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Where Ivan the tea grows in Ukraine and Russia

Perhaps no other plant is as popular among the people as the Cyprian. Where the grass of the willow-tea grows, probably, not only the villagers know, but also the townspeople going to the nature. What is so fond of the plant? Why is he so interested? These and some other questions will be answered in the article.

Name of the plant

Ivan-tea and kyper-beetle are the two most common names of this representative of the flora. But in those places where Ivan the tea grows, he is often appropriated and other names. It depends on the region, traditions, customs associated with tea drinking, the collection of medicinal raw materials, the level of development of traditional medicine.

In connection with this, today we know about twenty names of the grass we are considering. And each of them is justified. Hemp wild, scrinch-plucker , firefighter, colour-kuril tea, hrypnyak, Ivanov tea, wild violet, motherwort - this is only a small part of the list of names of the same plant.

Places of growth

Firefighters are the most common places where willow-tea grows. He "settles" here one of the first, when other plants can not yet adapt to the new conditions of existence. But as the fires become overgrown with trees and shrubs, Ivan-tea dies.

Sparse forests and their fringes, hillsides, glades, glades, dry peat bogs, sandstones - these are also the favorite places of the Cyprus. The thickets of wild raspberries must attract Ivan the tea.

Where does this herb grow in Russia? It is not difficult to answer the question, since the plant is found everywhere. But it was most widespread in the zone of coniferous and mixed forests of Siberia and the European part of the continent. The local population is particularly popular is itan-tea.

Photo (where this amazing plant grows in Ukraine , not all Ukrainians know) confirm that the favorite place of the forest is mountainous regions of Transcarpathia. But the timing of the collection of leaves to obtain quality tea here is very limited. This is due to natural conditions - dry weather is suitable for collection, and for the flowering time of the willow-tea the rainy season and abundant fallout are growing.

Plant seeds are carried by the wind for long distances and retain their germination for many years. This circumstance contributes to the wide spread of the kypreya not only on the territory of Russia and Ukraine, but also throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Description of the plant

Ivan-tea refers to perennial herbaceous plants of the Cyprid family. Its height can be from 50 to 150 centimeters, it all depends on the conditions of growth. Flowers are attractive, appearing in July-August. They are pink-lilac, collected in large inflorescences, located in the upper part of the stem. In autumn in the place of the flower fluffy fruit, similar to pods-boxes, are formed. Leaves are long, narrow, with short petioles.

Use of the plant

In those places where Ivan the tea grows, People have long used it for different purposes, so the plant can be called universal. Medicine, cosmetology, cooking, beekeeping, human life - these are the areas where there was an application of amazing grass.

Kiprej is distinguished by the fact that a person has learned to use all parts of a plant. Roots are eaten raw and cooked. Broths and infusions are also made from them. Some peoples used roots to make flour. In certain proportions, it was mixed with wheat flour and bread was baked.

A variety of beverages are prepared from the leaves of the spray. They can also be used in dishes as a substitute for white cabbage.

From the stems of the plant, after special treatment, strong ropes are obtained, used in everyday life. Pooh, formed after flowering, is used instead of cotton wool, and as a cushion for pillows. Here is a wide application of Ivan-tea. Photos (where this universal plant grows, we have already discussed) allows you to get additional information about it.

It should also be added that among the individual entrepreneurs there are a lot of those who today opened tea production lines from the leaves of the spray. Using special equipment and secrets of the production technology of the drink, they get good results. This enables consumers to enjoy a drink that has amazing properties.

Healing properties

In those places where Ivan the tea grows, Few of the local residents doubt its healing properties. Since ancient times, the plant has been used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory drug.

Ivan-tea is prescribed for the normalization of blood formulas, metabolic processes. Drinks made from kipreya, increase the amount of breast milk in nursing mothers. In addition, ivan-tea has a diuretic, choleretic, laxative effect.

Preparations prepared on the basis of spray are able to exert an antioxidant effect. Such medications are included in the program aimed at restoring the body after chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

The data of modern studies aimed at studying the chemical composition of plant parts can explain the positive effect that those who consume Ivan the tea receive.

The collection conditions

What rules need to be guided when going to kiprei (willow-tea)?

Where the plant grows is the first thing to pay attention to. To collect only those specimens that grow in ecologically clean areas.

Excluded collection near railways, highways, industrial enterprises. The highest quality raw material is that which is collected on the slopes of the mountains.

Stocking with medicinal herbs is necessary during active flowering. But first it is desirable to "gather a dossier" on this representative of the plant world. First, you need to know exactly what the grass looks like, so as not to confuse the desired stalk with other "relatives". Will help to understand what looks like a willow-tea, photo. "Where it grows Kiprej? "- item number 2 in the list of vital questions of a beginner herbalist. But it is not enough to know the range of its habitat. Very important information regarding the flowering time of grass. In the southern regions this period falls on June-July. In the northern - for August-September.

In addition, the collection is excluded in rainy weather and during dewatering. Due to this, in some regions the collection time of the willow-tea is greatly reduced.

Today, there is an active revival of old Russian traditions associated with tea drinking, the use of non-overseas plants, and those that grow in the motherland, in our case - in Russia. Ivan-tea is not the last place here. The drink, brewed on herbs, is not only tasty, but also extremely useful.

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