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Days of Military Glory: a chronicle of the struggle of the Russian people for independence

The military history of Russia is a chronicle of the struggle of our people against foreign invaders. As historical experience shows, Russians in military practice were always among the first, but not the love of conquest was to blame. Russia at all times defended its independence. Therefore, courage and unprecedented resilience - in the Russian soldiers in the blood.

The Russian public has always widely celebrated the days of victories of Russian soldiers over the enemies. Even in pre-revolutionary times, the Orthodox Church of Russia established memorable Days of Glory, the so-called Victorian days, in which festive events and prayers were held. In these days, society, paying tribute to the memory of the military feat, the prowess of its defenders, honored the army and navy. On Days of Military Glory, Russians felt deeper in their participation in the brilliant victories of our ancestors.

The Russian army in the battles for independence and the integrity of its native land deserved respectable military glory and eternal memory. During the difficult periods of military courage, the patriotism of Russian people became especially acute. It was the spirit of the people that supported the fighting efficiency of the defenders of our Fatherland. Alexander Suvorov and Peter the First, Georgy Zhukov and Pavel Nakhimov ... These and many other names of the glorious warriors will remain forever in the memory of the people.

In 1995, the Russian government, seeking to revive one of the country's best military traditions, adopted a resolution "On the days of Russia's military glory." On Days of Military Glory some of the Victorian days were included, as well as the events of the pre-October and Soviet periods. Of course, this decision was correct!

The above-mentioned law establishes Days of Military Glory of Russia, which are associated with the successful actions of the Russian army. The celebration of the memorable and heroic dates of our history serves the upbringing of Russian young people on the example of glorious military exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Below are listed some Days of Military Glory, indicated in the above-mentioned law of the Russian Federation.

April 18 - Victory over the German knights of Russian soldiers led by Prince Alexander Nevsky (1242).

September 21 - Victory over the Tatar-Mongols of Russian troops under the command of Prince Dmitry Donskoi (1380).

November 4 - Day of National Unity. Severe trials suffered Russia at the beginning of the XVII century. A series of impostors, then a frank Polish intervention threatened the very existence of an independent Russian state. The people's militia, led by Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, in October 1612 freed Moscow from the Poles. This victory once again showed that in a difficult year for the country, Russian people vividly show their best qualities: the greatest valor and dedication, selfless love for the Motherland.

July 10 - Poltava battle, victory over the Swedes of the Russian army under the leadership of Peter the Great (1709).

Let us always remember the Days of Military Glory inscribed in the pages of our history by Russian and Soviet troops and their glorious victories. Let us show ourselves worthy of the glory of our ancestors!

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