
Antiseptic for wood: customer reviews. How to choose an antiseptic for wood, which is better?

Until now, the interest in wooden housing has not weakened, even with the modern diversity and abundance of new materials. Most developers choose in favor of such dwellings. If you ask why, then everything is simple. In a wooden house, a person feels himself as comfortable as possible. A tree is a natural material, familiar to people. However, its use involves a considerable number of problems, which at the moment are easily and quickly solved through modern technologies.

Wood and its properties

Since it is a matter of natural material, it is clear that it is prone to processes inherent in all other similar substances. It is possible to prolong the life of structures, using for these tasks a special tool - antiseptic for wood. Reviews of each specific brand will make the right choice. However, it is worth considering the compositions of the most popular products designed to protect wooden structures from destructive factors.

What are we dealing with?

Wood, like all living things, is prone to destruction by fungi, bacteria, mold, all kinds of pests and other things. Man has long been trying to extend the life of this material, protecting it as much as possible from all sorts of misfortunes, and also from the flame. But even now one can not say that a universal solution to this problem has been found. Over the years, people have only managed to work out some specific measures that can reduce the harmful effects of various factors to a minimum. This is mainly about a substance such as an antiseptic for wood. Reviews about it speak about high enough efficiency.

Understand in terms

By "antiseptic" or "impregnation" it is customary to understand the process of applying a special protective agent to the top layer of wood that can hinder the development of biological destroyers. There are various antiseptics for wood. Reviews of each of them indicate that in certain situations, the use of specific substances is required. Antiseptics are focused on protection from decay, insecticides are designed to kill insects, and disinfectants enhance biosecurity. Antiseptic-fire retardant for wood can protect it from burning.

Modern protective equipment can be of two types. The first group contains antiseptics, which consist of a solution of salts, fungicides, algicides or these substances in the complex. These drugs are very toxic, and they are prone to leaching and evaporation. That is why, after processing, they necessarily require an insulating coating. Another type of means is due to the formation of a protective film. When using them, there is no need to use additional insulation.

Processing process

So, if you chose an antiseptic for a tree, the reviews you liked best, then you should know how it can be done. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

- application by roller or brush;

- application of sprayers;

- the procedure for immersing the material in an antiseptic solution using or without heating.

Antiseptics: a way to protect against fungus and light

If the walls of the tree begin to rot, lose their former appearance or become covered with dark spots, it means that they were affected by the fungus. At the moment, many species of these parasites are known, but wood-destroying and staining are the most common. The latter can be considered almost safe, the worst thing that they carry - raids and darkening. From their appearance only the appearance suffers. And this is the first sign that soon enough material will be subject to more harmful effects: the appearance of fungi, leading to the destruction of wood.

The most damaging is the house sponge. This parasite most often settles on coniferous wood, although it can quite safely develop on other wood species. The structure of the material is destroyed because of the enzymes released by fungi to convert it into nutrients. The appearance of parasites usually begins in conditions of high humidity, coupled with a comfortable temperature - up to 45 degrees Celsius.

It is important to understand that wood is damaged not only by fungi, but also by direct sunlight, since under the influence of ultraviolet there is discoloration and loss of mechanical strength.

Wood processing antiseptic allows to solve these problems. It is worth choosing not only an effective solution, but also convenient in work in each specific case. Household antiseptic for wood, the reviews are impressive, easily applied by brush or roller or with a conventional spray gun. It is necessary to understand that there are also such substances, the processing of which can be made solely by immersion in a solution, and it must be heated. Such a procedure is not always convenient. In general, it is necessary to read the text on the label, because everything is indicated there.

Features of different substances

It is impossible to say exactly which antiseptics for wood are better, because each of them was designed to solve specific problems. If the composition is not aimed at the decorative effect, then it must necessarily be compatible with the traditional paint materials. This is especially important if you want to process the facade of the building with an antiseptic. Without a layer of paint or varnish, under the influence of external factors, the protection will quickly lose its properties.

Although there are among antiseptics and those that are themselves distinguished by the presence of protective and decorative properties - these are compounds that are resistant to weathering, not weathering and not washed by rain.

Multifunctional compositions

A remedy that is safe for humans and animals is usually not characterized by any sharp smell. Multifunctional antiseptics, flame retardants and other protective compounds can be produced not only in the form of independent substances, but also in the form of gels, varnishes and paints. Such coatings have at once a number of functions: protection from fire or fungi, blocking the penetration of moisture.

There are also complex combined formulations designed to protect against rotting, burning and exposure to UV rays. If the antiseptic is selected correctly, the tree becomes durable and durable, which allows to optimize the construction, as well as to maintain the structure in proper condition.

Preparatory work

Protective-decorative coating should be applied on a uniform surface. Otherwise, the flow at different sites may be very different, which can cause a different color saturation. Before starting work, the wood should be cleaned of dirt and dust, which will ensure a deeper penetration of the composition.

Antiseptic for wood "Senezh", reviews about which speak about its excellent qualities, it is possible to put and on damp wood. It should be noted that the higher the initial moisture content of the rock, the less it can absorb a toning agent and the longer the coating will dry. It is for this reason that it is worthwhile to finish the finish with dry wood or dried in natural conditions.

Application of the formulation

It is necessary to apply protective composition in several layers. If you use the antiseptic for wood "Neomid", about which you liked the reviews , it is worth noting that with each successive layer the surface will acquire an increasingly saturated shade. This is also true in the case of using any other substance. The texture of the wood will be shaded, and a light gloss will appear.

If it is necessary to obtain a less saturated shade, apply the first layer of the decorative coating of the color of interest, and then use a colorless substance. The result is a silky-glossy surface that has a less saturated shade.

Wood processing antiseptic can be made under certain weather conditions. There should be no sunshine, because due to rapid drying, the depth of penetration will be limited, which will shorten the life of the product. In rainy weather, all paint work must be stopped. If drops of rain fell on the freshly dyed surface, which led to the formation of divorces, then they must be carefully rubbed with a brush until it disappears. Now you know how to use an antiseptic for wood, the reviews you liked the most.

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