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2 the child's health group: what does this mean? Algorithm for determining children's health groups

Judging by the state of health of the child who has just been born, he is referred to a certain group of health. This indicator will be decisive in determining the physical load of children in kindergarten and school.

In order to monitor the health and development of children, conduct:

- In-depth study. During it, the child's health is evaluated in periods of epicrisis with subsequent recommendations of specialists for further development of the baby.

- Identification in the early stages of various diseases and improving the child, whose goal is to prevent the formation of a chronic disease.

The pediatrician determines the group of health, taking into account all the examinations of specialists.

There are several criteria for assessing the child's health:

1 criterion - whether abnormalities are observed in early ontogeny.

The second criterion is development in the physical plane.

The third criterion is neuro-psychic development.

4 criterion - the resistance of the body to various painful factors.

5 criterion - the state of organs and systems.

6 criteria - whether there are chronic diseases or congenital diseases.

Thus, the definition of the health group is based on the criteria listed above. So, the child has a group of health. What does this mean?

Characteristics of 2 health groups

It must be understood that the health group is nothing more than the state of the child's health and his predisposition to various diseases, as well as the presence of congenital diseases. To 2 group of health belong children, at which there are insignificant problems with health. They are usually more often sick, for example, ARI, there may be excess weight or the likelihood of allergies.

2 group of health in newborns is most often. Because at present completely healthy children are not born, even if the mother does not suffer from any diseases. The attitude of a person to a particular group of health is established not only in the maternity hospital, but also accompanies him all his life.

There are two more subgroups among children who were assigned to group 2

2-A are children who have biological, genetic and social factors for the development of diseases, but they are healthy according to other criteria.

Genetic factors are the presence of relatives with various diseases that can be transmitted from generation to generation. For example, diabetes, heart disease, allergies and others.

Biological factors are the deviations that occurred during pregnancy and childbirth at the mother. These are fast or vice versa long delivery, caesarean section, prolonged finding of the fetus without amniotic fluid, abnormal placenta, improper arrangement of the fetus and so on.

Social factors include smoking, alcoholism of parents, the work of parents in harmful production, diseases of the mother of a chronic nature, too early or late pregnancy. The presence of infections that can be transmitted sexually, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage with the mother. Poor nutrition during pregnancy and violation of general conditions.

2-B are children who have morphological and functional changes. Newborns who belong to this subgroup have suffered some disease in the first days or hours of life and after they leave the hospital they still have some deviations. Such babies often get sick, there are constitutional anomalies and other deviations in health.

At discharge from the hospital, a risk group is indicated, and, judging by it, the pediatrician should make a plan for observations, examinations, and carry out preventive measures (hardening, vaccinations). If necessary, prescribed medication.

Observing children who belong to subgroup 2-B is necessary at home for up to three months.

So, what is the health group 2, and how can you refer children of early age and preschool children to it?

There are a number of deviations, from which one can judge the state of the child's health:

• Multiple pregnancy.

• Immaturity of the fetus, fetus is transferred, prematurity.

• CNS lesion.

• Hypotrophy of the 1st degree.

• Infection in the womb.

• Low birth weight.

• Overweight at birth (4 kg or more).

• Initial period of rickets, 1 degree of rickets and its residual effects.

• The presence of anomalies in the constitution.

• Changes that affect the cardiovascular system, changes in blood pressure, pulse.

• Frequent diseases, including respiratory diseases.

• Low hemoglobin content.

• Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract - lack of appetite, pain in the abdomen and so on.

2 the child's health group is not yet an indicator that all deviations should be present in the medical record. Only one or more is enough. The most severe deviation is determined by the health group.

All parents can easily find out what kind of health group their child belongs to. This information is owned by every district doctor, and even a nurse will be able to give explanations. After all, the child's health group is not a medical secret.

Monitoring the health of children in institutions

Information about children from 2 gr. Health must necessarily be with the nurse of a child care institution. If the child belongs to this group, then in the physical education classes he is offered a specially designed for these children exercise complex. Loads for them should be lower. But this does not mean giving up sports. If there is a 2 group of health in a child, then such children are often prescribed physical therapy classes.

In addition, there is a need for medical supervision of children who belong to this group. Since they are at high risk of developing various pathologies. The main method that allows you to get an assessment of the health status of children is a preventive examination, which is carried out by physicians.

There is also an algorithm for determining health groups in children aged 3 to 17 years. Children are examined:

- 3 years (before entering kindergarten);

- 5 and a half or 6 years (one year before primary school);

- at the age of 8, when the child graduates from the first grade of the school;

- at 10 years old, when the child moves to secondary school;

- at the age of 12;

- at the age of 14-15.

If, as a result of the examination, the child's health indicators are related to the classes and groups of diseases identified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it is referred to a certain group of health.

Physical education with children 2 groups of health

In order for physical education classes to pass effectively and without risk to the health of schoolchildren, the latter are referred to one of three groups (basic, preparatory and special). The division is made by a pediatrician or therapist at the end of the school year, but the specialist makes a final verdict only after a re-examination before the beginning of the next school year.

If a child has a group of health in physical education, then he belongs to a preparatory medical group. These are practically healthy children, but with some deviations, poorly trained physically. The schoolchildren can be engaged in physical culture, but with the condition of gradual assimilation of the necessary motor skills and skills. Compliance with the dosage of exercise, eliminated contraindicated movements.

If there is a child's 2 health group, then he is not allowed to perform test tasks in class and participate in sports events. But experts strongly recommend conducting additional physical education at home or at school.

The tasks of physical education of schoolchildren who have 2 groups of health:

- strengthening and improving health;

- improvement of physical development;

- mastering of important motor skills, qualities and skills;

- Improving the body's adaptation to physical stress;

- hardening and increasing the body's resistance to diseases;

- formation of interest in permanent physical education, development of strong-willed qualities;

- education of a positive attitude to HLS;

- mastering the complex of exercises that favorably influence the state of the child's organism, taking into account the existing disease;

- Observance of the correct mode of rest and work, hygiene, high-grade food.


Thus, the child's 2nd health group is not a verdict. Do not consider it inferior or incurably sick. The child's belonging to this group means that he needs sensitive care, he must constantly monitor his health in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Children with such a group of health lead a normal lifestyle and develop well, they do not differ from other kids.

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