Sports and FitnessBasketball

Attitude Toward a Game

Basketball is one of the most popular sports games in the world. This is a game that is well developed on both sides of the ocean. But if by the level of the game the difference between America and Europe is not very big, then in relation to the game, the popularity of this sport and the entertainment of basketball, the NBA and European championships vary widely.

None of the European leagues play basketball players, which could be put on a par with the superstars of the NBA (and if they do, then after a while they will still be out of the ocean). In Europe, in most leagues only 2-3 clubs compete for the championship, because the difference between leaders and middle peasants is big, not to mention outsiders. All this makes the championships not very interesting and for the season only 10-15 matches are really spectacular.

The only interesting tournament in the "Old World", in my opinion, is the Euroleague, an analogue of the football Champions League. Euroleague - a tournament where the best teams of European countries play and where the level of clubs is high enough, respectively, matches are obtained at the height of the fight more meaningful. But all the same, even the tournament of the best teams in Europe does not reach the entertainment level of the NBA.

In the USA, in a country where people are accustomed to doing a show even in simple situations, basketball is not only regarded as a game, but also as a show. And the concept of "show" sits in the heads of not only the organizers of the tournament, but also in the minds of the players themselves. Regarding the game with full responsibility, they still do not forget about the existence of fans: tricks, whenever possible, pound the ball into the ring from above, etc. In this, it seems to me, the main difference between the NBA and Europe.

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