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Cotton tree: description and properties

In the tropics you can find an interesting plant called a cotton tree. It looks very unusual, what attracts the attention of both locals and tourists. Near this giant you will not see a man with an ax, no forest vandal will scratch his bark: "Vasya was here." What is the secret, and why are there so many myths and signs around the usual plant? This will be the story in our article.

Scientific classification

In Latin, a cotton tree is called Ceiba pentandra. This tropical plant of the order Malvotsvetnyh belongs to the family Malvovy. It represents a large genus of Seib's woody plants, in which 17 species of trees are united. Initially, the genus of Ceiba was included in the family Bombaksovye.

Many sources use names-synonyms - kapok (name of fiber), five-typed seiba, samuma.

Where it grows

The native land of the plant is West Africa. In natural conditions, the tree is found in the territory of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean islands. The tree can be seen in the northern regions of South America.


Cotton tree (seiba) is listed in the list of the world's tallest plants. Its height can reach 70 m. The trunk of the plant is very wide, the roots have ribbed zakomolistost, they are called plank. In fact, the roots form special vertical outgrowths (buttresses), which adjoin the trunk. Their height can significantly exceed human growth and reach 6-7 meters. Scientists believe that the plank roots provide the plant with the necessary stability, since the cotton tree has a very powerful and heavy crown. Without additional supports, an adult tree could not survive under strong winds. The trunks of the Seiba are sometimes called telegraphic because they are tall and straight.

Young trees have a smooth green bark, but with age everything changes. You ask, what is covered with the bark of a cotton tree? At first the bark changes color from green to grayish. Then, powerful and very sharp spines of conical shape appear on it. The kind of spikes are very intimidating, so they serve as an excellent defense against any enemies. Animals never damage the bark of a cotton tree. Tourists also do not risk breaking and damaging majestic plants. They do not try to climb on them or scratch the inscriptions on the trunks. But, seeing in the forest an adult cotton tree, the photos will be made.

The leaves of the Seba are palmy-complex. Outwardly they resemble the foliage of palm trees, each sheet consists of 5-9 leaves (maximum 15), the length of which is about 20 cm. Leaflets are entire.

During flowering, the tree is covered with large white bisexual flowers, of which five-nested fruit-boxes are tied. On an adult tree, several hundred large fruits can form (the size of the box is almost 15 cm). The five-winged box has an elongated shape. Outside, it is smooth, and inside is covered with numerous silky hairs that envelop the seeds. Inside the boxes are seeds of almost spherical shape. The color of the seeds is from dark brown to black. When the fruit ripens, the boxes crack, and from them falls a white, yellow or light brown kapok (fiber). This fiber is of particular value.

How is fiber used?

The fiber of the Seiba contains cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and other substances. It is light (8 times lighter than cotton), not wetting and not falling down. This material is elastic and elastic, with high buoyancy and water repellent ability. In addition, it has low thermal conductivity and good sound absorption. The truth is there is a clear flaw - high combustibility, but this has been learned to fight.

Durable kapok is not susceptible to pest infestation and is not food for fungi. This is a wonderful natural material for stuffing upholstered furniture, hypoallergenic mattresses and pillows. From it, pontoons, lifebuoys, vests are made. Sailors are often called a save tree as a rescue dog. The material is used as a filler for the warm clothing of polar expeditions. It is difficult to spin out of the cap, because its surface is very smooth, but modern technologies have been developed that simplify this task.

Insulating material made of cottonwood fiber is used for insulation of walls of refrigerators and soundproofing of office, cultural and residential premises.

After the colonization of tropical Africa, the foresters conducted a mass campaign to plant the Seiba, securing the extraction of fiber. Until 1960, kapok was a valuable export product, but then its value was somewhat reduced.

How seeds are used

From seeds of a cotton tree receive oil which can be used, as greasing, as the additive in soap making and in preparation of food. Oil is used in lamps for lighting huts. For medical purposes, this product is suitable for the treatment of rheumatism and wound healing. The main exporter of oil from cottonseed seeds is Indonesia.

How to use bark, roots, flowers and leaves

Cotton tree, a description of which is given here, has found wide application in African folk medicine:

  • From the roots prepare a cure for leprosy, diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension;
  • From the bark - a remedy for toothache, asthma, rickets, hernia, diarrhea, gonorrhea, fever and swelling;
  • From leaves prepare calming broths, means from a scabies, a conjunctivitis and lumbago (lumbar chamber);
  • Gruel from pounded leaves is applied to wounds for cuts and abscesses;
  • Juice of leaves used for skin diseases;
  • Dried and grinded skin of fruits is used as a remedy for intestinal parasites.

In addition to medical use, foliage and shoots are used as pet food for small pets. Young leaves and fruits are added to food.

Oil is extracted from the seeds, although this process is long and time consuming. The local population uses it to bring beauty and lighting to the dwellings.

What else can you say about the cotton tree? The properties of materials obtained from this plant can be considered controversial, but the local population is pretty. And this plant is an excellent honey plant. During abundant flowering, it exudes a strong aroma that attracts many bees.

The sacred tree of the Maya

The Maya Indians always planted a cotton tree in the center of their settlement. They believed that this tree was given to people by the gods. Moreover, the Maya Indians believed that the world stands on four huge cotton trees. Therefore, they never chopped these plants, and if they tore off or collected Seibas in the forest, they always left a small gift in return.

The divine origin of the tree was confirmed by the fact that it never suffered from hurricanes, and no one saw a lightning strike into the cotton tree. The Indians believed that the gods protect the pet from all troubles, and punish anyone who tries to harm the plant.

But for the indigenous people of Haiti, seiba was a symbol of evil. They believed that in its trunk inhabited by evil spirits and never go to bed under his crown. One of the worst punishments for Haitian slaves was tying to the spiny trunk of a cotton giant.

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