HealthAlternative Medicine

How to properly apply flaxseed. The benefit and harm of such treatment

The plant can be called with absolute certainty unique. Its seeds are rich in vitamins, protein, trace elements and fiber. It is these properties that make flax so valuable to the human body. In ancient times, linen clothes warmed in the cold, helped to cope with the heat in the summer and even relieved from scabies. Yes, what to say about the past, now in the heat of linen clothing is the most in demand. But not only flax fibers are useful. Of his seed, they made butter and used it for food. In medicine, flax seeds are used in most diseases of the stomach, as an excellent expectorant in the treatment of cough. And compresses from the crushed seed of flax help to get rid of abscesses and boils.

Flax seeds: good and bad. What are they so useful?

This product is useful primarily for patients with oncological diseases and those with diabetes. This is easily explained - seeds or decoction of flaxseed perfectly reduce cholesterol and lower blood sugar, and in addition, prevent the development of cancer cells. At the same time, including linen in the daily diet, you help strengthen immunity, reduce inflammation in the body and stabilize the pressure. The content of vitamins A and E makes this product a true elixir of youth. In fact these two vitamins render the most salutary influence on a skin. That is why linseed oil is so popular in cosmetology.

Flax seed: good and bad. How and to whom is it harmful?

In connection with its great nutrition and the fact that the seed contains a lot of oil, do not take it more than one tablespoon per day. Otherwise, it may not be very good for the liver. In rare cases, bloating and flatulence are possible. So start to introduce into your diet flax seeds gradually. Due to the fact that flax has a strong cholagogue, you should not use it for cholelithiasis. If there is no special prescription for a doctor, in no case should you take flaxseed during pregnancy, the benefits and harm of which for the woman's body at this stage can quite compete with each other.

Application in folk medicine

Sore throat

Teaspoon of seeds pour boiling water and boil. Allow the mixture to brew and strain. This broth should gargle with angina and any inflammatory processes in the throat. You need to apply the infusion several times a day.

When you cough

In order for the sputum to pass faster, from time to time our ancestors used such infusion: a tablespoon of seeds was poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted and took 100 grams several times a day. Cough calms down after the first use.

Use in cosmetology

The benefits and harm of flaxseed are now known to us, as well as how widely its use in various branches of medicine. Now let's talk about the cosmetic properties of flax. Beauties in Russia were known for smooth, smooth skin, which for a long time retains its youth and beauty. And they used a mask of linen. Seeds need to be boiled, pounded into a gruel and applied to the face, neck and décolleté zone. After about 20 minutes, remove the mask. You do not recognize yourself - even the deepest wrinkles will be smoothed out. Useful infusion of flax seed with any face skin. He removes fatty skin from excessive greasiness, and saturates with dry nutrients and vitamins. Here it is, flaxseed, the benefits and harm of which are now clear to all.

Summing up

So, flax was used in medicine and cosmetology at all times and all layers of the population. Each house must have flaxseed. The benefits and harms of it are so incommensurable with each other that you can not hesitate to use it when treating a particular disease. Just do not forget to consult a doctor.

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