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Animals of the taiga: issues of ecology

Taiga is the largest forest massif on the territory of Russia. Relict forests preserve the memory of the times when mankind was just emerging, and the animal world of the taiga attracts with its wealth. A man has a destructive effect on the life of the taiga. The situation does not save even the presence of nature protection zones. All these aspects are covered in the article.

Fauna of the Siberian taiga

In the taiga there are animals that are peculiar only to these coniferous forests. So, here live moose, speakers, caresses, ermines, chipmunks. In addition, the animals of the taiga are hare-hares, lynxes, brown bears, flying squirrels, musk deer. For the taiga forests typical wood grouses, hawks, ovens , nutcracker-eloviki, Ural owls, owl owls, bullfrogs and three-fingered woodpeckers. From reptiles you can find a viviparous lizard, an ordinary viper and a shield-scythe

Due to difficult natural conditions, taiga animals have acquired features that help them survive. So, in winter, the black grouse and the white hare are looking for shelter in the snow with the onset of the night. In addition, many animals that live in the taiga have thick wool. Hunters from time immemorial hunted fur in the forests, while mercilessly exterminating them.

Of large ungulates in the taiga, moose are found. Eating pine needles and bark of trees, they excellently feel themselves in marshy places, where, thanks to specially arranged hoofs, they can move without fear of drowning. The smallest of the hoofed animals of the taiga is musk deer, which belongs to deer. Rogov does not have, in males musk deer on the belly has a bag containing musk - a substance used in perfumery.

As already mentioned above, taiga animals are unique owners of valuable fur. These include sables, speakers. Sable loves to settle in the most difficult parts for the man and the deaf parts of the forest. In contrast, the columns are common in the taiga everywhere. In Altai and in southeastern Siberia the most numerous population of these animals lives. The column is a predator, it eats eggs of birds and small rodents. In Siberia, inhabits the only species of wild cats - lynx. She perfectly moves through the trees and hunts rodents, rarely large animals.

Reserves of Siberia

In order to preserve natural objects, flora and fauna, protected areas are created, which are completely removed from circulation and the ecosystem is preserved in its original form. Siberia - the vast territory of the Russian Federation, occupying more than half of its area, has several of its protected areas. For example, in Western Siberia, the reserves of Malaya Sosva, Verkhne-Tazovsky, Gydansky, Yuganskiy are known. The largest reserves in Russia include the Altai Reserve, which is located in the Altai Republic. Part of the protected zone is located on low mountains, overgrown with coniferous trees. Therefore among the inhabitants of the reserve there are animal taiga; So on its territory there are wolverines, moose, sable, roe deer, brown bears.

Ecological problems of taiga

The current state of the fauna of the taiga causes serious concerns. There are several factors that have a negative impact on the ecosystem of taiga forests. Due to uncontrolled deforestation , the number of different species of animals is sharply reduced. In the Altai Krai, the case of deforestation in the protected area reached the court, the environmentalists won the process, but this is only a small part in the struggle to preserve natural areas. Animals are destroyed and through the fault of poachers. The Novosibirsk region raised the issue of banning spring hunting. A lot of troubles are caused by fires, which almost every year destroy millions of hectares of forest. In addition, people are increasingly interfering in the life of taiga inhabitants, and in the woods lay roads, conduct lines of communication. As a result, the taiga is polluted with industrial waste, many of which are toxic, and the animal taiga of Russia is affected by their destructive effects. Therefore, their populations are sharply reduced.


Taiga are unique forests that have become habitual habitats for many valuable and rare animals. To preserve the biological diversity of taiga forests, serious measures are required from environmental organizations, forestries and the introduction of new legislation on the protection of natural areas.

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