Homeliness, Kitchen
"Zelmer" (juicer): overview, types, characteristics and reviews
Currently, the products of the Polish company "Zelmer" are in high demand. A juicer, a hair dryer, a vacuum cleaner, a meat grinder, a blender, a mixer and the like are sold in every specialized store. A wide assortment, high quality, innovative technologies, reasonable prices - a business card of Zelmer trade mark.
For a long period of time, this company has repeatedly received international prestigious awards at exhibitions. Also worth noting is the fact that all equipment meets high European standards.
So, if you need to buy a good juicer, then the choice is obvious - it's best to pay attention to Zelmer. And this article will provide an overview of some models, recommendations for selection and other important points.
Types of Juicers
In the range of Zelmer juicers there are universal devices that are equipped with a power of up to 800 W. They include a foam separator. The option "turbo" and two-speed mode allows you to load fruits and vegetables entirely, without cleaning the skin. A bright device of this type of technology is the model ZJE1800XUA (486). It is sold an average of 10 000 rubles. The main advantage of universal juicers is an automated process. The turbo mode allows the foam separator and filter to be cleaned in a few seconds. Efficiency: 1 liter of fluid per minute.
The company Zelmer produces models designed for squeezing juice from soft vegetables and fruits, as well as berries. For this purpose, sometimes a meat grinder is used, on which the nozzle "juicer" is installed. For "Zelmer Juice Maker JP 1500" squeeze the most useful juice - no problem. The device was assembled using the latest technologies, so the spinning process is very delicate. Such devices are equipped with a small power, which does not exceed 400 W, with two speeds and a "turbo" mode. In some models, a speed regulator is installed, which performs a protective function. For example, if the product container is closed with a lid, the juicer does not turn on.
Of course, in the model range Zelmer there are models designed for citrus. Among other appliances such juicers are the cheapest. Their cost varies within 3000 rubles. The maximum power of the devices is 250 W, the speed is only one. As a rule, in a citrus juicer there is no glass for processed juice. And additional options include protection systems against accidental activation and overheating.
Variety of juicers by type of work
All models by type of work are divided into two types:
- Screws are a device similar to a meat grinder. All products are ground with the help of an axial part. Then the resulting gruel advances to the grate with very small holes. It is at this point that the juice separates from the total mass. This species has much more advantages over centrifugal devices. Such devices are used for long-term work. Thanks to them you can cook a large amount of juice. It is the auger must be a juicer for tomatoes. "Zelmer 1500" is an excellent example of this type.
- Centrifugal models are equipped with a centrifuge (separator), which rotates at high speed. Products, getting into it, are rubbed: the juice pours out through a specially designed hole, and the cake remains in the centrifuge. Its shape can be either conical or cylindrical. The quantity and quality of juice directly depend on the speed. This criterion is particularly important when pressing solid vegetables. It is worth remembering the more speed the centrifuge makes, the better the drink. An example of a centrifugal juicer is the model Zelmer 377 Expressive.
Meat grinder-juicer Zelmer 887.83
Model 887.3 of the trade mark "Zelmer" is a meat grinder-electric juicer. She is able to become an indispensable assistant to every mistress. It is thanks to this device that the process of making delicious dishes will be reduced at least twice. The performance of the model is quite high. For one minute it is able to process almost 2.5 kg of products. The power consumed by the device is 550 watts. The presence of a two-sided knife, completely improved, and a metal screw, reaching a diameter of 5 cm, significantly distinguishes this model among the rest of the line. The kit includes a special nozzle for the meat grinder "Zelmer" - a juicer, which is used for making drinks from vegetables and fruits. It is worth noting that it can be purchased separately. A spare bushing is also provided. In addition to standard baits, the manufacturer offers devices for working with citrus and shredding. The case is thought through to the smallest detail. There are rubber feet, which completely eliminate the glide of the device, the compartment for storing the cord.
Zelmer 496
The device with an index of 496 polka Zelmer company - a juicer of a universal type. Its power is 700 watts. Equipped with a two-speed mode, there is a turbo option. Control is mechanical. The case of the device is made of high-quality food plastic. There is a reservoir, the capacity of which is 1.2 liters. You can buy this model for 2.7-3 thousand rubles. The juice is squeezed out thanks to the inside of the centrifuge. The raw material loading compartment has a diameter of 7.5 cm. There are also additional options: automatic cleaning from the cake, protection from accidental activation, foam separator.
Zelmer JP 1500
Particular attention should be paid to the model JP 1500 TM ("Zelmer"). The juicer consumes 150 watts of power. During its development, the latest technologies were used, which allowed squeezing juice not only from fruits and vegetables, but even from herbs. The device is universal, operates from an electrical network of 220V. The speed is only one, but it is the slow spin that allows you to maximize the structure of the juice and the beneficial substances in it. In this model, a separate glass is provided for the squeezed mass (cake). Its capacity is 1.2 liters. Also there is a special strainer in which the mashed potatoes are collected. For the case used food plastic. The device is vertical. At present, this model of juicer can be purchased on average for 14-15 thousand rubles.
Zelmer JE 1200
Let's consider the universal model JE 1200. This juicer Zelmer, whose price starts at 2.5 thousand rubles, is centrifugal, equipped with a power of 850 watts. The type of control is mechanical. You can use two speeds to work with products. The oil cake is thrown into the tank, with a capacity of 0,9 liters, automatically. The container is made of transparent plastic, so you can easily control its filling. There is no turbo mode, however, there is a sieve for separating the foam, a compartment for the cord, rubber feet, and locking the work with the lid open. The engine of the juicer makes a large number of revolutions, which allows for a few seconds to prepare one liter of freshly squeezed juice.
Recommendations for selection
Before you go to the store for a new juicer, you need to read the recommendations that will help make the only right decision. So, what do you need to pay attention to?
- Device with a centrifuge of the trade mark "Zelmer". A juicer of this type should not be very powerful. The best are considered devices with an indicator of up to 500 watts.
- For the preparation of vegetable drinks ideally suited screw or universal juicers. They do a good job in solid raw materials.
- Those who are engaged in the preparation of a large number of juices, you need to choose a screw type device. Their cost is slightly higher, but the service life is much longer. Also, such models are much more effective and hardy.
- Particular attention should be paid to the material from which the separator is made. A great option is stainless steel. It is better and does not affect the composition of the juice, unlike aluminum.
- The sieve is of two kinds: woven and stamped. The latter option is not effective enough, as it needs frequent cleaning.
- Those who are going to press such kinds of products as seeds, nuts, grasses, it is recommended to choose a horizontal screw-type juicer.
- The presence of an additional "drop-stop" option to fully prevent spilling of the finished juice on the work surface.
Juicer Zelmer: reviews
In conclusion, we will voice the opinion of customers about Zelmer juicers. Most assess this technique very highly. A criterion of effectiveness deserves special attention. There are devices that can quickly process a large amount of raw materials. It is also worth highlight simplicity of care. The design is sorted out quickly, all parts are easy to clean. A large assortment allows you to choose the most optimal option.
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