Spiritual developmentNumerology

Divination by cards for the future will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things

At different times people have always sought to find out their future, finding for this a variety of ways. To what only tricks did not resort fortunetellers. For today the most popular is guessing on maps for the future.

If we talk about options for this method, then there are a lot of them. But whichever of them you prefer, always before the beginning of divination should clearly formulate the question and ask it.

Take a deck of fifty-two playing cards. Shuffle it well and divide it into two pieces so that the bottom half lies on top of the pack. Further in the left hand take a pack and turn to yourself with a shirt. Shoot one card with your right hand, and then turn it over. When doing this procedure, say the name of the cards in the order of their increase. As soon as you reach the King, repeat everything again, beginning with Ace. Those cards that coincide with the spoken, put aside. The deck must finally be sorted three times, after which it should be set aside.

Now pick up the cards that you have matched, and shuffle them carefully, and then arrange them in a row. That's what fortune-telling looks like for the future.

But in order to be able to properly understand all the intricacies, it is necessary to know how the meaning of this or that card is interpreted.

So, the suit of the drumstick means wealth and well-being. Worms indicate a favorable outcome of future events, as well as the development of love or friendship. The clubs guarantee the hope of successful completion in business. And, here peaks, on the contrary, foreshadow all kinds of troubles and illnesses. We will not talk about the meaning of each map today. In any case, you can find this information yourself if you need it.

Fortune-telling for the near future is not much different from the variant considered. You can also ask your question cards. However, there are other, equally attractive ways.

So, for example, you can take a deck of thirty-six cards, properly shuffle it and in a chaotic order take out a card from the deck behind the card. At the same time with each new card you should say aloud such phrases: "now, in an hour, to a party, for the whole night, it knocks, thunders, it breaks at the door, the door opens, what was, what will be, what the heart will calm down." The card that you delivered on the next question and will be the answer to it.

A lot of young girls are interested in the future guy rather than the whole picture of their future. We will not torment you with anticipation, and we will proceed immediately to the procedure itself.

So, guessing on the future guy. You will need two complete decks of cards, each fifty-two cards. Before beginning the divination, you need to guess the name of the guy, and think about it until the divination is over.

On the table, place the cards in two rows, eight pieces in each. Now, from the bottom row, delete those cards that have the same value. And then do the same in the upper row. After removing all coincidences, report the cards to empty places in the direction from top to bottom and from left to right. Then add another row, in which repeat the previous procedure. In the event that you managed to remove all the cards in the very first layout, then the person whose name you have in mind will be your destiny.

Divination by cards for the future is the most common method among all known. A large number of people can do this on their own. There are no special tricks and wisdoms here. From you only need a little patience, a good memory and a deck of cards. Divination by cards for the future will help you and your loved ones avoid possible troubles or prepare for good events in your life! And for those who still consider this kind of fortune telling ridiculous and unreliable, you should at least try it once!

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