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Which parts of the cell are the most important? Cell under a microscope

There are millions of different kinds of organisms. Of these, only non-cellular forms of life are viruses. All the others have their own smallest, but the main structural unit. Therefore, it is an important indicator of the individuality of the being, belonging to this or that kingdom of living nature. Parts and organelles of the cell can explain how the organism lives and grows, what processes inside it are taking place. Knowledge of the structure of a given structural unit is important for understanding the entire wildlife as a whole.

General plan of cell structure

A cell under a microscope is a very interesting sight. It's amazing how much everything is hidden from the human eye and exists at the level of the microcosm! With the invention of this unique optical device, it became possible to become part of this level, to study and understand its life mechanisms, to learn how to interfere with them and use it for the benefit of people.

Thus, it was found that not all organisms have the same unit of structure. Almost every representative of the kingdom has differences. For example, the main parts of the plant cells are different from those of animals. Its features are the structures of bacteria and fungi. However, it is still possible to single out general principles of cell structure.

  1. Genetic material in the form of DNA molecules (for eukaryotic organisms - plants, fungi, animals - is concentrated in the nucleus, prokaryotes (bacteria) have no nucleus).
  2. Cytoplasmic membrane, which delimits the internal content of the outer space and the effect.
  3. Cytoplasm with organelles and inclusions.

Many organelles are also the same for all cells, which once again confirms the unity of the origin of all life on our planet. There are a lot of structural parts in each living unit. It is, for example, about:

  • Mitochondria;
  • Lysosomes;
  • The Golgi apparatus;
  • EPS (endoplasmic reticulum or reticulum);
  • Ribosomes;
  • Inclusions of protein and carbohydrate nature and others.

There are also narrowly specific organoids, characteristic only for the representatives of a particular kingdom of living nature. For example, the main part of the plant cells is not only the nucleus, but also the cell wall, and also the vacuole. Plastids are important, but there are no such structures in animal units.

Which parts of the cell are the most important?

The answer to this question is quite complicated. After all, without any of its structural parts, the cell can not normally live and develop. But nevertheless it is possible to distinguish some of the most important organoids and parts that are important for the functions performed.

  1. A nucleus with nucleoli and genetic material concentrated in chromosomes.
  2. Cell wall (for plants), cytoplasmic membrane (all cells), mucous membrane (for bacteria).
  3. Cytoplasm with structural components.

The listed components - this is the basis of any cell, regardless of the body's belonging to this or that kind. Among cytoplasmic organoids, it is also possible to identify which parts of the cell are the most important.

  1. Mitochondria.
  2. Ribosomes.
  3. EPS.
  4. Lysosomes.
  5. Apparatus (complex) Golgi.

Obviously, the main part can be called the most part of all structural units of the unit of the structure of organisms.

Kernel and its structure

Historically, the main part of the cell is the nucleus. However, not all of them have it. So, there are no cores in:

  • Matured erythrocytes;
  • Cells of the conducting tissues of plants ;
  • Bacteria.

There are also such species, in which, on the contrary, there are several nuclei. For example:

  • Striated muscles;
  • Mushrooms;
  • seaweed;
  • Lacteal vegetable vessels.

In general, the overall plan for the structure of the structure under consideration is one. There are several basic parts, of which any nucleus consists.

  1. Karyoemma (nuclear envelope) - is a double membrane structure that acts as a barrier between the cytoplasm and the inner part of the nucleus. To it, from the outside, are attached ribosomes, EPS, the Golgi complex.
  2. Karyoplasma is an internal gel-like matrix filling the nucleus. Another name is nucleoplasm. Contains different proteins, ribosomal RNA.
  3. Chromatin, capable in the period of division to spiral into densely packed chromosomes. Its composition is mostly provided by DNA strands. Also there are ions of calcium and magnesium, proteins, RNA, lipids.
  4. The nucleoli localized around the chromosome regions. Consist of RNA, DNA, proteins. Served for assembly of ribosomal subunits, synthesis of r-RNA (ribosomal RNA).

This is a general plan for the structure of the nucleus, from which it is already clear that the significance of this structure in each cell is decisive for the reproduction, storage and transfer of hereditary information, the combination of genetic traits.

Cytoplasm and its meaning

The importance of this structure was discovered only with the invention of a particularly powerful equipment increase. Before that, it was assumed that it was simply a nutrient medium for organoids. However, it is now clear that the cytoplasm has the following structure.

  1. The cytoskeleton is a complex of microfilaments and protein tubes that form a backbone network. Inside it, organoeids of the cell move.
  2. Cytosol or hyaloplasma is the colloidal internal contents of the cytoskeleton, in which minerals, water, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates are dissolved. It is here that the processes of cell metabolism are carried out, structures are communicated among themselves.
  3. The ectoplasm is a part of the cytoplasm that adjoins the membrane directly. Endoplasma - the entire space located between the karyoemma and ectoplasm.

In the cytoplasm there are processes of intracellular transport that allows to be in close contact to all components. It is due to the constant dynamic movement of the structure under consideration that the organoids inside the cell move.

Cytoplasmic membrane

It is a bilipid elastic layer, permeated with protein molecules. The most common theory of the structure of this organoid is a liquid-mosaic model. It serves to separate the external and internal environment of the cell. It has selective permeability, therefore it protects and protects against ingress of foreign particles. In many respects it supports the shape of the cell.

If you answer the question: "What parts of the cell are the most important?", Then the membrane will be the first, because it is in each of them. Differences in the composition are manifested in different species of organisms. For bacteria is characteristic included in the composition of chitin, for animals - its absence.


These structures are not in vain called energy, or "power stations" cells. After all, they are the processes of oxidative phosphorylation, as a result of which energy is released from the molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). In the future, this energy is the source of all life processes, both internal and external.

The names of parts of the cell were not always taken immediately. In the case of mitochondria, originally in 1894, these structures were described under the name of bioblast.

The very structure of this organelle is quite interesting. The outer membrane is two-layered. The inner layer has a folded structure, forms cristae, on which there are numerous ribosomes.

Mitochondria have their own DNA and two kinds of RNA (transport and matrix). There is also a complex of proteins. The number of structures considered in the cell can fluctuate, that is, depends on the activity of the organ. The largest number of mitochondria contain muscle cells.


The fine rounded dark structures that are visible when the cell is viewed in an electron microscope are called ribosomes. These are also the main parts of the cell, because they are directly involved in the assembly of protein molecules.

In themselves, they are represented by ribonucleoprotein and make up a quarter of the total cell mass. They consist of two unequal subunits, united in one rounded form. Attached to the Golgi complex, EPS, mitochondria, nucleus. Are located inside some parts.

It is in the ribosomes that the protein molecules that are necessary for all the processes of plastic and energy metabolism are synthesized.

Endoplasmic reticulum

The cell under the microscope resembles a strongly striated labyrinth. This is due to a structure such as EPS or an endoplasmic reticulum. It is a whole network of branched channels and tubes, the bubbles that entangle all the organelles and especially closely around the nucleus.

It is through these ducts and channels that the movement (transport) of various particles from one part of the cell to another occurs. Therefore, EPS is also one of its main structures.

Cell wall and vacuole are parts of the plant cell

If you answer the question: "What parts of the cell are the most important in plants?", Then, in addition to those listed, several more should be added. First of all, this is the cell wall. It is a dense membrane, following the cytoplasmic membrane. It consists of cellulose and other carbohydrates and provides special strength to the cells. At trees it is impregnated with a special substance - lignin. That is why their trunks are so strong. It is also the cell wall that is the structure that forms the shape of the cell as a whole.

Vacuol is the largest part of plant building units. It occupies almost the entire volume of the internal space of the cell. It is filled from the inside with a liquid that is a cell sap. It is a mixture of water, vitamins, minerals, hormones, carbohydrates.


One more component parts of the plant cells are plastids. They are represented by three varieties:

  • Leykoplasty - colorless;
  • Chromoplasts - red, orange, yellow pigments;
  • Chloroplasts - contain the green pigment chlorophyll.

The most important are the latter, since they are directly involved in the processes of photosynthesis.

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