
Why do I need homemade aircraft-copies in the era of prefabricated models

The whole industry is engaged in the production of prefabricated models. Enterprises around the world are manufacturing high-pressure or low-pressure polyester bonding kits. Japanese and German, Chinese and Russian, Italian and Ukrainian firms every year throw out to the market all new large-scale copies of tanks, cars and aircraft. People uninitiated can not understand why homemade airplanes are needed when there are prefabricated models and even finished models of very good quality. But nevertheless there are cases when enthusiastic modeling to the person, more often, the collector would like to get such a copy, which no manufacturer does. Usually this desire arises in the modelers experienced, possessing such skills, which allow to "weld" a very rare thing.

Needless to say, the realization of such a dream requires a wide variety of technical and artistic skills. You need to be able to read the drawings, own locksmith and turning tools, and sometimes machine tools, freely handle the airbrush and brushes. But even this is not the main thing, all skills are a gain, but love of technology, for example, aviation, is the main incentive for their development.

Homemade models of aircraft - this is the highest piloting of mock art.

If the lover himself sets himself the task of building a copy of an old biplane or triplane, then the first thing for which he undertakes is the construction of his supporting frame. With the observance of all criteria of similarity, frames, spars and ailerons are recruited, while a wide variety of materials can be used - from metal wire to wood, plywood and veneer.

Homemade aircraft, like the real ones, require patience and delicacy when performing all operations. Special care is required when performing the dashboard, the pilot's seat and controls. Materials must completely mimic the surface of the skin and matter. For example, to create a fabric texture used ... toilet paper. It is well laid down on the right areas and easily dyed, while preserving a naturalistic roughness, and if necessary - then folds on it can be formed.

The modeler takes the first time for a homemade aircraft, as a rule, not from a good life, but simply because of a lack of the initial set, but then, entering the taste, acquires various useful equipment, down to a small turning lathe - and then it can not be stopped. After all, it is almost impossible to find such a combined model, which has wings, like a deck attack aircraft from the Second World War, but I want to do just that!

Very interesting can look homemade aircraft, copies of aircraft of the first world. Their design is saturated with braces, and the thrust of the rudders was in sight. A special achievement will be the adherence to some historical prototype, for example, "Nyeporu-4" pilot Nesterov or "Fokker" of the "Red Baron". You should also take into account such engineering features as open cylinders and other parts of the power plant, which simply have to look "alive".

High realism is attached to holes, and flaky paint, and other signs of participation in air battles.

And, of course, homemade aircraft will be a wonderful decoration of the interior and the children's room, and personal cabinet.

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