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Yury Nikolayevich Tynyanov, "Second Lieutenant Kizhe": a summary

In the genre of the historical story, Yury Tynyanov created a small masterpiece - the story "Lieutenant Kizhe." It is not the first time in the literature that they address the subject of a double. This was written by R.L. Stevenson, who has the "Strange story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", and E. Schwartz with a story about "The Shadow." You can make a long list. But now we will present the story "Lieutenant Kizhe". A summary of the chapters will make it possible to get acquainted with the absurd character of Emperor Paul I.

Chapter first

The emperor was dozing, sitting by the open window. After dinner he had an unpleasant dream. In fact, he was bored. From boredom caught a fly. Someone at the window shouted: "Guard."

Chapter Two

In the office wrote an order young scribe. His predecessor was exiled to Siberia. The young man worried and made a mistake after the mistake, re-writing the document. If he does not reach the deadline, he will be arrested. When he came to the phrase "lieutenant Stephen, etc.", then the officer came in. The clerk postponed the work, adding not completely the word. He stopped at the "second lieutenant" and stretched out before him, and then sat down and wrote "Lieutenant Kizhe, Stephen, etc.", in the same order he made another mistake: the lieutenant Sinyukhaev wrote to the deceased. Ten minutes passed before the order was delivered. The young man began to look for a blank sheet. Suddenly he stopped. Another order, equally important, was written incorrectly. At the disposal of No. 940, it was said which words can be used and which words can not be used. The clerk immediately forgot about the mistake in the order and sat down to correct the report. Arriving from the adjutant to the newsroom, he gave the order with two errors with Sinyuhaev, whom he had written down to the deceased, and the invented lieutenant Kizhe. Then he continued, trembling, writing. So begins the story "Lieutenant Kizhe", a summary of which is set out.

Chapter Three

The adjutant arrived at the usual time with the documents to the emperor. Pavel was still sitting at the window with his back to the man who entered. He was angry. All yesterday they searched and could not find the one who shouted under the window "Guard." This was a violation of once and for all established order and meant that anyone can be naughty, whoever he pleases, and will not be punished. It was necessary to increase the number of guards. Here sheared bushes, and it is not known who is hiding in them. Without looking at the adjutant, the emperor extended his hand and began to carefully read the documents enclosed in it.

Then Pavel Petrovich again extended his hand, into which the pen was carefully put. The signed sheet flew to the subordinate. This continued until the Emperor had studied all the documents. Suddenly the emperor jumped to him, scolded him for not knowing the service and coming from behind, promised to knock out the spirit of Potemkin and let the subordinate go. He started a great anger.

Chapter four and fifth (the fate of Kizhe and Sinyuhaeva)

The commander of the Preobrazhensky regiment was confused when he received an order from the emperor demanding that Lieutenant Kizhe be sent to the guard. How much he did not remember, but could not remember who was Lieutenant Kizhe. I looked through the whole list of officers. Such in it did not appear. The commander rushed to the adjutant in confusion, but the latter wrinkled his face, ordered not to inform the emperor, and sent the lieutenant to the guard.

When the seedy lieutenant Sinyukhaev stood in the ranks, he heard with horror the words of the order that he should be considered dead and left the service. Sinyukhaev was all puzzled. After all, he is alive, holding the hilt of a sword, he even considered that by some mistake he is alive. Sinyuhaev stood as a pillar and did not move and spoiled the whole view. A commander flew over him, he wanted to shout, but remembered that Sinyukhaev was not there, and, not knowing what to say, he left silently. We continue to read Tynyanov's short work "Lieutenant Kizhe." The retelling will not take long.

Chapter Six - the Emperor

Pavel Petrovich was not just in anger, but in a great. He walked around the rooms and looked around the presents of the French royal couple, already beheaded. He did not touch them. He commanded to destroy the things of his mother, the kidnapper of his throne, but her spirit did remain. But there was fear in him. He was not afraid of anyone individually, but together all these courtiers, sons and dark people of his huge empire, whom he did not represent, aroused horror. And when the anger ended and went into fear, the office of criminal cases and the master's shoulder cases began to work. And so his environment was also in awe.

Chapter Seven and Eight - the Unfortunate Sinyuhaev and Lieutenant Kizhe

Lieutenant Sihyunaev looked around in the large square on which he stood, remembered what he usually did in the evenings and at night, how calmly and freely he lived, and clearly understood that he was dead: nothing he would never have.

And an aide-de-camp went to Pavel Petrovich and reported that they had found out: "Lieutenant" was shouted by Lieutenant Kizhe. And he cried out of foolishness. The emperor ordered to conduct an inquiry, whip and send to Siberia.

The absurd with the lieutenant - chapter nine

The culprit of the Tsar's fear was necessary to the agile aide-de-camp. He must now be sent to lawyers, and then to Siberia. In the regiment in front of the formation was a horse, on which it was necessary to take the lieutenant. The commander shouted his name. Nobody came out, but the regiment left, looking at how the empty place had been whipped. Only a young soldier could not forget this till night. He even asked the veteran what happened to the emperor. After a pause, the veteran said that he was replaced.

Chapter Ten

Former Sinyukhaev returned to the barracks. He inspected the room in which he lived and which now he did not belong. Toward evening a young man settled here. He did not even look at Sinyukhayev. This new tenant ordered the orderly and began to go to bed. And Sinyuhaev, disguised as an old uniform, left only new gloves on him, as he heard that the gloves meant that he was still a lieutenant, and went to wander through the night Petersburg. He nodded, sat down on the ground, and left the city. He never returned to the barracks any more.

Such senseless life under Emperor Paul is shown by Yury Tynyanov.

Chapter Eleven

The news that a man was found screaming "Guard" made an impression on the female part of the palace. One of the young lady-ladies fainted. This was to go to her nice young man, and she pressed her nose to the window, portraying the snub-nosed emperor next to him. Then the young man shouted, and now he is sent to Siberia. A young maid of honor told Nelidova of her grief. She promised to come up with something and turned to a powerful man at court for help. He answered with a note, so as not to worry, but he did not yet know what to do.

Chapter twelve and thirteen

Meanwhile, the guards led "it", as it was called, deep into the empire along the Vladimir route and realized that they were leading an important criminal. An order followed them. Fear of the emperor went to pity first to himself, the straggler, who abandoned his mother and who had an unknown father. He heard something about it vaguely. He traveled through this vast silent country, drank water from the Volga, asked men morosely, why they looked at him. And everything around him was empty. He did not go anywhere else. There was emptiness and betrayal around. When the dignitary reported to him about the case with the cry of "guard", the emperor cheered and ordered to return the second lieutenant and marry that lady-in-waiting.

Chapter fourteenth and fifteenth

Sinyuhaev came to Gatchina on foot to his father-doctor. He told his story, and he was ashamed to keep him at home and put him in the hospital and hung a sign saying "Accidental death." But he went with a petition to Arakcheev. The Baron listened absentmindedly to the old man, asked where he had been dead for two days, and let go of nothing. He reported to the emperor that Sinyuhaev was alive. However, Pavel imposed a resolution that should turn off Sinyuhaeva from the lists of the regiment because of death. The Baron personally went to the hospital and ordered to take Sinyukhaev's uniform away and expel him from the ward.

Chapter Seventeen

Returning from the exile, Lieutenant Kizhe regularly serves, he goes to the guard and to watch. He even marries. The maid of honor, when she noticed that in the church the aide-de-camp was holding a crown over an empty place, nearly collapsed, but having lowered her eyes and having paid attention to the rounded tummy, she changed her mind. The wedding was successfully held. The groom did not attend, and many liked this mystery. Soon Kizhe had a son. There were rumors that he looked like him. The emperor forgot all about Kizh. But somehow, after reviewing the regimental lists, he came across his name and appointed a captain, and then a colonel, because he was a good officer. He now commanded the regiment. Everyone is used to being often out of the picture. The best wife was. Her lonely life was brightened up by meetings with military and state officials, and the son grew up. So the life of a successful officer in the story that Tynyanov wrote, "Lieutenant Kizhe", was changing.

Chapter eighteen and nineteen

Lieutenant Sinyuhaev wandered through the Chukhon villages and did not look at anyone. A year later he returned to Petersburg and began to wander around him in circles. Shopkeepers believed that he brings misfortune, and drove him away. The women were given kalach to pay off from him. There were rumors about the town that the tsar would soon be finished. People whispered about it in the streets and in the palace. It was terrible and Pavel Petrovich. He changed rooms and did not know where to hide, even in a snuffbox, the emperor dreamed. And I decided to bring a simple man closer to me.

Chapter Twenty

Uncomplaining, who did not look into the eyes, Kizhe was suddenly promoted to the generals. The emperor remembered with a smile a love story with a cry of "guard", smiled and decided that it was now the person who would scream at the right moment. He granted the general 1000 souls and possessions. They started talking about him. The Emperor did not order him to give him a division, he would need it for more important matters. Everyone began to recall his pedigree and decided that he was from France. So continues the story of Yu. N. Tynyanov "Lieutenant Kizhe."

Chapter twenty-first and twenty-second

When the general was summoned to the emperor, it was said that he was sick. Paul demanded to be put in a hospital and cured. But three days later the general passed away. His funeral was remembered for a long time. A regiment was walking and carrying folded banners, a widow was walking behind the coffin, leading the child by the hand. Pavel Petrovich looked out the window at the procession and dropped it: "So the glory of the world is passing by."

Chapter last

So the life of the general went on, filled with love adventures and youth, the disgrace and mercy of the emperor, the envy of the courtiers. In it was everything. And the name of Sinyuhaev is forgotten, he disappeared, as if he did not exist at all. The emperor died, according to rumors, from apoplexy in March of the same year as General Kizhe. Thus ends the story "Lieutenant Kizhe." The summary does not convey the charm of the author's speech. Also, unfortunately, it does not let you feel the historical atmosphere.

The book "Lieutenant Kizhe" was filmed. The music for the film was written by S. Prokofiev. He reworked it into a suite, on which the ballet of the same name was staged.

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