
Beautiful boleros: crochet such a miracle under the power of each!

Bolero is a special piece of clothing. They can be so diverse that they wear with an evening gown, and with jeans, and with a club dress. At the same time, it is not difficult to tie a bolero with a hook . We can say that from adult clothing is the simplest thing, suitable for beginner needlewomen.

If you want to implement this plan, then first determine what will be your bolero. Crochet it can be tight or openwork, with or without sleeves. Someone makes it one detail, someone "collects" from independent elements.

How to tie a bolero with one piece?

This method is good for the absence of seams on the finished product. Begins knitting from the chain of air loops so long that it loosely wraps around the neck plus 10 cm. This will be the top of the bolero, then knitting moves on down. The point is that, using different patterns, to expand a thing in a circle, at first it is strong (2 loops in each second loop of the previous row), and after the armholes are designated, already by the figure. The thing will turn out free, flying. In this style are good "pineapple" motifs.

There is also another version of the execution of the whole bolero - a completely loosened circle, like a napkin, in the upper half of which are left slits for the hands. Although in the unfolded form of this model and looks strange, in the figure it looks great. The smaller part turns into a wide turndown collar, and the larger becomes the rest of the product.

How to bind the bolero from the elements?

This can be done in two ways. The first - to connect the same (or slightly differing among themselves) parts and to cement them in the same way, is the easiest to sew. The second is to carry out different motifs (flowers and leaves, fish and bubbles, etc.) and connect them with specially strung cords or simply chains of air loops into a finished work. To make it beautiful and tidy, you can cut out a colored paper of contrasting color (or at least from old wallpaper) a bolero pattern. Elements should be arranged on it in the right order, fastened with pins to the base, and then set to the connection.

How to crochet a lace bolero?

If you like the identity of ribbon lace, then you can perform bolero and out of it. To do this, create the necessary amount of raw material, and then in a pattern sewn into the whole product. Lace can be started both vertically and horizontally, it depends on your preferences.

What else can you hook a bolero with?

If you want something interesting and unusual, you can use for knitting not yarn, but less traditional materials. For example, there is a whole direction, the adherents of which create from ordinary polyethylene bags. Umelitsy create from this packaging not only small items, but also whole wedding dresses. Some knit from shreds of fabric, strips of fur and even from film from audio cassettes. There would be a desire.

If the family is growing up a young woman of fashion, then you can link your first bolero for her. Children's things, first, are faster created, secondly, they are less yarn, and thirdly, small flaws are not so noticeable on small items. In the extreme case, you can attach a decorative flower to the place where you lost the pattern. That laconicism, which is needed in adult clothing, is not required for children's outfits.

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