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Anemia - what is it? Signs, causes and treatment of anemia

Anemia, or anemia, is a disease that is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin contained in these blood cells. Such ailment often develops as a result of chronic and acute blood loss, as well as with insufficient and weakened operation of the bone marrow and with the accelerated destruction of blood cells. So, anemia - what is it, how it develops, and what are the causes of its occurrence?

At the moment, several forms of anemia are known. But the most common are pernicious and iron deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of the disease

The main causes of anemia are the lack of such a trace element as iron. As a result, the amount of oxygen-carrying bodies decreases in the patient's blood. This causes sluggish digestion, convulsions, fainting, headaches, pain in the sacrum, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, frequent nausea and dizziness, drowsiness, malaise, frequent chills, rounded blue and sunken eyes, pale gums, lips and skin, loss of Appetite, a constant sense of fatigue, lethargy. Here such signs of anemia can arise in the patient.

Pernicious anemia: causes

This disease is also called Addison's anemia. A similar form of the disease occurs when there is a violation of the absorption of vitamin B. This is due to the fact that the stomach of the patient ceases to produce a sufficient amount of special substance, which is called "internal factor of Castle." As a result, the body does not receive enough vitamin.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This disease occurs as a result of chronic blood loss, which accompanies the hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm and the peptic ulcer. The causes of anemia of this odds are very diverse. This ailment can be caused by the activity of parasites in the human body, various infectious diseases, as well as by an unbalanced diet that can be the result of unextended habits associated with a small family budget or with some errors in cooking. It is worth remembering that when there is a shortage of cyanocobalamin, the erythrocytes develop poorly and, as a result, remain immature. A similar substance is found in large quantities in the liver and meat.

An Important Moment

In women, anemia is more common than in men. Representatives of the weaker sex need more iron, since they lose it during menstrual bleeding. The need for this chemical element increases in pregnancy, since most of it goes to the development of the fetus. As a result, the body of a woman begins to suffer from iron deficiency. Also, this component is needed in large quantities and in the nursing mother to improve and increase the production of milk.

Features of the disease

So, to continue to talk about anemia. What is it, you already understood. However, in order to overcome the ailment, you need to know how it flows and what features it has. Iron is the micronutrient that is needed to create hemoglobin. Lack of this substance in the blood cells leads to a deterioration in the supply of all tissues and organs of the human body with oxygen. Erythrocytes, newly formed, circulate through the body for 110 days. These cells gradually age and eventually become worthless. The spleen delays, and then destroys the dead red blood cells. In this case, the release of iron occurs, which subsequently makes sense in the synthesis of hemoglobin in new blood cells. It is worth noting that once received by the organism this microelement constantly circulates in it, pass at the same time from one blood cell to another.

In this case, it is worth remembering that the iron that came into the body with food is very poorly digested. A loss of blood leads to a deficiency of this trace element. As a result, anemia can develop. Anemia is a serious disease that you just need to fight.

How to deal with anemia folk remedies

It is necessary to treat anemia. What is it, know almost everything. But how to deal with it? There are traditional medicine that will stop the development of this disease. An excellent drug against the disease is the juice of vegetables. For its preparation, it is necessary to clean and grate on a small grater radish, beets and carrots. Grind the root crops better individually. Squeeze the juice can be by using ordinary gauze, folded into several layers. The resulting composition should be placed in a bottle of opaque glass. After that, the container is dipped in a test. In this case, the neck should not be tightly sealed. Otherwise, the liquid will not evaporate. A bottle of vegetable juice should be placed in the oven and there must be an hour of stress there. 3. The finished product should be taken three times a day before meals on a tablespoon. Course - 3 months. This remedy is considered radical and treats the disease perfectly.

Anemia can be cured with herbs. For the preparation of the drug should take two tablespoons of leaves of blackberries, flowers of nettle and nettle, as well as three tablespoons of St. John's wort. All components must be mixed and brewed with three glasses of boiling water. The container with the infusion should be wrapped and left for about three hours. The finished product should be filtered and taken three times a day for a whole glass in a hot form.

What drugs can I take with anemia?

It is not always possible to cure anemia with folk remedies. For example, acute anemia requires drug therapy. Very often iron preparations are issued in the form of a sulfate salt of this trace element. In addition, the composition of the drug contains all kinds of vitamin supplements, which allow the substance to be absorbed better and faster. The most popular are the following drugs:

  1. In the form of tablets: medications "Tardiferon" and "Sorbifer Durules". These drugs should be used two times a day for two pills, about an hour before meals. Drink the medicine with a glass of water. Use the drug "Sorbifer Durules" for children under 12 years is not recommended.
  2. In capsules: preparations "Fenyuls", "Ferretab", "Ferrofolgamma".
  3. For children: means "Aktiferrin". This drug is released in the form of syrup, drops and capsules.
  4. In the bars: "Hematogen".

Preparations of ferric iron:

  1. In tablets: "Biofer", "Ferrum Lek", "Maltofer".
  2. In solution, drops, syrup: "CosmoFer", "Venofer", "Ferrum Lek", "Maltofer".

Also, iron preparations can be given in the form of injections. They are used in those cases when the patient has certain diseases of the intestine and stomach, damage to the walls of small vessels, and with great blood loss.

How is anemia medicated?

The course of such therapy lasts from 6 months. At the same time every 30 days you need to take a blood test. After the hemoglobin content has returned to normal, it takes a few more months to take the prescribed drug. This makes it possible to consolidate the result and saturate the body with iron. With regard to nursing and pregnant women, the duration of taking medications depends on breastfeeding. It is worth noting that the treatment of anemia in the mother during lactation can prevent the development of ailment in the child.


Anemia - what is it and how to deal with it? This issue has recently become very popular. Sometimes it's not enough to eat right. Sometimes there is a need for the admission of special iron preparations. It should be noted that self-treatment with a decrease in hemoglobin may not yield results and aggravate the situation. That is why it is so important to undergo a full examination and get a specialist consultation.

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