TechnologiesCell Phones

Overview of the BlackBerry 9700 smartphone: description, specifications and reviews

BlackBerry phones are traditionally perceived in the community of users and experts as technological, stylish and functional devices. Many of the devices that brought the brand to the market a few years ago, by their characteristics are quite capable of solving modern user tasks. Among them - the BlackBerry Bold 9700 phone, which was released in 2009, but is still in demand. What are its main advantages? What do users say about the experience of using its capabilities?

Phone Features

Let's study first the main characteristics of the BlackBerry 9700 phone in the hardware part, as well as its main functions. This device has:

- GSM and WCDMA modules, functioning within the framework of basic communication standards;

- a display with a diagonal of 2.6 inches in TFT format, with a resolution of 480 by 360 pixels and a color depth of up to 65 thousand colors;

- battery capacity of 1,5 thousand mAh;

- body in the size of 109 x 60 x 14 mm;

- Intel XScale processor, operating at a frequency of 624 MHz;

- RAM module with a capacity of 128 MB;

- flash memory module in 256 MB;

- connector for additional memory cards in microSD format up to 16 GB;

- Camera with 3.2 megapixel resolution and digital zoom, allowing you to shoot with a resolution of 2048 photos at 1536 pixels; Equipped with a flash, image stabilizer, as well as autofocus;

- GPS-navigator with support for the option A-GPS.

The phone runs under the operating system BlackBerry OS in version 5.0, which has a wide range of applications - in particular, for editing pictures and documents.

Device functions

The basic user functions of the BlackBerry 9700:

- playback of polyphonic and MP3-melodies;

- text input using T9;

- sending messages, e-mail;

- Vibration alert;

- voice dialing;

- Support for Java programs;

- recording video on the camera;

- recording sound on the recorder.

Let's study in more detail the basic information about the phone.


Let's start with the appearance of the device. The BlackBerry 9700 can be characterized as sufficiently light and compact. The phone's case is plastic, and its edging is similar in appearance to the metal surface. It can be noted that several different types of plastic are used in the manufacture of the device.

The details of the front panel of the case are made of glossy material, the side faces are made of soft-touch plastic. The back of the phone is a little rough. As users of BlackBerry 9700 consider, the case of the device is characterized by the highest quality of assembly.

The main area of the front panel of the device is the display. Directly above it is a speaker. To the right of it is placed a light indicator that signals the user about various events. Under the phone's screen there are navigation keys, as well as a trackpad that functions according to the optical principle. Below is the main keyboard. At the bottom of the case is a microphone.

The connector for audio devices is located in the upper area of the left side of the case. Slightly below it is a microUSB slot, which can be used both to connect the phone to the computer, and to charge the battery. Directly under it is the activation key of the selected functions of the device.

It can be noted that on the case of the BlackBerry 9700 smartphone (a review of the corresponding functions can be a very entertaining process) there is a large number of functional controls for the device. Among them, not counting the functional key, which we mentioned above:

- Keypad lock buttons, as well as mute (located in the upper end of the case);

- the volume adjustment key (located on the right side of the case);

- the camera activation button (located just below the previous device control).

On the back panel is the camera lens of the phone, as well as a flash. There is also a speaker for the call. Directly under the cover of the phone BlackBerry 9700 is a battery. Under it is a SIM card slot. In turn, above the battery is a connector for connecting memory cards.


The phone is equipped with a display with a diagonal of 2.44 inches. It belongs to the category of TFT-displays, has a resolution that is 480 by 360 pixels and is capable of displaying 65 thousand colors. According to many users and experts who reviewed the BlackBerry Bold 9700 smartphone, the phone's screen is sufficiently technological, it provides a smooth picture with almost imperceptible pixelization of the image. The colors on the display are juicy, bright, and look natural.

In principle, despite the fact that the phone is equipped with a rather conservative TFT-display, the quality of the image formed on it is comparable to what characterizes modern screens using AMOLED technology and even SuperAMOLED. Among the most noteworthy hardware components of the phone are the backlight, the brightness of which varies depending on the specific level of illumination measured by a special light sensor. At the same time, the brightness of the backlight is selected very smoothly, but at the same time quite quickly.

The picture on the screen of the phone looks clearly almost from any angle. The display of the device is protected by a plastic layer, which is characterized by a good resistance to scratching - however, with an intense effect on it, the appearance of the plastic may deteriorate. Therefore, the BlackBerry 9700 phone should be worn in a special case: when placed in a pocket or bag, unwanted mechanical effects on it can be very frequent.

operating system

The device is running under the operating system BlackBerry in version 5.0. The user interface of this OS is represented by 3 main areas:

- the service line, which is located at the top of the screen;

- notification area;

- the main menu, which is located at the bottom of the display.

It can be noted that each area of the user interface of the phone is characterized by interactivity. If you click on any of them, then an additional menu will start, in which you can have the widest range of options for setting up the device or viewing various types of information.

Structure of the phone's software shell: service line

For example, if you click on the service line area, a menu of options will open to manage connections to a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network, as well as manage network settings. Using other neighboring options, you can get acquainted with the status of the operating system services of the Blackberry Bold 9700 phone, and also go to the main settings menu of the device.

Phone shell: notification string

The notification line present in the user interface of the device contains a large number of different types of data: text messages, e-mail messages, calls, messages from Twitter, BlackBerry's own instant messenger, information about application updates.

In the left part of the user interface is a list of profiles, using which you can go to the parameters of signals and sounds on the phone. On the right side of it is a search menu, through which the user can find various files or operating system options. The corresponding objects can be grouped according to similar criteria. It can be noted that the firmware installed on the phone BlackBerry 9700 Bold allows you to activate the search menu also in standby mode: it is enough to type the required search query using the keyboard.

Phone shell: main menu

Directly in the main menu of the phone are the main icons. If you click on the corresponding panel - it will unfold, after which the user will have access to other items in the operating system menu and folders. Using the trackpad, you can navigate through them. The main menu of the device consists of 5 main sections:

- to manage applications;

- section with selected data;

- for multimedia management;

- section with downloads;

- to manage frequently used programs.

According to users and experts, the phone's software shell is presented in an exceptionally convenient structure - both in terms of using the basic functions of the phone, and in terms of access to various files.

Multimedia features: video

It will be useful to consider what multimedia functions are implemented in the device BlackBerry 9700. The characteristics of this device in terms of performance can implement them in a fairly wide range. Among the most probably popular multimedia functions of the device is playing video and music. The first one can be activated by means of a regular video player, which is installed in the operating system of the phone. It has a fairly simple structure, but at the same time it has very impressive functionality: it is possible to adjust the resolution of video clips to the screen size, navigate through certain sections of the film, put it on pause, rewind and rewind.

The phone can play videos in popular formats - MPEG 4, H.263, WMV. As users note, video is played in the device without significant hangs, it is stable.

Multimedia features: sound

There is also a software player for audio files. They are also supported in the most popular formats - such as, for example, MP3, MIDI, WMA. It is noteworthy that different compositions can be grouped in the program menu of the phone - by the performer, various genres and other criteria. You can sync music by connecting to a computer via USB or over a WiFi network.


What do users and experts say about their experience of using the capabilities of the device in question? In general, the phone is rated very highly by the owners - both in terms of design and user-friendliness, and in terms of functionality, performance, stability. The device includes the widest range of capabilities in terms of communications, file management, the use of different types of applications.

Among the most powerful aspects of the device:

- a bright display, forming a quality picture;

- installed on the BlackBerry 9700 firmware;

- high quality of assembly;

- Convenience of management;

- Support for a large number of communication interfaces.

The phone is able to recognize a large number of file types - multimedia, corresponding to common document formats. Thus, the device can be used to solve a large number of tasks, and therefore have relevance among the most diverse categories of users.

In 2009, in which the device was introduced to the market, its characteristics and functional were considered as corresponding to the highest level. But even now, in many ways, the phone is highly competitive. How much does the BlackBerry 9700 device cost? The price of the device now is about 14 thousand rubles. In fact, it corresponds to the upper segment of budget phone models.

In terms of its capabilities, the device under consideration is quite competitive when compared with other solutions with a similar cost. It can be noted that modern phones are in demand for other phones of the BlackBerry line. In particular - solutions such as, for example, BlackBerry c index 9720 (sometimes there is its wrong name - BlackBerry 97200). The firmware on it is newer, the processor is more powerful than the device in question, and it obviously looks even more competitive.

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