HealthDiseases and Conditions

Acute and chronic gastroduodenitis. Symptoms of the disease

Practically at every fifth person of the doctor at inspection find out gastroduodenitis. Symptoms of this disease are quite diverse, but common for them are pain in the stomach and above the navel and digestive function disorder.

In medicine, gastroduodenitis is understood as the presence of an inflammatory process of varying intensity in the stomach and duodenum. This disease occurs due to improper diet and diet, as well as stressful situations. Often, the person carries gastroduodenitis symptoms for years on his feet, without giving his symptoms a special meaning. And only the transformation of the process into a chronic with persistent and persistent dyspeptic symptoms or transition to a peptic ulcer makes one consult a doctor.

Causes of the disease

The factors leading to the development of gastroduodenitis are divided into external and internal. Among the external causes can be noted malnutrition. First of all, the irregularity of food intake, the absence of a regime, poor chewing, thermally aggressive food, spicy dishes, etc. Internal (endogenous) causes are concomitant diseases of other organs of the digestive system, the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, pathology from the innervation of the stomach and duodenum, Violation of hormonal regulation of the secretory function of the stomach. Violation of the balance between protective and aggressive factors causes gastroduodenitis. Its symptoms depend on the severity of the inflammatory process.

Because of the influence of the causative factor, inflammation of the mucosa develops. Further, with constant trauma, normal regeneration is disrupted, leading subsequently to mucosal atrophy. This affects the digestive and motor (motor) functions of the stomach and duodenum.

Classification of gastroenteritis depends on the etiology of the disease, the secretory function of the organs. Therefore, in the formulation of the diagnosis it is necessary to indicate the primary or secondary nature of the disease, the degree of prevalence of the process and the level of acidity (normal, high or low).

How is gastroduodenitis diagnosed? Symptoms of the disease

Indirect sign of the disease is the appearance of the patient. In the chronic course of the disease the patient becomes astenic, with pale skin and signs of vitamin deficiency (brittle nails, dry skin, "zaedy" in the corners of the mouth). Often the nervous system suffers, sleep and metabolism are disturbed.

What are the main complaints that allow diagnosing gastroduodenitis? Symptoms characteristic of this disease are as follows: frequent dyspepsia, pain in the stomach and above the navel. This disease is also characterized by "hungry" and nocturnal pains. In addition, due to a violation of digestion and digestibility of food, there is a violation of the stool (constipation or diarrhea).

The main diagnostic measure is gastroduodenoscopy. It allows you to accurately determine the diagnosis, as well as the degree of acidity and take the material for histological examination. Gastroduodenitis in children occurs with unchanged or increased secretion. For the adult population in the chronic course of the disease is characterized by a decreased secretory activity.

Also in the diagnosis is important to conduct fluoroscopy with contrasting barium, based on which you can evaluate the evacuation function of the stomach and intestines.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis

Treatment of this disease takes time. The patient needs to follow a correct and rational diet. From drugs prescribe enveloping agents, drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid (with increased acidity) and antacids. Atrophic process on the mucous used drugs that promote the restoration of acidity, fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants. In addition, spasmolytics and digestive enzymes are prescribed. If Helicobacter pylori is detected during the analysis of gastric juice, antibacterial therapy is performed for ten days. Antibiotics penicillin series or metronidazole are prescribed.

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