
Boar is what? With what do they wear a boa and how to make it with their own hands?

Furs and products from them have always been considered luxuries and prosperity. At all times, a woman wrapped in a fur coat or mantle, in most cases was ranked by the public to representatives of the upper strata of the population, who have high incomes and noble origins.

Today, various fur accessories are again at the peak of popularity. Firstly, they perfectly fulfill their basic purpose - they warm in the cold, and, secondly, give the female image a charm and presentable. Today one of the most exquisite fur products is a boa, without which there is not a wardrobe for any fashionable woman.

What is a boa?

This accessory is a kind of cloak in the form of a scarf or stole, which, as a rule, is worn on the shoulders. However, there are also shortened models that are wrapped around the neck in the form of a yoke.

Boa is a fur product, which is either stitched from pieces, or made from a whole hide of the beast. Recently, knitted from strips of fur or fur yarn of boa has become common.

Where did the boa come from?

If you start from the very beginning, you can remember that the furs were the first clothes of primitive people. Of course, at that time nobody knew the word "boa", but the fact remains - the habit of warming the skins of animals caught at hunting came to us precisely from ancient times.

In fact, the boa (photo of the very first models can be seen below) began to manifest itself as a separate accessory even in the Renaissance. Then they were worn by both men and women, but only from the class of the nobility.

In general, the word "boa" is a French term derived from "gorge" and translated into Russian meaning "neck" or "throat". However, the French themselves are more inclined to call these fur accessories "boa".

The beginning of the XIX century was a period of active introduction into the secular fashion of fur gourds. This happened with the filing of Parisians, known all their love for bohemian and aristocratic things. At the same time on young girls such an accessory was not to be found - the boa from the fur of valuable breeds of animals (ermine, sable, Arctic fox) was considered the prerogative of exclusively adult married ladies.

Products were decorated with beads, crystals, pearls. Most of the models were a fully dressed skin with a tail, head and paws. Even teeth and claws were left, but the eyes were replaced with valuable stones. Such boas were fabulously expensive, and in some families they were even passed from grandmothers to daughters and granddaughters or even kept as a relic.

In Russia, boas on the streets more or less often could be found in the 1920s. They began to sew from different furs of slightly less value and to wear instead of a collar on a coat. However, not everyone could afford this accessory anyway.

In the post-war period, the boas have been for a long time forgotten. No, they did not stop wearing them, but they became something like some kind of archaism, a relic of the past, pre-revolutionary times. And only in the early 2000's. On the world's catwalks, the familiar accessories appeared again. Now the boa is a real hit, equal to the classics.

What are the boas made of?

As already mentioned, a typical boa is made of fur. For these purposes, fox, mink, chinchilla, raccoon, fox, sable, rabbit fox are suitable. Also in shops you can often find products made of artificial fur, not unlike the present. The down and feather boas are quite original. The raw material for them is the swan-down or down of the marabou.

For the decoration of the accessory can serve anything: lace, ribbons, silk, brooches, pom-poms, brushes. And the variety of shades and can at all put in a blind alley: modern methods of painting fur allow to receive practically all spectrum - from warm up to cold colors.

The modern boa, the photo presented in this article, today is a completely self-sufficient accessory that does not require an addition and at the same time is able to transform any outfit.

With what to wear boa?

Everyone knows that fashion is capricious and unusually changeable. Therefore, if before the boas were worn exclusively with elegant clothes and outer clothing, now these accessories can be combined with everyday things.

Wedding and long evening toilets, supplemented by a boa is a classic. If in a wardrobe a woman has only classic dresses strictly cut, then it is also appropriate to add a fur scarf, instantly turning into a festive and elegant outfit.

A boa is a universal attribute now, equally suitable for both a classic coat, a down jacket, and a jacket. The main thing that in furnish of outer clothing there was no fur, homogeneous with a boa or not - it does not matter.

This accessory can be complemented with knitted cardigans, dresses, sweaters, tunics. Jeans, pants, skirts are also not excluded. In no case can not wear a boa, along with sportswear and shoes.

As for jewelry and jewelry, they are acceptable in festive and evening combinations. On a weekday in the office, pearl beads or even a gold chain, along with a fur stole, will look too pretentious.

It is desirable that the fur contrasts with the color of the hair. However, this does not prohibit at the same time to choose a boa in the tone of clothes.

How to make a boa alone?

If the house has unclaimed fur or a skin, then there is nothing easier than to sew a stylish accessory yourself. Boa made with their own hands, can also serve as a wonderful birthday gift for a relative or beloved friend. In addition to fur, it will also require a lining fabric and threads to tone, needles and scissors.

Cut out a rectangular strip from the skin or sew pieces of fur together. By the size of the boa, cut off the lining fabric, leaving the allowances on the seams. Fold the lining and fur with faces to each other and sew, leaving an open area at one end. Turn out the boa and sew the rest of it with a hidden seam. The accessory is ready. At will, you can add ribbons for fastening or fastening to it.

Care for boa

A boa is a piece of delicate material that requires the same attention as all fur items. Dry it should be in a straightened form at room temperature, cleaned - in dry cleaning, and stored - in a special bag in a cool dark place. If the fur is stuck, it should be sprinkled with water, shaken and let dry.

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