Self improvementPsychology

Auditory and visual memory

In addition to intellectual, perceptual cognitive processes, there are also mnemonic processes . They are components of human cognitive activity, closely related to its perceptual processes, intellectual activity. Emerging images of memory are called representations.

Interpretation of the concept of memory

It is known that this is a process of preserving a previously acquired experience, it is he who makes it possible to reuse the latter in action, as well as return to the realm of consciousness. It connects the past of the individual with his present, as well as the future. Memory is the most important cognitive function, which is the basis for further learning and development.

Past experience consists of renewing images of individually taken objects, processes that were perceived in the past, previously learned movements, actions, feelings, desires, and thoughts that once arose.

Basic memory processes

These include:

  • Memorization;
  • recognition;
  • Reproduction.

Passing directly into the brain from both internal and external stimuli of all kinds of excitement leave the so-called swept away in it, persisting for many years. Speaking figuratively, it can be imagined that in the cortex of the hemispheres paths for the previously mentioned excitations are piercing, in view of which, subsequently, the neural connections appear faster and easier. The latter are preserved, and then come to life in the case of a repetition of excitations, or die out, if they do not repeat, and then the "doubled" is forgotten. Thus, the process of formation, preservation of temporary connections is the physiological foundation of memory.

The mechanism of the phenomenon under consideration

Information that comes from sensory organs is processed by sensory memory, which ensures its retention for a short enough period of time (usually less than a minute).

Depending on the type of stimulus, the latter may be:

  • Echoic (connection with hearing);
  • Iconic (connection with vision), etc.

Psychologists are suggesting that it is in sensory memory that physical signs of incoming information are fixed. In other words, at this stage, a distinction is made between memorization - eyes or nose.

Immediately after the completion of the receipt of any information, a process begins, such as forgetting.

Types of memory

There are a number of criteria for their classification, one of which is its division by the time of preservation of the received material, and the other by the analyzer prevailing in the previously mentioned processes of memorization, reproduction, preservation of the material.

So, in the 1st case it is customary to allocate several types of memory:

  • Operational;
  • Instantaneous;
  • Genetic;
  • Short-term;
  • Long-term.

And in the second case we are talking about the visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile and other types of memory. Now we learn more about what auditory and visual memory is.

The first is regarded as a good memorization, a fairly accurate reproduction of various kinds of sounds, for example, musical, speech. Auditory memory is necessary for philologists, acousticians, musicians, and also for people who study foreign languages.

The visual memory is connected first with the preservation, and then with the reproduction of the received visual images. Quite often, this species is inherent in people who have eidetic perception, such individuals are able to "see" the captured picture for a long time interval already in the imagination after the end of the impact on the corresponding sense organs. Based on this, the type of memory in question implies the ability to imagine the subject.

So, after we learned what auditory and visual memory is, it will be worthwhile to pay attention to the issues concerning the possibility of their development. For this purpose it is necessary to address to special techniques.

Development of visual memory

Certainly, everyone at least once faced with such a situation, when someone from the environment easily remembered the new detailed information. Most people have short-term visual memory. It determines the ability to memorize visual information, deepen understanding in the presence of certain visual materials.

To date, there are techniques that help improve memory. One of the most common ways is training imagination, development of creative thinking, the use of associations. For example, if you need to memorize multivalued numbers you need to represent them in such a way as plants, animals, inanimate objects. So, a unit can be a roadside post, a two is a swan, a six is a padlock (open), a eight is a matryoshka doll, etc. If it becomes difficult to imagine the whole picture at once, you can try to sketch out a sketch.

Development of auditory memory

As it became clear, auditory and visual memory can be amenable to training. We have already considered how to improve visual memory, now we learn how to train the auditory. This kind of memory plays an important role for memorizing a new word, songs, poems. Effective exercise for development in this case - "Listen and remember". For example, if this is a child, after listening to a short tale ("Repki"), he should repeat it in the exact sequence.

A simplified form of the task is suitable for smaller children: the names of several pair items (shoes-laces, a plate-spoon, etc.) are sounded. The development of hearing aids is facilitated by the sound of simple objects. It will be useful to buy for the child toy musical instruments. You can also demonstrate different sounds, after which the child will have to guess the instrument.

Thus, it can be safely said that auditory and visual memory is amenable to training, especially in early childhood. To date, there are many methods, it remains only to choose the right one.

Finally it is worth recalling that the article considered such concepts as visual and auditory memory. A detailed description of the memory processes.

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