
Cucimycosis of cherries is a dangerous disease

Among the many diseases of stone fruit crops, one of the most dangerous is cherry coccomiosis. From this disease also suffer from cherries, thorns, cherry plums, plums that grow near the infected tree. To this fungal disease is resistant only felt cherry. Even before 1962 in the USSR, this fungus (Coccomyces hiemlis Higg) was a rarity. To date, cherkomikoz cherry in the CIS is widespread.

Cockcomic amazes leaves, stems, petioles, green fruits. With the rapid development of this disease, premature decay of the leaves is noted. The annual early leaves of the cherry tree lead to a significant weakening of the trees, since they suffer from frost even at non-critical temperatures. Scientists have found that the causative agent of the disease successfully hibernates on fallen leaves. They form apothecies of the fungus (fruiting bodies), ripening in April - early May. When warm weather accompanies the initial period of cherry blossom, the ripening bags that carry out primary infection of trees are discarded. Mass ejection of these spores occurs in the 1-2 decade of May. Its duration and duration are affected by weather conditions.

The first manifestations of the disease become visible in the 1-2 decade of June. On the leaves appear small, reddish hue spots, gradually increasing in size. On the underside of the leaf blade, a whitish plaque appears in the region of the spots, which consists of conidiospore fungus. With their help, he settles around throughout the summer. Cockcomycosis of cherries has a characteristic symptom: premature drying of fruits on branches in the middle of summer.

What to do with the appearance of this disease? The fight against coccomicosis should be conducted on "all fronts". In early spring, nitrafen should be sprayed. For this procedure, use a 60% paste in an amount of 40-50 kg / ha. Collection and destruction of infected fallen leaves should be carried out throughout the vegetative period. It is best to burn them. The treatment of trees with 90% copper chloride (4-7 kg / ha), 80% "Zineb" (4-7 kg / ha), 50% Kaptan "(5-7 kg / ha), 50%" Phthalane "(5-7 kg / ha) is produced during the fall of the petals and during the opening of the leaves. Repeat the procedure after 15 days. The last treatment with the listed preparations is carried out after harvesting. Among the drugs that have been successfully used to kill coccomicosis, one should also note the biofungicides: "Fitosporin", "Penaconazole", "Difenoconazole", "Thiophan-methyl".

Cherry cucimacosis is most actively spread on weakened trees. It is spread due to high humidity and rainy weather. Cherry varieties resistant to kokomikozu are released: Seyanets-1, Ballad, Victoria, Bystrinka, Novodvorskaya, Volochaevka, Kent, Dessert, Dawn of Tataria, Morozovka, Vavilov's memory, Novella, Rovesnitsa, Chocolate Girl, Kharitonovskaya. Measures to prevent coccomicosis - the order and purity in the garden, planting trees in sunny places, regular treatment with special drugs, the removal of severely weakened trees.

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