is the existence of a connection with the management processes of groups of people, organization. Economic information takes place in the process of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material goods. A significant part of it is connected with the process of social production. Thus, it can be called industrial.

The very concept of "economic information" is a complex of information that reflects socio-economic phenomena and processes. They (information) serve to manage these processes, as well as groups of people in the non-productive and production spheres.

Information reflecting public production relations includes information circulating in the economy system, data on production processes, management procedures, material resources, financial transactions. To the same concept carry and the data by which different control systems are exchanged among themselves.

In the structure of communication exchange, economic information occupies a special place. This reflects the production processes, the order of consumption and distribution of material goods. Economic information is characterized by repeated use, large volumes, continuous transformation and updating. In addition, it is characterized by a large number of logical procedures. To them, in particular, include selection, ordering, grouping, unification. The complex of information includes various mathematical calculations, which allow you to obtain different types of result data required in management.

Classification of economic information.

All provided knowledge, information, messages contribute to the solution of one or another managerial task. At the same time, it is possible to establish to some extent the value of economic information. The sooner or with the least loss it leads to the solution of the question posed, the more useful it is.

In accordance with the appointment in the process of managing production in a society, there are the following types of economic information: informing and managing.

The latter includes decisions brought to the notice of the performers. In this case, both forms of planned tasks, direct orders, and forms of moral and economic incentives that motivate the behavior of performers can be used.

Awareness information is reflected primarily in the reporting indicators. It acts as a feedback and is information about the results of execution of decisions, the state of the object of management. Taking into account these data, subsequent decisions are made. Thus, the further administrative process is carried out.

The production, as well as the use of information, must have a good motivation, since it requires significant expenses.

In order to accept marketing, commercial, investment and any other management decisions, it is necessary to have information about supply and demand, competitors and goods, production costs and availability of resources, inflation rates and stock prices and so on. At the same time, it should be remembered that the result of the adopted decision manifests itself after some time.

A manager who makes decisions effectively collects information only until the perceived marginal benefits increase the envisaged marginal costs. Necessary information, as a rule, does not concentrate in a certain place, in connection with the pattern of scattering and concentration of data.

The recipient of the information evaluates them in accordance with where and for what purpose they will be applied. In this regard, information is different relative and has different value for different recipients.

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