
Awesome Kosiv. Sightseeing and history

Ukrainian Carpathians is a place that will give an unforgettable vacation. Prykarpattya also has a special color - a land surrounded by legends. Here the air is pure, weightless, filled with the intoxicating aroma of herbs, generously caressed by the sun. In this paradise corner of the planet is a small town Kosiv, whose attractions are very diverse.

Near such famous tourist centers as Kolomiya and Sheshory, there are many places worthy of your attention. The city of Kosiv is a district center, which is located on both banks of the Rybnitsa River. It has long played an important role in the life of the Hutsul region, because it lies at the intersection of the main trade routes leading to Galicia and Podillia. And today it is considered the unofficial capital of Carpathian souvenirs. A large souvenir market is open every Saturday, and it opens at three o'clock in the morning. Almost at every step here are small and large benches, in which hospitably invites tourists Kosov. The sights of the city are very diverse, so it's better to see them for a few days.

Goods and handicrafts sold in Kosovo are made by folk craftsmen in the city or its environs. During the Austro-Hungarian period, carpet weaving, arts and crafts flourished here . In the Soviet period, the city acquired the status of a resort. Thousands of vacationers come here to improve their health at recreation centers and private boarding houses.

Kosiv, whose map is literally full of interesting places to visit, the city is ancient. It was first mentioned in documents in 1424 as a village. In the sixteenth century, salt was found here, so Kosov turned into a small town. The salt bath was closed in the middle of the twentieth century. Repeatedly the city was attacked by Turks and Tatars, as well as militant neighbors, but, like the fairy bird Phoenix, again revived in its beauty and grandeur.

Kosiv, whose sights are worth your attention, were inhabited by different peoples. Ukrainians, Poles, Austrians and, of course, the Jews left their mark in the city. An important historical and cultural monument is an ancient cemetery-kircut, where each tombstone can be considered a work of art. The wooden Orthodox Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, built in Hutsul style in 1912, remembers the patriarch of the UOC-KP Vladimir. Near it there is a cemetery with dark but interesting crypts and tombstones. Local residents will show you a place where there used to be another wooden church (built in 1895) that burned down in 2009. Reconstructed, it is in many respects different from its predecessor. In addition, in the city there are also two churches with an original design.

Small tourists also dream of visiting Kosiv. Its sights are not only sacred constructions, amazing nature and souvenirs. It is also home to the residence of St. Nicholas, who on December 19 each obedient child brings gifts and leaves them under a pillow. Everyone can come here to talk with a saint, tell him about his wants, ask him to fulfill his cherished dream.

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