
Audio devices are missing, what should I do?

Every user should know how to cope with these or other computer problems. Especially if the problems concern the main components: I / O devices, the Internet and sound. What if there are no audio devices on the computer? What can cause this phenomenon? How should the user behave in order to cope with the problem? There are many options for the development of events. Therefore, you should either immediately turn to professionals in the service centers, or by yourself, by looking through possible situations, to understand what is the matter.


This scenario is most often encountered. Are there no audio devices on the computer? Windows XP or any other operating system - it's not so important what kind of person it is. After all, the problem does not depend on this.

Why? It's all about the drivers. This software is installed on all existing operating systems so that the computer sees the connected audio playback device. If they are not (or they are obsolete), then audio devices will either malfunction, or even refuse to perform their functions.

Therefore, if there are problems with sound, first of all it is recommended to reinstall or update the drivers. Maybe that's where the problem lies.

No connection

But it also happens that even after the software is reinstalled, there are no audio devices. Hence, the problem is not at all in this. What other reasons can cause the problem to be investigated?

For example, if the audio playback device is not available in principle. Most often this point is related to stationary computers. In other words, when the speakers are not connected to the PC. In this situation, the operating system even after installing or updating the drivers will show that the audio component is not found.

How to be? It's very simple: the intended sound playback device must be connected to the computer. And if drivers have not been installed before, put them. If there is a connection, but the problem has not been resolved, we will have to look for another reason for this phenomenon.

Lack of Windows Audio

Are there no audio devices on the computer? Windows XP, like other operating systems, sometimes sins this problem. It's time not to panic and check whether the service responsible for the sound in the operating system is initially connected. If it is off, even if the speakers or headphones are properly connected, the sound will not be played.

Not the most frequent phenomenon, but it makes users seriously think. After all, usually on the disabled function of Windows Audio, few people pay attention. About it is simply forgotten.

How can I check if the "Windows Audio" option is enabled? To do this, go to "Control Panel" - "Administration" - "Services". In this window, you will need to find the function being studied. Now click on "Actions" - "Properties". In the opened window in the "Local computer" tab, in the "Startup type" parameter, you need to set the pointer to "Auto" and save the changes. This algorithm works for Windows XP. It is in this operating system that "Windsons Audio" is disconnected most often for some reason or another. Everything is ready, but the OS writes "Audio devices are missing"?


It may also be that this problem occurs due to a malfunction of the sound card or speakers (headphones). This case is not so easy to detect. Especially when it comes to computer hardware.

If a faulty equipment is detected, it must be replaced. After this, installation of drivers for connected audio playback devices is carried out. And if the reason for the error is precisely the malfunction of any of the components, the problem will disappear.


There are no audio devices on the computer (XP, "Seven" or any other operating system can give you such a trouble), but all equipment is in good order? The following alignment, which is by no means the rarest, is the infection of the operating system.

Viruses are the main enemies of the computer's efficiency. And they can lead to unforeseen situations. For example, disable I / O devices. Or even block the sound. Fortunately, not so often this happens. But such cases can not be called rare.

Therefore, if there is no sound on the computer or it disappeared sharply, it is recommended to check the operating system for viruses. Computer treatment, as well as removal of all potentially dangerous files will help to cope with the problem.

After cleaning and treatment it will be necessary to reboot the operating system. Then the service "Windows Audio" is checked. And if everything is in order, the sound is turned on. It should appear.


No audio devices? No sound on the computer? Maybe it's all about the connectors and the equipment connection sockets. The thing is that if it's not about the built-in audio playback device, then most likely the connection socket of the component is damaged. Particularly high probability of this phenomenon on old computers.

It is recommended to take a closer look at the jack to which the speakers or headphones are connected. And try to attach the audio playback component to the other connector. Next, you need to update the drivers. You can check the result. If the problem lies in the damaged connectors, then after reconnecting the speakers to another socket, it disappears.


Are there no audio devices on the computer? If it is a question of new operating systems, it is likely that the problem may be in the incompatibility of the connected device. On the built-in components this also occurs, but much less often.

Now even the speakers and headphones have so-called minimum system requirements. The computer to which the components are connected must match the requests. Otherwise, you can not make the device work.

Particular attention should be paid to the operating system. Often, owners of older audio devices complain that they do not have sound on Windows 10. This is normal. This OS has many incompatible devices. And the old components with it will not work. It is recommended that you purchase a new sound playback device, or reinstall the operating system.

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