
Cancer squamous cell carcinoma: prognosis, treatment

According to statistics, cervical neoplasia (CIN), that is, cancer, takes a leading place in the structure of cancer. Most often, the degeneration of normal tissue into a tumor is observed on the cervix. This is due to the peculiarities of the epithelium. In view of the fact that squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is a common form of cancer, early diagnosis is carried out. With the advent of special screening programs, you can find out not only about the initial stages of the tumor, but also about the conditions preceding atypia. Early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer can save a lot of women. Therefore, the prognosis of pathology today is less deplorable.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix - what is it?

Cervical cancer is considered a topical topic not only for doctors, but for every woman. Since the active prophylaxis of this disease and its diagnosis began, it became known about the huge scale of this pathology. The most common is squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. This type of tumor is known for the fact that atypical elements appear from the immature multilayered epithelium that lines the ectocervix. In other words, this type of cancer is located in the place where the cervix passes into the vagina.

In the modern world, this disease belongs to one of the most common oncological pathologies. The incidence of ectocervical cancer is 15 people per 100 thousand of the population. Despite the annual increase in mortality from this pathology, the prognosis of the disease tends to improve. If the squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix was diagnosed only at the last stages, now the treatment is started from the moment predisposing factors are detected.

Like all oncogynecologic diseases, cervical neoplasia for a long time has no clinical manifestations. Therefore it is important to pay attention to the slightest changes occurring in the body, as well as to periodically visit a gynecologist.

Causes of cervical cancer

The appearance of squamous cell neoplasia is associated with various etiological factors. First of all, this concerns violations of the endocrine system. It is believed that there is a direct dependence between oncogynecologic pathologies and the hormonal state of the female body. Often, when cervical cancer is detected, estrogen levels increase. These hormones are formed in the ovaries. The increase or decrease in their level is controlled by the hypothalamus. Given the relationship of the disease with endocrine disorders, the following causes of cervical cancer are known:

  1. Prolonged reception of contraceptives. Most contraceptives have estrogens in their composition. Therefore, when using COC it is necessary from time to time to consult a doctor to determine the level of hormones.
  2. Treatment with Tamoxifen and its analogs. This drug is used in the treatment of breast cancer. Nevertheless, the drug should be used with extreme caution, since it is also hormonal.
  3. Obesity and thyroid disease (hypothyroidism). These conditions also contribute to an increase in estrogen levels and the development of cervical cancer.

In addition, there are other predisposing factors. Among them: chronic sexual infections, abortions, a large number of pregnancies and childbirth, as well as their complete absence. Also squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix mainly occurs against the background of such pathologies as polyps, erosion, leuko- and erythroplakia, dysplasia. Recently, the disease is associated with papillomavirus types 16 and 18. Scientists came to this conclusion, since this pathogen is found in almost all patients suffering from cervical neoplasia.

Types of squamous cell carcinoma

Given the nature of the epithelial cells that undergo atypia, several types of cervical neoplasia are distinguished:

  1. Adenocarcinoma. This type is less common than others.
  2. Squamous keratinizing cancer of the cervix. Characterized by the formation of keratin granules on the surface of the epithelium. The diagnostic sign of this disease is considered to be the "pearls of cancer". In the smear, various cells with irregular edges are found in appearance and size.
  3. Low-differentiated tumor. It is impossible to establish which cellular elements were subjected to atypia. This option is the most unfavorable.
  4. Squamous nonkeratinized cervical cancer. Characterized by the absence of keratin. In the smear, large oval corpuscles containing the eosinophilic cytoplasm are visible.

Degrees of cervical neoplasia

If a neoplasia (CIN) is detected, it is necessary to conduct a survey and find out the degree of its spread. Considering the development of atypical cells, 4 stages of the disease are distinguished. Division by degree allows you to select an appropriate treatment and determine the prognosis. 0 stage indicates non-invasive cancer, that is, atypical cells are present on the surface of the epithelium, but have not penetrated the thickness of the cervical tissue. The first degree - the tumor sprouted a few mm deep. This implies that invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix has developed, extending beyond the body. In the second stage, neoplasia extends to the parameter or upper part of the vagina. The third degree is characterized by the appearance of cancer elements on the walls of the small pelvis. Also, the lower part of the vagina, the regional lymph nodes, is affected. In 4 stages the tumor passes to the bladder or intestine. Appear distant metastases.

Clinical picture of cervical cancer

It is difficult to suspect CIN, since it has practically no characteristic features. Initially, the cancer is not manifested or has symptoms such as a menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, clear discharge from the vagina. A characteristic feature is contact bleeding, that is, appearing during sexual intercourse. A later symptom is swelling of the lower extremities, subfebrile temperature. At the last stage, weight loss, weakness, decreased appetite and enlarged lymph nodes in the groin are noted.

Diagnosis of squamous cell cervical cancer

The detection of squamous cell carcinoma is carried out both with the appearance of complaints and as a screening. It consists in a special analysis, which takes a swab from the vagina and cervix (PAP-test). Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine not only cancer, but also dysplasia - small changes in cellular composition. If the result is doubtful, colposcopy with acetic acid and iodine is used (to determine suspicious areas of the epithelium). If the suspicion of cancer remains, a biopsy of the cervix is needed. Another study is an analysis of the definition of HPV.

Treatment of cervical cancer

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix includes surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The scope of surgical intervention depends on the stage, as well as the age of the patient. With non-invasive neoplasia or 1 degree, the uterus is extirpated, leaving the ovaries. This operation is indicated for patients who are capable of conceiving. If the patient is in the climacteric period, then a hysterectomy, removal of appendages and a large omentum is performed . This amount of surgery is needed because there is a risk of metastasis or relapse of the tumor. Also, patients are shown hormone therapy. At the last stage, only symptomatic treatment is performed .

Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: a disease prognosis

Despite the high mortality, a cure is possible. This applies to patients with neoplasia, identified in the initial stages. The five-year survival rate after treatment is on average about 55%. The indicator changes in connection with the stage of the tumor process (at 1 degree is 78%, at 4 - 7.8%).

Preventive measures to avoid cancer

The main preventive measure is a visit to the gynecologist at least once a year. It is also important to treat sexual infections in time, do not use combined oral contraceptives for more than 5 years, periodically determine the level of hormones. In the presence of predisposing factors (erosion of the cervix, polyp, leukoplakia) it is necessary to undergo colposcopy. In the future, the doctor will decide on the treatment of background diseases. In recent years, specific prevention of cervical cancer has been developed - vaccination aimed at HPV types 16 and 18. It is performed during adolescence. Before vaccination, consult a doctor.

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