
"Chlorophyll NSP": composition, instructions and references

Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants, which carries out photosynthesis in their tissues. In the early twentieth century, scientists made an important discovery. It turned out that chlorophyll is similar in structure to the hemoglobin of human blood. To treat various diseases, healers have used this pigment since ancient times. Nowadays, on its basis, medicinal products can also be manufactured. For example, today in pharmacies you can buy BAD "Chlorophyll NSP".

General description of the preparation

Delivered to pharmacies is a tool in a liquid form in small bottles. Its main active substance is chlorophyllin, derived from alfalfa. Despite the fact that this means belongs to a group of dietary supplements, consumer reviews it deserved good. In the opinion of the majority of the people who receive it, it can not cause any harm to the body in any case. After all, in its composition except for natural chlorophyll is only menthol oil (for flavoring).

Actually, this plant pigment, among other things, contains vitamin K. This substance is responsible in the body for the synthesis of proteins that provide blood clotting. Also, this component is involved in the processes of interaction of calcium and vitamin D. The first substance, as is known, is responsible for the state of bones in the human body. Without vitamin D, a person can develop rickets.

Some protein structures in the lungs and heart without vitamin K can not even be synthesized. Among other things, this component of the drug also inhibits the formation of calcium oxalate crystals in the urine.

The use of chlorophyll

Of course, the useful properties of this pigment are determined not only by the presence of vitamin K. Actually, chlorophyll itself can have such beneficial effects on the human body as:

  • Relaxation of the immune function;

  • Prevention of pathological changes in DNA;

  • Suppression of vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms in wounds and intestines;

  • Inhibition of fungal development;

  • Enrichment of blood with oxygen;

  • Support healthy microflora in the intestine.

Also liquid "Chlorophyll NSP" participates in the synthesis of blood cells.

How is the effect of the drug

In patients taking this drug, often, for example, passes gum disease. Also, the drug "Chlorophyll NSP" is able to stop the development of caries. It is believed that it is very useful to take women who are nursing a child, if they have little milk. Among other things, "Chlorophyll NSP" is able to stimulate lactation.

Good reviews this tool has received and from people with excessive sweating. The use of "Chlorophyll NSP" is justified also in the presence of an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Some scientists believe that the active substance of this agent can stop the growth of cancer cells and counteract radiation damage. But there is no reliable official data on these facts.

Prevention of diseases

Of course, actually as a medicine "Chlorophyll NSP" is not used. Apply it usually only in conjunction with other drugs, as an additional, supporting component. It is also allowed to use this liquid and as a preventive agent.

People taking Chlorophyll NSP are less likely to get sick:

  • Angina;

  • Pyorrhea and tonsillitis;

  • Arthritis;

  • Gingivitis.

When using this tool, among other things, the risk of skin inflammation decreases. It is useful to drink this drug and people who have been taking synthetic medicines for a long time. It is believed that "Chlorophyll NSP" very well removes toxins from the body. Also, this drug is able to stimulate tissue repair. Thanks to the presence of vitamin K, "Chlorophyll NSP" is a good preventative against urolithiasis.

Developers of this drug are also recommended to take it to people who live in cities and spend little time in the sun. In this case, since the agent participates in the interaction of calcium and vitamin D (for which ultraviolet is needed), it will have a restorative effect on the body.

On the stomach of the patient this dietary supplement is very beneficial. It is in order to cure the gastrointestinal tract, it is often recommended by doctors. With heartburn, for example, judging by the opinions of patients, this tool does very well. Also, taking this medication can prevent the development of an ulcer of the intestine or stomach.

When is it taken internally?

For oral use, "Chlorophyll NSP" liquid, reviews of which there are only good, is usually prescribed for viral infections and the presence of inflammatory processes. Also inside it can be taken for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks. It is very useful, for example, to drink this medicine in the heat of the elderly, because it counteracts the thickening of the blood. In this regard, this drug can be useful to athletes. To prevent heart attacks and strokes, "Chlorophyll NSP" is usually used in combination with the "Colloidal minerals".

When used externally

As already mentioned, "Chlorophyll NSP" destroys pathogenic microorganisms in wounds. He can also repair tissues. That is, it is an excellent remedy for wound healing. It is recommended to use it also if, for example, a patient has bedsores.

A good solution will be the use of this dietary supplements for syringing. In this case, it can contribute, for example, to healing of uterine erosion.

Apply "Chlorophyll NSP" and for rinsing the mouth. Thus, it can be used for the prevention of angina, caries, inflammation of the gums. Some people instill this remedy in the nose. In this case, it contributes to the prevention of sinusitis and rhinitis.

Chlorophyll NSP: instructions for use

One of the unconditional advantages of this tool is, judging by the reviews, ease of use. Of course, before you start taking this drug, be sure to consult a therapist. There are no special contraindications to the use of the drug. However, the body of some people may be hypersensitive to it. In this case, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is not ruled out. The latter can manifest, for example, in the form of hives.

Inside for the prevention of this drug is usually taken by one teaspoon, diluted in 200 ml of water, twice a day. When using the drug as a supporting agent in the treatment of various kinds of diseases, its dose may be greater. However, in this case, the amount of funds necessary for the patient is determined by the doctor.

Instruction for the application of "Chlorophyll NSP" allows its reception not only with water, but also with food. It is this method recommended by the manufacturer on the bottle label.

Patients' comments about the medicine

The drug "Chlorophyll NSP" is a dietary supplement. Therefore, many people treat him with suspicion. However, those citizens who have ever received it, speak about it well. Some even call it a miracle product. Restores the weakened body, according to many consumers, it's just perfect. Also, according to many patients, this drug is able to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Many people take this drug for poisoning. It is believed that in this case it also helps very well. "Chlorophyll NSP" has also received good reviews for fighting against various kinds of infections. You can use this tool to remove and the heaviness in the stomach from overeating.

The taste of this drug, according to many people, is very pleasant. He does not like only those consumers who do not like mint. Many people take this remedy with the whole family. Children "Chlorophyll NSP" is not contraindicated. The same goes for pregnant women.

The drawbacks of this drug are generally attributed only to its high cost. The price per bottle of the product is 475 ml more than 1000 rubles. However, this amount of the drug is usually enough for a long time. Also, when you receive "NSP Chlorophyll" liquid, the instruction for which is basically simple, many people advise you to be more careful and not to spill it. Spots from this drug, for example, on clothes to wash very difficult.

Who produces

( NSP). Produces this dietary supplement, the American company Nature's Sunshine Products ( NSP). In addition to the production of biologically active additives, this manufacturer also produces household goods and cosmetics. Like many other network companies, NSP has a developed dealer network. Therefore, you can buy the drug "Chlorophyll NSP" not only in pharmacies, but also from representatives of the company. Confidence of consumers, the company NSP has earned about the same as all well-known "Oriflame" and Avon. On the market, it exists since the 90s of last century. That is, to firms-one-day does not apply.

Among other things, NSP also produces its own colorful magazine. In it, of course, there is a catalog of products offered.

How to store the medicine

To the sunlight the active substance "Chlorophyll NSP" is insensitive. However, you need to store it, of course, like any other drugs, in a dry, cool enough place. Also, be sure to ensure that it does not reach home animals or children. Shelf life of this drug is 2 years. Take an overdue product is not allowed.

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