It is difficult to imagine a modern wedding without the exchange of rings. This is a very touching and romantic tradition, common in many countries. When was it born and why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger, and not on any other?
The first wedding rings in the world: Ancient Egypt
About 5 thousand years BC. The ancient Egyptians paid much attention to their own appearance and beauty. Representatives of this civilization made exquisite jewelry. Only pharaohs and the richest citizens of the state could afford to wear them. Under the assumptions of some experts, ordinary people also wanted to have some ornaments, and they came up with them to make them out of available materials. Rings, woven from reeds quickly enough became a symbol of love. They exchanged many couples in love. "Why is the wedding ring worn on an unnamed finger?" - already at that time the Egyptians had their own answer to this question. Priests and doctors have studied the human body well enough. They knew that it was through the ring finger that the nerve ending passed straight to the heart. Do not forget about the practical side of the issue. The second finger is almost not used during work, and the ring on it does not interfere with everyday life.
Ancient Roman symbols
One of the inventions of the ancient Greeks is the language of the rings for men. From time immemorial until the beginning of the last century, representatives of the stronger sex in Greece with the help of a single decoration could tell a lot about others about their personal lives. The ring on the ring finger was a sign that the wife / bride or beloved woman of this man already has. On the index jewelry put on those who were in active search for the second half. On the little finger, the rings were worn by men who were free and did not seek new relationships. The middle finger was adorned by representatives of the stronger sex, not shy of their popularity with women and always ready for new acquaintances with beautiful ladies.
Chinese traditions
The Chinese had their own explanation of why the engagement ring is worn on the ring finger. Try to connect your own hands in such a way that the little fingers, index fingers, ring fingers and thumbs are connected with pads. The middle ones should be closed so that they touch the phalanx. Try to grow your fingers in pairs. Dilute the index you will not work. It is for this reason that the Chinese believe that this pair of fingers symbolizes the second halves for each of us. Little fingers are children, the middle one is you, the indexes are brothers and sisters, and the thumbs are parents. All these people, despite their closeness, can leave us. And only a husband or wife should be together all his life.
Were the rings worn by the Slavs?
In pagan traditions of Ancient Rus there was also a place for wedding ornaments. Our ancestors exchanged rings. They were necessarily smooth, without patterns and inserts. It was believed that the ornament could attract negative energy. Interestingly, the man gave his chosen one a gold ring, thereby transferring to her a little of his own energy. A woman presented her husband with silver - sharing with him lunar female energy. Slavs wore a wedding ring on the finger of the index. On the nameless it moved only with the advent of Christianity. Our ancestors believed that a good tradition is to transfer the rings by inheritance. The more ancient rings were exchanged on the wedding day for young people, the stronger will be their union.
Modern wedding rings in different countries
In Catholic and Protestant traditions, wedding rings are usually worn on the left hand. This is explained by the closeness of this limb to the heart. Today, many couples in Brazil, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Spain, England, France, Japan, America and Turkey wear their jewelry. The right nameless finger for the wedding ring is used by Orthodox Christians. The explanation of this tradition is simple - this hand is baptized. It is common belief that behind the right shoulder is the guardian angel. Today on the right hand engagement rings are worn in Russia, Georgia, Greece, Poland, Israel, Norway, India, Austria. In today's world, there are countries where the exchange of wedding rings is not a tradition in principle. It is, first of all, the Muslim states. The Quran says that gold harms spiritual development. A true Muslim will never wear an engagement ring. At the same time, you can give gold to your bride or wife. But in this case, any ring will become only a beautiful decoration, without any deep meaning.
Signs about wedding rings
Most modern newlyweds buy or order from jewelers new rings on the eve of the wedding. Engagement on the finger should sit well, but at the same time be a little loose, as during the day the hands can swell. Parents can transfer their parents to children. However, this tradition also has many limitations. Only married couples who have been married for more than 25 years can transfer their rings to children. It is important that at the time of handing the jewelry to the next generation, both spouses were alive and happy with their marriage. Remember that you can not wear a widow's wedding ring or a widower, it's a very bad omen. Wedding ornaments are worn on a bare hand, they can not be worn over a glove. It is advisable never to take off the wedding ring, and all the more so do not give it into the hands of strangers.
It is common to say that if such an ornament is worn by an outsider, he will take away the happiness of a married couple. After the divorce or death of the spouse, the ring should be removed. Such a family relic can be hidden and stored, or worn on the left hand. Now you know why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. To put it on or not on your own wedding day is the personal choice of each pair. Many of our contemporaries refuse to wear wedding rings, considering this tradition obsolete.