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Age features of children 3-4 years: consultation for parents

Age features of children 3-4 years old assume a transition to a new level of relationships between an adult and a child. The kid rejoices at the unusual playing cognitive experience. He needs more emotional communication with an adult, during which he can get experience of interpersonal relationships. Activity, independence contribute to the rapid physical, mental growth of the child. It is important to show the kid that his achievements are noticed, his success is welcome.

Age features of children 3-4 years old: in kindergarten

Younger preschoolers are active and tireless. This age is characterized by rapid development of the emotional sphere of the child. Children are subject to mood swings. Their emotional instability is directly proportional to physical comfort.

The speech activity of babies is growing. They quickly memorize new words, simple quatrains. In everyday life, substitute items appear, which the child enjoys playing in games.

Age features of children 3-4 years old Consist in the fact that it is difficult for them to keep their attention on one subject (maximum 10-15 minutes). Therefore, a constant change of activities will help to better focus. Memory is more accentuated by recognition, not memorization.

Age crisis indicates the development of the child, the formation of his physiology and psyche. Therefore, the relationship with peers and adults is unstable.

Features of development

Only in communication the kids can get the necessary information about the world, people. The curiosity of this age helps the development of elementary judgments, statements.

Visual-figurative thinking contributes to the idea of the world around us. Kids divide objects in shape, size, color, texture. Are capable to unite them in one group on the general sign (for example ware, clothes, furniture).

Actively effective cooperation helps to familiarize children with elementary skills of hygiene and work. These are the age features of children 3-4 years old. The transition period is the appearance of independence. The child protests against custody of self. Awareness of one's own self, cooperation with an adult will help the child cope with new opportunities and desires.

Development Goals

Age features of children 3-4 years allow you to gradually move to more adult forms of learning. This is the moment when during the gaming activity children should be brought to independent active actions.

The main tasks of development of children:

  • Development of personal hygiene skills;
  • Education of emotional stability, polite attitude to others;
  • The development of curiosity towards objects, actions, situations, phenomena;
  • Training in various ways of action with the help of objective activity;
  • Development of the ability to empathize.

Pedagogical tactics

The pedagogical tactics of an adult (educator, parent) is to help the child. It is necessary for the development of hygienic, labor skills. Young children gladly repeat the actions of an adult - they wash the dishes, wipe the dust, brush their teeth, wash their hands.

It is mandatory to encourage an adult during the independent play of the child - it can be individual, pair or collective game activity. Therefore, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for creativity (toys, designers, coloring, plasticine).

Adult must help in the acquisition of gaming experience by the child. Show the elements of the new game, expand the child's horizons with little-known items.

Knowledge and skills in GEF

The educational standard implies the acquisition by children at the end of the school year of certain skills, knowledge, skills. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the balance between educational and gaming activities.

Age features of children 3-4 years (by GEF) Imply the development of motivation for learning, creativity. It is important to understand that it is necessary to encourage the interest, the attention of the child to the surrounding reality. Then he will have a desire to independently continue the study of phenomena or situations. Curiosity of the child promotes the development of the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding.

Realizing yourself as an independent person helps to establish a new, profound relationship with parents, peers, adults. Appears own position, which helps to understand, analyze their behavior and the behavior of surrounding people.

Age features of children 3-4 years (by GEF) Are that there is a gender awareness of their role (girl, boy). In accordance with this, the playing direction of the child can change. Girls are more interested in dishes, dolls. Boys are designers, weapons, machines.

Becoming personal qualities

Social and personal development is included in the age features of children 3-4 years old. Under the program "From birth to school" the development of the child's personal qualities takes place through the use of playful, cognitive, physical activity. Adults help children not only to realize their feelings, thoughts, but also to communicate them clearly to others.

It is important to help the child understand the experiences, emotions. Give them a name and characteristics. This knowledge will serve as the basis, the standard for further independent study of the emotional sphere by the child himself.

The knowledge and fulfillment of elementary norms of behavior are mandatory. Age features of children 3-4 years of the program "From birth to school" Imply an individual assessment of the child's actions. It is necessary to call a positive attitude of children, to give a positive assessment of correct behavior. This will serve as an incentive for further benevolent relationships with the outside world.

Gaming activities

In the games, the actions of children, purposefulness appears. A child can, during drawing, construct a goal and gradually achieve it. But the instability of attention, the instability of arbitrary behavior constantly distracts the baby from purposeful actions. The child quickly switches from one subject to another.

Age features of children 3-4 years old Form the prerequisites for further educational activities. Junior preschoolers with the help of an adult master the elements and rules of collective, individual games. This contributes to the development of relationships, the formation of the child's personality, forms cognitive and creative activity.

During the game, children consolidate their knowledge of the objective and social world. It is necessary to lay the foundations of a culture of behavior during the child's play activity.

Consultation for parents

Younger preschoolers gradually begin to separate themselves from their parents. There is an irresistible desire to do everything in its own way. Children begin to resist the control of an adult. These are the age features of children 3-4 years old. How to understand a child? How to teach him courtesy and goodwill?

This is the age when children begin to defend their opinions, opposing the suggestions of their parents. Do not put pressure on the child, try to force him to do anything against his will. So there will be infantilism, which is much more difficult to overcome.

It should be given the child the opportunity to choose, to encourage his independence. The kid should understand the rules of interaction with people, learn to negotiate with them. The age crisis is a frontier that separates infancy from childhood - this is the main age-specific features of children 3-4 years old. Consultation for parents should explain how to behave with the child during his whims, tears.

Do not suppress the will of the child - it will lead to apathy, indifference. With patience, understanding should treat the negative manifestations of your baby. It is necessary to cherish the feelings of the child. Do not humiliate him with harsh commands, strict control, the requirement of unquestioning obedience.

The need for respect, recognition - the main age characteristics of children 3-4 years. Consultation for parents should call for patient cooperation with the child. It is important to let the child know that parents recognize his independence, are ready to communicate with him on an equal basis. The child takes into account the reaction to his behavior, actions. It is necessary to praise the baby, showing the correctness of his actions.

Age features of children 3-4 years old: advice to parents

  1. The stubbornness of the child is the desire to express one's opinion. The lack of vocabulary, sensory reserve provokes whims. A child can not always explain his experiences. Parents should explain to the baby what he feels. Necessarily in conversation, in a situation to take into account the opinion of the child.
  2. It is necessary to give a choice to the kid. On what road to go, what clothes to wear - such simple tasks will promote independence. It should be agreed with the child - when he obeys his parents, and when he can choose something himself.
  3. Careful attitude to the sensual manifestations of the child is to empathize with his sorrows and grief. Learn to say in words that he was upset. Give a name to the feelings, emotions of the child (grief, fatigue, joy, anger, admiration).

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