Technologies, Cell Phones
A copy of iPhone 6: reviews, descriptions, features, advantages and disadvantages
Undeniable is the fact that the output of each of the "apple" devices is accompanied by a real sensation in the world of mobile phones. It also happened when the new iPhone 6 was introduced. Million-dollar sales, thousands of messages in the press and social networks, a huge number of reviews - all this in a moment was scattered all over the world.
However, do not forget about the cost of each of the devices from Apple - it is approximately 800-1000 dollars, depending on the modification, date of purchase and place of order. Agree, with this price tag, not everyone can afford to get acquainted with the novelty. How to be the one who also would like to buy a new "apple" smartphone, but can not afford it?
Everything is very simple! Many use copies of devices that were released by little-known companies that produce smartphones in a semi-legal way. Most often these are in China. As a result, cost a copy of iPhone 6 (reviews of which, by the way, very contradictory) will be 10-15 times smaller. In this case the device will be difficult to distinguish visually from the original one.
What's the point of making copies of iPhones?
The first thing we will try to explain is the reason why Chinese companies (even if working underground) create copies of popular devices. The initial answer is obvious - in order for their customers to pretend that they have a real iPhone and give them a higher status in the eyes of others.
If you only take into account only the case (that part of the smartphone that people around you notice), then to give it the maximum similarity with the original device is not difficult. Moreover - the market has a lot of phones that have in their design elements of the appearance of the iPhone 6, and most of them - this is not a copy of the iPhone6.
The reviews point out that it's quite difficult to say where the real iPhone is 6, and where its quality copy (or just a device that has a similar design). At the same time, the design of Apple's technology has long been recognized as one of the most successful in the market.
That's why copies are made. Their owners not only can deceive others, but also get the opportunity to have a device with an attractive appearance. Even if it was actually developed somewhere in an anonymous factory in Guangzhou.
What are the differences?
In addition to the design, which can indeed be identical to the original Apple-device, even the most accurate copy of the iPhone 6 has a number of differences. Simply put, they relate to everything: display, camera, processor, build quality, operating system. More details about each of these items will be covered in the next parts of the article. In the meantime, let's characterize briefly: a copy of iPhone 6 (reviews will confirm this) is essentially an entirely different phone that was "driven" into a case similar to Apple. Moreover - the quality of the latter can not be compared with the original smartphone. There are several reasons for this: another technology of assembly, smelting, another set of materials and so on. Due to this, even the best copy of the "iPhone 6" is not the iPhone 6 in the original version, but only a model, a layout.
Disadvantages of copies
Proceeding from the above, you can guess what drawbacks each copy of iPhone 6 hides. Testimonies indicate that it can be about unstable work of the smartphone, knocked out errors and hangs. In addition, it may be incorrectly functioning functions, faulty modules in the set.
Since the phones "copy iPhone 6" do not pass the certification and verification of compliance with any standards, it is impossible to say for sure how they are created and with the use of what technologies they function. Therefore, the materials used to assemble the device may not comply with any standards.
In addition to such "global" reasons, there are a number of more practical ones. In particular, if you see that a copy of iPhone 6 is sold cheaply, it can be so substandard that it simply will not match the original even in the issue of appearance. The danger here is that if you see a photo of this iPhone 6 online, you will order a copy, thinking that it is identical. In this case, the device will look completely different: less accurate and accurate than the original. Do you want to use such a smartphone in public? Hardly.
Copy-making firms
Most often in the shops there is the production of noname-companies. These are one-day firms that operate at some Chinese plant. On it, they can order batches of devices, after which - simply change their location and continue to operate. As a buyer, you can not even return your money if you send a low-quality product.
However, there is another group of manufacturers - these are "white" brands and all well-known companies that sell different devices. For example, the same Lenovo has a product that looks almost like an exact copy of an iPhone 6.
There is also a whole set of developers, producing similar to the iPhone 6 devices: Zopo, Meizu, Xiaomi. There are a lot of other companies that are not so famous in the world of mobile technologies. And, as you can guess, they all "sin" by borrowing design from the "apple" company.
In order to demonstrate what is actually the best Chinese copy of iPhone 6, we will choose the most "civilized" of them. It means that in our review will fall model, which is officially released by Lenovo. This is the S90 version, which is a better quality level than products from other companies. Although the appearance of the device is not copied 100%: the case is slightly longer than the original. However, the Chinese concern also produces pretty decent smartphones.
Review of the most "civilized"
So, in the characteristics of the Lenovo S90, of course, it is not indicated that it has anything to do with the "apple". However, everything is visually clear, and you do not need to comment: the phone (especially from afar) is exactly manufactured as the sixth generation iPhone.
The cost of it, of course, is slightly lower - about 17-18 thousand rubles (although at the time of the device it was 2-3 thousand above). But when you purchase this device, you should not expect from it the same thing that the original iPhone can demonstrate.
The review will be carried out step-by-step, beginning with the outer shell of the device, the case. It is also made of aluminum, and, judging by technical descriptions, similar in composition to what is presented on the original Apple technique. But when you come into contact with it, the difference begins to be felt. For example, if the scratches of this iPhone are not terrible (due to a special painting technology, which is not so easy to remove), then with the Chinese copy, the top lacquer ball comes off very easily, exposing the base metal. Looks "shabby" iPhone, of course, not so impressive.
During the tests, it was not possible to verify this, but we are inclined to the assumption that in practice the metal of the copy housing is also not as resistant to mechanical action as the original device. And this is a significant drawback, which in the future will negatively affect the practicality of the model.
"Fitted" for iPhone 6 copy (the price of which is 2-3 times lower than the original) is equipped, at first glance, with a quality display with AMOLED-resolution. Indeed, on an everyday level, the colors transmitted by the smartphone seem very deep and saturated, and when tilted at an angle, the picture does not lose its colors at all. But while looking closely, you can see a somewhat unnatural "blueness" of the display, noticeable in such screens. Yes, and the fonts on the display are often shown not in a perfectly "smoothed" form, but with some chopped, with unnatural shapes, forms.
How can this be compared to the Apple Retina screen, which transmits every pixel as accurately and precisely as possible? No, it can not be called ideal, but such screen capabilities are clearly superior to the ability of a copy to display information.
About photos and videos obtained with the help of Lenovo S90, you can also say "good", but only if you compare them with other Android-devices. As for trying to compare with the capabilities of the Apple iPhone 6, they are doomed to failure, and obviously a 6 copy created in the image of the iPhone is clearly behind.
The price of the original device with an apple on the back cover is unreasonably high - this is understandable; But nevertheless the matrix from Sony perfectly performs its function, creating excellent pictures in the shortest possible time. What can not be said about the S90, which is not capable of accurately transmitting the color gamut in a poorly lit room.
Judging by the technical characteristics of the S90 (4-core Snapdragon 410 processor with clock speed up to 1.2 GHz), it has a really good response speed. Small practical tests conducted by experts with a couple of the most popular (and "cumbersome" in terms of graphics) applications on Google Play showed this. However, all the same, the original works better and faster than the copy, released with a hint of iPhone 6.
Taiwan is the country where some copies of the "apple" are made. What is noteworthy is that part of the production of original devices (apart from China) is also located here. So geographically, the models go to markets close to each other, but in terms of speed they are far away.
On devices from Apple installed an operating system of its own design - iOS, which is ideally optimized for their "hardware". About Lenovo, which uses an open platform for Android, the same can not be said. The result is small braking during periods of heavy load.
Review of one of the best copies of iPhone 6 showed: with the original this device can not be compared under any circumstances. All that phones can offer you is just an appearance similar to an apple.
Alternatively, you can talk about buying a cheaper and older version of Apple, which is in the hierarchy of the model range lower than the sixth generation. So you, on the one hand, get a high-quality and powerful iPhone, on the other - you save money by choosing not the newest generation of the device. So many people act, realizing the benefits of such a compromise.
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