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Classes with a child 2 years at home. The best exercises for the development of a child 2 years at home

Properly organized classes with a child of 2 years will be the starting point for its further development, help the child to adapt among peers, diversify leisure. The child with whom correctly and effectively engaged in early childhood, at an older age is more susceptible to science and creativity.

Basic principles of engagement with the child (2 years)

Today, modern children are well versed in the computer and enjoy watching a variety of television programs. Of course, this makes life easier for moms. They put kids to watch cartoons and can easily do household chores. But in fact, lessons with a child of 2 years should not be so meager. During this period, speech is laid and memory, intellect, and the ability to think creatively are developed.

Allocate daily time to play with the baby in developing games. But consider the fact that children during this period are very restless. They find it difficult to concentrate on one lesson, they want to spill out energy in active entertainment. Spread the time correctly: one lesson should not last longer than 15-20 minutes.

You need to be able to enjoy the game with the baby. Of course, classes with a child of 2 years in kindergarten will include instructive forms and introductory moments. Many educators give homework, which is designed to be performed together with parents. Do not ignore it. But if the kid does not attend preschool, then do and study at home. Classes with such a small child should be conducted only in a play form. You can not force a child to do what he does not want. This approach can discourage the desire to learn at a very early age.

Classes with a child of 2 years at home can be easily diversified. Today, there are many cognitive games and all kinds of materials. In any case, such a process should be bright and bear only positive moments. When the kid feels that he is being forced, the interest will be lost instantly.

Two-year-old child and features of his thinking

The child grows and becomes more active and smart with each month. Do not miss this chance and direct all the energy in the right direction. You may notice that the growing young man has become capricious and wants to establish his own "I". He often uses pushing his hands and stomping his feet - all this is part of child psychology. Learn to patiently explain what you can do and what not. Perceive the baby as an adult and try to squat while communicating, so that your eyes are at the level of his face.

The child 2 years of study, imitating. Therefore, if you want to raise an inquisitive and aspiring to knowledge person, do not sit all day at the TV and do not chat with your friends on the phone all evening. Your idleness will be a bad example for the child. Better sit your son or daughter next to him at the table, give him a pencil and a piece of drawing paper, and guess the crossword yourself or read a book. You can draw with the baby.

At this age, the child wants to do everything himself. Do not discourage the desire for independence from the very beginning! If the kid himself wants to wear pantyhose or fasten the blouse, wait patiently while he fumbles with buttons or a disobedient leg. Help only when the kid himself asks. Regardless of whether the child has coped or not, praise him.

How to start

Classes with children 2 years worth starting with the development of motor hand. Buy cubes or a designer, build towers and small houses together with the baby. First, start with the primitive figures, after a couple of days the child will independently begin to collect such designs. Just do not play silently, talk to your child all the time and show emotions. Say approving words and praise it.

Probably, every mother notices that during this period children actively want to take part in household chores. Allow them to sweep by themselves or hand a rag to wipe the dust. So you lay the initial foundation in understanding what help is. Always provide the child with the opportunity to help you, otherwise you will have to force him to do household cleaning.

We are engaged in kids independently

Of course, the occupation with a child of 2 years can be entrusted to a professional nurse. But you will agree, what for in such fine time to give the kid in a hand to another's aunt? Entertaining games are very close to parents and children, be sure to draw attention and father. Children should feel the integrity of the family. You will not notice how quickly time passes and the baby will grow. Therefore, take the opportunity to play with the child, at the same time develop important abilities and discover the hidden potentials of a small person. All this is very useful in later life.

Develop such activities that will develop certain abilities of your child. For example, creative or verbal. Alternate tasks with moving games, better on the street. The time of each lesson with a two-year-old child should not exceed twenty minutes. At this age, it's hard enough to focus on one subject.

Develop the speech of the baby

In two years your child should not only know how the subject is called, but also give a short description of it. Ask as often as possible to tell what the kid saw, and retell the fairy tales you read. For this it is necessary to conduct thematic studies with the child. 2 years is the age when children are curious and like to listen and watch. When reading stories, analyze what is happening. You can use dolls put on your fingers. Arrange small theatrical shows with questions and answers.

For example, when reading a fairy tale, skip the word, ask the baby to add his own words, which fit in the meaning. Do the same with poems - let the ending say the child. Always use facial expressions and body movements, telling the next interesting story. Children love when something happens. Toys, cardboard pictures and dolls will become great characters to your stories.

After each book read, ask questions about the content. Let the child develop mindfulness and memory. Pay attention to details and details. While reading dialogues, always change your voices. The child should detail all the characters. Also ask him to retell - let him use facial expressions and voice.

That the child spoke correctly

It is important to focus on correctly delivered speech. To begin with, exclude from your conversations the words-parasites and profanity. The kid, like a parrot, repeats everything for his parents. You are an object of imitation and adoration. Therefore, if you want the speech of the child to be correct, control first of all yourself and your manner of communication.

In the bookstores you can find very interesting publications in which poems are presented for the development of speech. They use speech therapists, when they are engaged with children who have a pronounced speech defect. Imitate the sounds and ask how this or that animal talks. Get pictures with images of different animals, show your baby, let him imitate their voices. Usually children like to play this game and after a while they bring their own picture cards. Each parent should conduct classes with the child for 2 years to develop the speech.

Coordination and hand mechanics

Touching is important for children. You probably noticed that at 1.5 years the child was carefully watching his handles. Now you need to learn how to control your limbs. Classes with a child of 2 years should include a game with fingers. Learn poems that will turn the activity into an interesting story. Let the kid bends and unbends the corresponding fingers, learn the game "Ladushki." With the help of such exercises, hand coordination develops. Touch yourself as often as possible to the hands of your child. For each child, such a physical contact with the parents is very important.

Why is it important to develop fine motor skills? Because when working with fingers, nervous impulses provoke the development of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the speech apparatus. Hence, fine motor skills are responsible for the development of the child's speech. In addition, this is a good preparation for future classes of writing.

Material for classes

Bring a variety of materials that differ by touch (a piece of fur, velvet paper, foil, a bag of beads, plastic, leather). Let the kid touch them and say what he feels. Classes with a child of 2 years with plasticine are very useful for motor skills. You need to start with modeling simple figures, let the children learn how to make a circle, square, triangle from plasticine. Then you can buy cut-out shapes. You roll a thin layer of plasticine, and the baby let him cut out different stencils. With each week, complicate the work, show that from such a material you can blind a lot.

Let him handle pencils, let the child learn to draw. Just immediately try to explain that Kalyaki Malyaki can be done only in a special album. First time do not leave children alone with pens and pencils, or you may expect unpleasant surprises. Show how to draw primitive objects, which consist of sticks and circles.

The kid must be careful

Come up with interesting activities with a child of 2 years for each day that will develop attention. It is very important that the baby does not differ absent-mindedly, otherwise it will be difficult to eradicate this quality over the years. In two years the child does only what interests him. At this age the kid can sharply throw one toy and start playing with the other. At the age of 2.5 years passive attention develops into an active one. Then it is important for parents not to miss the moment.

Start playing hide and seek. Put the toy in the kid's room and ask her to find it. Repeat this game several times, each time hiding the thing in a new place. You can stick figures around the room. For example, cut out mushrooms from a cardboard, think up a symbolic basket, and let the children collect a "harvest" throughout the apartment.

A game with shadows is suitable for more grown-up guys. This requires objects and their silhouettes. The child must compare and find the right shadows to the main pictures. The game "Build according to the drawing" develops well. To do this, take cubes and other details from which you can build different shapes. After that, draw a drawing of the future design on the paper, and let the child look at the drawing and build. All children just love these games. You will see what an excellent result gives lessons with the child. A two-year-old child needs to be engaged constantly.

In the future, the skill of switching attention from one to another is very useful. In order for this to work naturally, it is necessary to start classes from the very childhood. To do this, guess the moment when the kid is actively engaged in something. Then ask the question, and if the child starts to react to it, then the process has started. For example, when the baby is drawing, ask what he ate in the kindergarten. It is necessary that children can simultaneously do their own business and at the same time conduct conversations. This will greatly facilitate the adult life. You've probably come across people who do some business and not just can not talk, but they turn off the TV or radio. They are distracted by any rustle and background noise.

I want to remember everything!

What is memory? This is the ability to reflect past experiences. Since its birth, the baby perfectly produces reflexes, which are based on memory. At first the kid does not react at all to his parents, but then he starts smiling at the mother, who is associated with food. He just remembered that this woman is able to give milk. This is a primitive example, which is based on the first experience of the child's memory.

In 2-3 years involuntary memory is shown: the kid remembers some words and simple verses. Naturally, to remember them, you need to repeatedly say and show. For this, developmental activities for the child are needed. 2 years is a very important age. Use toys and picture cards, remember that the lessons should not last more than 30 minutes.

Consider a few simple games that will help develop memorization skills.

  1. Spread before the baby three any toys. Talk about each of them. Then ask the child to turn away and remove one character from behind. Let the child name who is missing in this triplet. Over time, increase the number of participants - the more subjects, the more difficult it is to remember them.
  2. Show your child a picture, after turn it over and ask to describe the painted action. To facilitate, you can ask leading questions, for example, "what color is the dress worn on the girl?", "What grows near the tree?" Ask to bring items from another room.
  3. Become accustomed to communication before bed. For example, read a fairy tale, and tomorrow afternoon, let the child himself tell the story he heard. Ask them to tell you what happened during the whole day with a small family member. Sing songs and tell poems. All this contributes to the development of the memory of your beloved child.

Thinking and perception in children 2-3 years old

A child at the age of two years chooses bright objects. From logical toys that carry information about form and size, choose only one subject. Today, play with the pyramid, on the base of which you need to put rings on the size. The next day, dedicate the house, on the roof of which are holes in the form of cubes. Fold together with the baby all the items. Demonstratively show that the round hole is not suitable for a square.

Organize classes with the child for 2 years, which will allow you to study the colors. First show cards of the same color and say clearly what color it is. After asking the baby to point to the card, when you call the name of the color. Then the task becomes more complicated: throw a bunch of toys of different colors and ask them to arrange them in different colors for different containers.

Good development of the logic of adding details. Exit the room and put on, for example, a scarf. Ask the child about what item was added to your image.

Cut the image into two parts and show that by connecting the parts, the image becomes complete. Then increase the number of cut pieces.

In fact, a lot of invented various toys that develop thinking and logic. Buy these items and pay attention to the game. Just so the child will understand how to play complex toys. Do not ignore the baby, always come to his rescue, if you notice that he can not figure out. Puzzles and a designer should be for every child. Ask to assemble a tower of the same color or put only yellow objects in the box. Classes with a child of 2 years with colored paper will also lead to the fact that the child will start to remember the colors. Always explain your actions and detail the request. For example, "bring a pink hare that sits near the horse", "give green shoes that we put on small legs." So it turns out to remember more words.

Come up with new developmental activities for the child. 2 years is an important period in the formation of thinking and logic. Every kid loves spending time with his parents, so pay as much attention to your child. Independent play leads to the fact that children grow up closed and taciturn. And it is very difficult for such children to adapt in a modern society.


Classes with a child of 2 years at home must be done daily. Read more and talk. Listen to a lot of fun children's songs, teach your baby to move to music. If you see that dancing is interesting to him, then do not ignore the talent and write the child in the appropriate circle. Only the development of the child depends on the parents. Classes allow not only to acquire skills, but also to reveal talents.

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