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Do you know how to draw a beetle?

Insects are easy to portray. Thinking about how to draw a beetle or butterfly, let us recall first of all that they are symmetrical. The fact is that many animals in nature have an innate asymmetry of the body. This, probably, is their beauty and beauty. And they shine and shimmer in the sun - just great!


Before drawing a beetle, remember that, for example, the great Leonardo watched the opening of horses, when he had to fashion a horse with a rider (to find out how the muscles of the animal are located). We do not call for catching butterflies and ladybirds and tearing off their wings, but first, study the morphology of beetles: the cephalothorax, the abdomen, six legs, wings. Open any encyclopedia - in paper or electronic form, consider carefully the pictures, and then the insect will draw much easier!


How to draw a beetle in stages:

  1. We represent on a sheet of paper A4 an oval.
  2. Schematically divide the figure into two parts along the dotted line - for future wings.
  3. On top of the oval we will paint a semicircle - the future head.
  4. We proceed to draw details.
  5. Fat line, we draw wings on the body, head.
  6. Next - draw the legs (they should be six!) And antennae.
  7. Some beetles have horns. You can sketch them at will.
  8. Our bug is almost ready. He will sit on a leaf or a flower - it's up to you. We finish the plant for the beetle.

If our beetle is in free flight, it will be necessary to convey the plausibility of the movement of its wings. Draw the wings in the form of small leaves, below them - thinner, translucent and elegant. Slightly shade the space under the wings to get the effect of movement.

  1. Color the beetle, using different shades, so that it shimmers in the sun.
  2. If you want, you can supplement our drawing with appliqué, gluing, for example, volumetric flowers. You can also decorate the insect with beads or beads. Get the picture-3D.

Now you know how to draw a beetle.

It will be even easier to depict a butterfly

  1. First, draw an oblong oval insect body. First, it's sketchy. It is strongly elongated in length.
  2. From one end we draw a circle, commensurate to the body - this is the future head of an insect.
  3. On both sides of the calf, we have wings, which must also be proportional to the overall size.
  4. We finish the antennae and legs of our butterfly.
  5. Color the picture. Here, as they say, your imagination does not have a limit: after all, there are a lot of beautiful patterns on the wings of butterflies, which you can try to repeat, or come up with your own!

Draw a ladybug

How to draw a beetle so small as a ladybug?

  1. First we make a sketch, determining the location of the insect. It is small, and our drawing should be proportional. Therefore, strongly do not enlarge the image, place the insect in the center of the sheet, and not somewhere in the corner.
  2. Then the same oval, legs, antennae. The sketch is ready.
  3. We color the insect in a traditional red with white specks (although, there are several thousand kinds of ladybirds, and some of them are not at all like a red spotted button). You can watercolor, color pencils, pastels. Our drawing is ready!


This insect was very popular in ancient Egypt and for a long time was considered sacred among the locals. It was, as a rule, portrayed in flight, with outstretched wings. How to draw a scarab beetle? Just like any other beetle (see the master class above). Look closely at the head and legs - there are some features. And so, all the same: an oval, a semicircle, symmetry. Good luck!

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