
Do the right canopy for the bath

Initially, it should be emphasized that the canopy for the bath is a very useful and necessary attribute. Without it, being in a steam room completely loses its convenience and charm. In general, the same materials are used for its construction as for interior decoration.

After an electric fireplace or a stove that is built of bricks, it takes its place of honor. This is the place where a person makes a favorite bath procedure, and also rests immediately after it. To clearly understand its functional orientation, it is necessary to stop at the canopy, which is located in the steam room.

What material should I choose for canopy?

The canopy for a bath is made of wood, which is able to resist the formation of mold, rot or wood fungus, and also has water-repellent properties.

If you want to understand how to make a canopy in a bath, you need to know that the appropriate properties are linden, alder, in addition, the Abash tree, whose native land is tropical Africa. It grows in forests with high humidity, so its wood itself has such a structure that it does not rot from a lot of water, but acquires better quality.

From wood, alder or lime, the abash is characterized by a small release of resin and by the fact that it does not heat up, and this is important inside the steam room.

Its wood is light, with a fine-textured pattern, in a section without any visible special bands. At the same time, for example, the linden has distinct outlines of the pattern, but these qualities do not affect its performance characteristics.

Production rules

Making a canopy for a bath, you should follow some rules. To begin with, you need to determine the size of the canopy in the bath. Ideally, a person can lie on it without bending legs. The height should be determined according to the following principle: between the ceiling and the uppermost step the distance should be 1.2 m, with the difference between the levels being 60 cm. If these standards are not adhered to, the wood can lead during heating.

Regardless of the type of wood, the boards should be laid with a distance of at least ten millimeters between them. Doing such gaps is necessary for air ventilation, water flow and prevention. If the boards are fastened closely, the boards may become warped by air currents from weak ventilation and excessive moisture due to the absence of gaps.

We use the canopy as a design element

For the contrast between the drawings and the quality of the material, the furnish of the steam room can be produced by various types of wood. The canopy for a bath can be made from an abasha, to cover the walls with linden wood, and to trim the doorways and floors with alder. Such a variety of color shades of the paired room will give an unrivaled design look.

Creating a canopy in the bath is a simple task for everyone who knows at least a little carpentry. Beginning its construction, we must take into account the fact that the tree should be smooth-worked, not lacquered and not impregnated with various chemical compounds.

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