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Alcohol than to replace with stress and at a party? Universal Substitutes for Alcohol

Alcoholic drinks firmly consolidated their positions in our society and way of life. Today, without them, there is not a single party, not one friendly gathering. Moreover, as a sedative under severe stress all the same alcohol is used.

How to replace it? This issue became especially vital when the cult of a healthy lifestyle entered into fashion and many had to abandon their habit in favor of improving their well-being.

However, it does not immediately come to realize that the general condition and tone have stabilized, and the weakness developed with time for drinking continues to prevail over the person. However, there is a way out: products that replace alcohol, will help to survive the period of weaning easier.

The Psychological Aspect

If earlier a person suffered from dependence on alcohol, then trying to abandon him, he subconsciously produces his former stereotypical actions. In this case, it is required to explain to him the difference between the complete replacement of the hot one and its substitution.

In the first case, the refusal of alcohol is a voluntary and fully conscious step when a person independently fills his life with new impressions that allow him to forget about alcohol.

When changing the behavior of a former lover of hot drinks is striking. For example, he can drink bezdorozhevoy kvass with snacks for beer, and sometimes even hmel from him - so powerful is the effect of auto-suggestion.

Alcohol at parties

The stereotype of behavior is most difficult to change if a person rotates in circles where it is customary to drink constantly and this habit is strongly encouraged. It can be frequent family feasts, friendly meetings or going to parties. Sometimes the rejection of the excruciating in such situations is somewhat uncomfortable from the ethical point of view, since it breeds resentment of close people or their indignation.

However, the problem can be solved if there is a possibility to replace alcohol. It is especially easy to do this at a party where cocktails and lighter alcohol predominate.

Than to replace:

  • Beer. It will easily replace bezdozhzhevoy kvass or any other soda yellow, even lemonade.
  • Absinthe. Instead, lemonade "Tarhun", which has a pleasant aftertaste and a characteristic green tint, will do.
  • Cocktails with juice content can be replaced with fruit drinks and fruit nectars.
  • White rum. "Sprite" or tonic look exactly like this drink or any other that has a transparent color.

Alcohol: what to replace under stress

As mentioned above, thoughts about alcohol visit us and in difficult life situations, when you need to calm the shattered nerves. In this case, the best substitute will be various sweets or a range of soft drinks:

  • Lemonade "Tarhun" can be a better alternative to "Bacardi" and tequila. It has a fairly distinct and vivid taste, which allows him to replace these rather harsh drinks.
  • Cocoa, strong tea and coffee will replace cognac and vodka. Because they are drunk hot, they will perfectly warm and relax, if you drink them in small sips. However, do not get carried away: excessive use can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • Dairy, sour-milk products and compote of cherries are suitable for wine lovers.

Universal substitutes

If we are not talking about specific beverages, but in general about the fight against dependence, then there are three tools that help even in the most difficult situation.

  1. Phytotea. It tones up and improves digestion, and also improves the liver and excretory system in principle, while calming nerves. But it is not necessary to get involved in large quantities: there are cases of dependence on this remedy.
  2. Compotes from dried fruits, fresh and boiled hips. These drinks are charged with vitamins and give a good burst of energy, because they will replace not only alcohol, but also energy.
  3. Any sugar-containing products. They raise the level of endorphin in the blood and increase the mood, but they are not involved in the name of the integrity of the teeth and exclude the risk of concomitant diseases.

In order not to return to the old way of life, using these substitutes, you should not inspire yourself that it is alcohol. What will replace it in everyday life, will be discussed below.

How to prepare meals without adding alcohol

In many recipes, it is recommended to add hot drinks to improve taste. However, they can be replaced without harm to the appearance and other qualities of the dish.

Thus, beer can be replaced with a mixture of beef broth and non-alcoholic beer, amaretto - extract of ginger, cognac - pear juice, and port wine - orange.

In all other cases, the hot one is replaced by analogues that do not contain alcohol, or fruit extracts. Instead of a coffee liqueur, various types of this drink are suitable, and the lime juice with the addition of apple juice can take the place of vodka.

What not to use to replace

It is necessary to abandon any sedatives, except those listed above, because the body, accustomed to constant intoxication, and without that will be very lethargic and apathetic. Trying to replace alcohol with brine is also prohibited - a dose of more than 500 g causes dehydration.

Do not abuse energy and drinks, to taste identical to alcohol, but not containing alcohol (for example, non-alcoholic beer). The first are directly harmful to the body, and the latter are able to again remind of the addiction.

Another bad idea will be the substitution of addiction for other addictions like smoking, since such a step will not do much good, only harm. It is better to resort to a competent substitution of alcohol through other entertainment that does not threaten the loss of mental and physical health.


Proceeding from all the above, one can conclude that no products that replace the hot one will not help, if the person himself has not yet made a decision about changes in his way of life. Only when he really understands, for what it is necessary to abandon the pernicious habit, the problem will move from the dead point.

But in this case, no more substitutes will be needed, and the grievances and discontent of other people will go to the background. However, to give some amount of time for weaning will still be more correct because of the psychological complexity of parting with addiction.

However, if a person has firmly made a decision, then in the end he will be successful.

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