HealthAlternative Medicine

Wormwood. Therapeutic properties of the plant

The beneficial properties of wormwood are caused by the chemical composition of the plant. It contains alkaloids, ascorbic, succinic and malic acids, capillin, glycosides, carotene, flavonoids, tannins and toxic essential oil. Has grass and phytoncidal activity.

Wormwood. Therapeutic properties in diseases of joints

With arthritis, arthrosis, as well as with foot fatigue and bruises, infusion for baths is used. To make it, you need to pour 50 g of wormwood with boiling water (2 liters) and leave for half an hour. Then you need to pour the infusion together with the leaves into a basin or a bucket, add still warm water. Immerse your feet in a container for 5-10 minutes. Periodically pour hot water. With rheumatoid pains, neuralgia, compresses with wormwood help well. For their preparation you need to scroll the fresh plant through a meat grinder, and the dried one to soak with boiling water. Turn the resulting gruel into a thin cloth and fix it on the sore spot with a bandage. Keep the compress around half an hour.

Wormwood. Therapeutic properties in the absence of appetite, loss of strength

With these symptoms, patients are treated with specially prepared teas. Their effect is due to the presence in the plant of aromatic bitterness, which is able to arouse appetite. With the help of these teas during the war, even such patients were raised, who, because of the decay of forces, did not eat anything. Prepared appetizing teas as follows. Connect wormwood with leaves or yarrow (4: 1), or trifoli and grass of the gold-bearing mill (7: 7: 6). A large spoon of one of these mixtures was brewed with boiling water (1/5 L), insisted for about 20 minutes, and after filtering it was given to the patient on a tablespoon shortly before eating. The same tea can also be given to children who have problems with appetite, only a glass of boiling water should take a teaspoon of the mixture.

Wormwood. Therapeutic properties for external application

In case of toothache, bad breath coming from the mouth, you can prepare the following remedy with inflammation and bleeding gums. Fresh grass wormwood finely chop and insist on alcohol (70%) in a ratio of 1: 5. Tincture should be diluted with water and rinse with mouth. Wormwood sage effectively removes oily seborrhea. It is necessary only to show patience. So, dry grass wormwood in a ratio of 1:10 boil with boiling water and leave for two hours. Then filtered through the infusion in a day, wash the head. It is necessary to conduct 15 such procedures. If necessary, you can repeat the course in half a month.

Wormwood. Healing properties in helminthic invasions

To fight with ascarids and pinworms, enemas are made, for which infusion is prepared from bitter wormwood, tansy and chamomile inflorescences taken in equal parts. Two large spoons of the mixture should be poured ¼ liter of boiling water, cool and strain. Enter the infusion should be in a warm form and hold for at least 5 minutes. The procedure should be done every other day and continue until the itch disappears completely.

Contraindications for use

For the treatment to be safe, you need to know not only what is useful bitter wormwood, but also how harmful it is. This plant is categorically contraindicated in pregnancy. Also it is not recommended to use it for anemia, colitis and enterocolitis. It is also dangerous to use excessive wormwood. Overdosing threatens with such consequences as convulsions, hallucinations, dizziness and convulsions.

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