Health, Preparations
"Divaza" - reviews of patients. Description of the preparation, instructions for use
What is the use of the "Divaz" medication? Patients' comments, indications for taking the drug, and instructions for use will be described in detail in the materials of this article. In addition, you will find out how much this remedy costs, whether it has analogs, adverse reactions and contraindications.
Composition, form, description and packaging
In what form is the "Divaz" medication sold? The patients' reviews say that this preparation has a very convenient form. It is available in the form of white or almost white resorption tablets, which are flat-cylindrical, risky and chamfered. On one side of the medication are the words Materia Medica, and on the other - the inscription Divaza.
What substances does the "Divaz" medicine contain? The doctors' comments indicate that this drug contains antibodies to endothelial NO-synthase and brain-specific protein S-100. Also, the preparation includes additional elements in the form of microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate and magnesium stearate.
In what kind of packaging can you buy the medicine "Divaza"? The patients' comments indicate that the resorption tablets are in contour cell packs (20 pieces each), which are located in packs of cardboard.
What is the "Divaz" medicine? The doctors' comments indicate that this is a combination medicine. It acts as a nootropic agent with antioxidant properties.
Antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 are able to have antihypoxic, anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects. The drug modifies the working activity of the S-100 protein, which in the brain mediates metabolic and information processes.
Also, the drug has membranotropic properties. Thanks to them, the generation suppression and the decrease in the amplitude of the action potential are called.
As for antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, they increase the activity of enzymes, eliminate endothelial dysfunction, restore the production of nitric oxide, and also have endothelioprotective effects and affect oxide-dependent vasodilation.
Properties of the preparation
What are the properties of the "Divaza" preparation? This medication normalizes the integrative work of the brain. This is manifested by a fairly wide spectrum of psychopharmacological and balanced effects (anti-asthenic, antidepressant, neuroprotective, anxiolytic and antiamnestic).
It should also be noted that the agent under consideration has a stimulating effect on the reparative processes occurring in the focus of ischemic brain damage.
The combined use of the components of the drug enhances the neuroprotective activity of antibodies to the S-100 protein and the vegetative stabilizing effect, as well as normalizes the vegetative status, synergistically influences neuronal plasticity, increases brain resistance to toxic effects and restores the interhemispheric connections of the brain.
One can not help saying that Divaz's absorbent pills contribute to the elimination of cognitive impairment, increase mental capacity, stimulate reparative processes, restore memory and learning processes, accelerate the work of the central nervous system, increase cerebral blood flow and normalize somatovegetative manifestations.
It should also be noted that this medication does not have muscle relaxant and sedative effects, does not cause addiction and addiction.
To understand what this means is and for what it is generally necessary, we decided to provide a brief overview of this drug.
Medication "Divaza" is a modern nootropic vasoactive medicine with an original mechanism of action. It is intended for therapy of chronic disorders of cerebral circulation.
This preparation has the following properties:
- Reduces physical, mental and general asthenia;
- Improves cognitive functions ;
- Increases motivation and activity;
- Reduces the intensity of headaches and dizziness;
- Normalizes mental activity;
- Improves sleep quality;
- Eliminates asthenovegetative symptoms;
- Reduces anxiety, emotional lability and depression.
Also it should be said that this remedy does not cause such side effects typical for nootropic drugs as daytime inhibition, drowsiness and muscle relaxation. In addition, the drug does not interact with other drugs, in connection with which it can be combined with absolutely any concomitant therapy.
As you already know, such a medicine is available in the form of tablets for resorption. That is why the drug does not have a negative effect on the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
What pharmacokinetic properties does the "Divaz" medicine have? The instruction attached to the tool states that the sensitivity of modern chemical and physical methods of analysis does not allow to estimate the content of ultra-small doses of the preparation in biological fluids, tissues and organs, which makes it impossible to study the pharmacokinetics of the drug.
Indications for use
What is the "Divaz" preparation for? The medicine is prescribed for:
- Restoration of integrative work of the brain in organic disorders of the central nervous system, including those caused by ischemic, neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases;
- Complex therapy of craniocerebral trauma and neuroinfections;
- Monotherapy of somatoform disorders of the autonomic nervous system.
Contraindications for use
Are there any contraindications to the "Divaz" medication? The instruction says that this drug can not be used only with increased individual sensitivity to the substances of the drug and at the age of 18 years.
Method of taking the drug
How is the "Divaz" medication taken, analogues of which will be considered below? One tablet for resorption is put on the tongue and kept until completely dissolved. Do this three times a day. The intake of the drug should not coincide with the intake of food or water.
Depending on the severity of the disease, as well as in acute periods, the frequency of use of this medication can be increased up to 6 times a day.
If the patient has pronounced organic lesions of the central nervous system, the duration of the course therapy can be up to 6 months.
What are the possible consequences of an accidental overdose of the drug in question? Experts argue that in this case, the patient manifests dyspeptic phenomena, which are due to excipients that are part of the drug.
The drug "Divaza": side effects
Particularly pronounced side effects after taking the drug in question does not arise. However, with increased individual sensitivity to the substances included in the drug, the patient can still develop unwanted reactions. Therefore, before using resorption tablets, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.
Drug Interactions
According to experts, the medicine "Divaza" can be taken together with other medicines. This is due to the fact that cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not been registered to date.
Lactation and gestation period
Is it possible to use absorbable tablets during pregnancy and breastfeeding? The safety of this drug during lactation and fetal bearing has not been studied. Therefore, if it is necessary to prescribe such a remedy, it is necessary to take into account the risk ratio for the baby and the benefit for the mother.
Special instructions for receiving the product
What features of the "Divaz" medication should the patients know before using it for the intended purpose?
As mentioned above, lactose is part of this product. In this regard, such a drug is not recommended for patients with malabsorption syndrome of galactose or glucose, congenital galactosemia or lactase deficiency.
It should also be said that the drug "Divaz" does not have any effect on a person's ability to manage potentially dangerous machinery and vehicles.
Storage conditions
According to the instructions, the drug in question is dispensed in a pharmacy without the doctor's prescription. Tablets for resorption should be stored in a place protected from light and small children. The storage temperature should not exceed 26 ° C. Shelf life of the drug is three years. After this time, use of tablets is prohibited.
Medicinal preparation "Divaza": analogues and cost
To date, there are no structural analogues of the "Divaza" preparation with the same active ingredient. Therefore, to choose a substitute medicine with similar properties, but with another active element, you should consult your doctor. In turn, the doctor can prescribe one of the following: Adaptol, Elzepam, Anvifen, Fenzitat, Afobazol, Noofen, Mebikar, Elzepam, Mebiks, Fenorelaxan "," Neurophazole "," Fenibut "," Selank "," Fenazepam-Ros "," Strezam "," Fenazepam "," Tenoten "," Fesipes "," Fezanef "and" Tranquesipam ".
How much is the absorbent medicine of "Divaz"? The price of this drug in different pharmacies may differ. However, on average, its cost varies between 330-360 Russian rubles (100 tablets).
Reviews of doctors and patients
What do they say about the "Divaza" preparation? Patients' opinions are ambiguous. Someone argues that this tool is very helpful for headaches, a constant sense of fatigue and poor overall health. Especially often patients note the absence of adverse reactions, as well as a small list of contraindications.
However, it should be noted that some patients complain about the ineffectiveness of this drug. According to them, this is just a dummy, and the medication can only help if you believe in its effect (placebo effect).
As for doctors, they categorically disagree with the latter opinion. Experts say that the drug in question contains a set of components that can not but affect the human body in a positive way.
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