Home and family, Pets
A pet is a wavy parrot. Diseases and their manifestation
Well, is it possible to look at parrots, frolicking in cages or in equipped enclosures, indifferently and unhappily. They are so funny and cute. And how many people want to have a budgerigar at home, so that every day he rejoices his master with chirpy chirping.
But before you start a feathered friend, it is worthwhile to ask about what wavy parrot disease can have and how all its ailments can affect the health of a person.
It should be noted right away that the birds can have both obvious and hidden diseases. It is very important to notice as early as possible, for example, if a parrot has a beak or a digestive disorder, and begin treatment. The speed in making the right treatment is important. Firstly, the bird can not tell the owner that she has something to hurt and will suffer. Secondly, many diseases from birds are transmitted to a person, and to recover from those can sometimes be too difficult.
No matter how healthy a wavy parrot might seem , it can only be leaked in a hidden form that is inconspicuous for the average person. To recognize the disease at the initial stage, you should observe the behavior of the bird. And, if changes occur, then analyze them, and if necessary, consult a veterinarian.
Very much depends on the correctness of the diagnosis and on the competence of the veterinarian. Even a slight diarrhea in a parrot can have a different nature and be treated differently. Relying on one's own knowledge or information described in books about parrots is not worth it. After all, a feathered friend is a living creature, and the experiments conducted on him are simply not humane.
Find out if the bird is ill, you can already on the first day of observation. The main signs of sickness in birds are sluggishness and immobility, frequent sleep, a calm state. Also, the sick parrot ceases to Twitter, and the speaker stops talking. The harshness coming from the goiter is also a disturbing sign. The state of plumage can also speak about the disease. If the feathers have lost their color, become dull, lifeless and brittle, then it is urgent to show the bird to the doctor. Another way to learn about the disease birdies - to look under the tail and in the eyes. A healthy bird has a clean area of a podhvostya, without traces of a dung, and eyes - without a film and slime.
To find out exactly which wavy parakeet of the disease picked up, it is necessary first, before putting any diagnosis, to pass his tests. Urine and litter will help determine the area of the disease. If, for example, urine is too much than the norm, then this is evidence of kidney disease. But vomiting - does not say anything about the disease or problems with digestion. For example, male loners in this way exhibit their sexual actions.
It is also very important for a wavy parrot to periodically inspect its beak. There are cracks, stratifications or it is something contaminated, you know: the bird needs treatment.
If we talk about what kind of home wavy parrot disease can pick up, then there is no definitive answer. First, it all depends on the conditions under which a feathered household lives. Secondly, whether it is in contact with other domestic animals and birds. Thirdly, how much rich and nutritious food he receives.
To treat paroxysal diseases must be very scrupulous. Birds are carriers of a mass of diseases that can seriously affect human health. Salmonella, ascarids, a lot of intestinal parasites, scabies and various skin diseases are a serious cause of concern for the whole family.
Of course, it is better to prevent the disease than to later try to fight the disease. In order for a homemade parrot to be healthy, it is necessary to give him rich in vitamins and essential microelements, regularly change the water for drinking, keep the cage clean. Instruments and plates, from which the bird eats and drinks, is constantly washed.
If you adhere to these rules, and also periodically show the bird to a veterinarian, then no illnesses to your pet are terrible.
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