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About the benefits of kind words. We make wishes to our colleagues

Tell me, how do you feel about colleagues? The question is not idle. The fact is that we sometimes spend more time with them than with relatives. And do you have kind words for these people? What are you saying to them during the holidays or serious changes? Nothing? This will not work. After all, you will feel more comfortable in the service if you establish close contact with others. A word in this matter is the main "weapon". Let's figure out how to make wishes to colleagues, when and how to use them.

About moral preparation and responsibility

Let's first talk about the mood. Perhaps you will agree that the wishes of colleagues should contain not only formal words, but also feelings. And what if they are negative (or absent)? The answer is simple. It is desirable to find them in yourself. Look at colleagues with detached eyes, as if from the side. They are people, with their dreams and problems. In each there is something good. Do not you see this today. But if you think about it, then any person has something to love or respect. Try to look at others from this point of view. Then understand that the wishes of colleagues to compose simply. They will be born in the soul themselves. You will only have to "smooth" them, arrange accordingly. Simple, right?

In which cases do you want your colleagues?

Now let's approach the problem from another side, that is, let's talk about the reasons. You do not become colleagues every day to give out any special wishes. This, of course, will look cool. Only this way your source will run out quickly. The words will end. And people will get used to it and will stop paying attention to your "lexical somersaults". Wishes for colleagues are pronounced in special cases. For example, you need to prepare for the holidays or solemn days. A few more special words can be told to a person about his personal date (birthday, wedding, promotion, etc.). It happens that you need to pick up a couple of phrases quickly in case of a sudden event. For example, when a colleague achieved unexpected results, he received encouragement or reprimand. Much at work happens. Good wishes to colleagues will be useful both in sorrow and in joy. You know how nice it is when your successes are noticed by others. And it's even better if someone "puts a shoulder" in trouble.

Examples of wishes to colleagues

Now closer to the topic. Here are some universal phrases, to which you will need to add an excuse. General: "Congratulations ... I wish that your wishes could not catch up with opportunities. Keep up with your smart prospects, not knowing the bitterness of defeat and disappointment. " Other, for any occasion: "Colleagues! Let the world around shine with colors, and the authorities hasten to you with caresses! Gives praise and rewards, be happy! "By the New Year:" Let all problems remain in the past, I wish only good dreams! Year let you only be victorious, forget about all the past misfortunes! "Or so:" Congratulations ... I wish to break into the New Year in the New Year! Problems and poverty you can only see in a dream! "By the weekend:" Let time slowly flow! Rest for days do not know the account! Let a new week not come, while you are happy along the roads of happiness leads! "

Comic wishes to colleagues

Sometimes there are situations in which it is desirable to turn to humor. Here are a few phrases that will help in almost any situation. "Colleagues! We are like a wedding horse. Muzzle - in flowers, and groats - in the foam! Let it at least profit! "The word" croup "is sometimes replaced by a coarser one. We will not quote it. "Colleagues! Our company is like the palace of the nouveau riche! It is a pity that we live in the basement, not seeing the light of wealth! I wish everyone to build their castle and enter it as the master (in this life)! "If there are no bosses nearby, then you can walk along it with a joke. For example, say so to colleagues: "Colleagues! I wish you to survive that tornado, which regularly devastates the brain with cavils! Let and the tender sun will rise in our collective! "In the case when the" despot "brought everyone to hysteria, and ahead of the weekend, say:" I wish in the bathhouse, with wine, to forget that life is full of anger! "Or so:" Let the star illuminate the moment when the despot admits defeat! We are waiting for this moment! We are so strong and steep! "

Special cases

Wishes to colleague at the dismissal must be invented especially carefully. When you part with a colleague, especially if he does not leave very well, then find in yourself some kind words for this person. Wish him to reach the greatest heights, to realize the talent, from birth, embedded in him. For example, say so: "(Name of the person), we ate a pud of salt. You're kind and cool at work. I wish you to find a place where joy becomes a bride. Let the money flow into your pocket. Let the deception never come to life! "In another situation, the following words will be appropriate:" You, the name, go to the world from a quiet backwater (name of the organization). I wish you success and happiness. Let those around you appreciate how we are. Let them see in you that kind, sweet, hard-working and calm (according to the situation) a person whom we fell in love with our whole soul! Do not lose your luck. Do not let trouble flit near you! "It is important that words come from the heart. And what they will be, you will understand.

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