
When the Second World War began: the causes and premises

When the war (World War II) began for the USSR, the fighting continued on the world stage for about two years. This is the most bloody event of the twentieth century, which will remain in the memory of all people.

The Second World War: when did it start and why?

Two concepts should not be confused: "The Great Patriotic War", which denotes this phenomenon in the USSR, and "II World", which denotes the whole theater of military operations in general. The first of them began on a well-known day - 22. VI. 1941, when German troops without any warning and announcing their incursions dealt a crushing blow to the most important strategic objects of the Soviet Union. It is worth noting that at that time the non-aggression pact between the two states had only been in force for two years, and most of the residents of both countries were confident of its effectiveness. However, Stalin, the leader of the USSR, guessed that the war was not far off, but he was tempted by the thought of the strength of the two-year treaty. Why did World War II begin? On that fateful day - 1. IX. 1939 - the fascist troops also invaded Poland without any warning, which led to the beginning of terrible events, which lasted for 6 years.

Reasons and assumptions

After the defeat in the First World Germany for a time lost its power, but after a few years it regained its former strength. What was the main cause of the conflict that was unleashed? First, it is Hitler's desire to subdue the whole world, to eradicate certain nationalities and to make the Third Reich the strongest state on the planet. Secondly, the restoration of the former authority of Germany. Thirdly, the elimination of any manifestations of the Versailles system. Fourth, the establishment of new spheres of influence and the division of the world. All this led to a heightening of the fighting in different parts of the world. What were the goals pursued by the USSR and its allies? First of all, it is the struggle against fascism and German aggression. Also, to this point, we can add the fact that the Soviet Union was struggling with the forcible change in the differentiation of spheres of influence. That is why we can conclude: when the war (World War II) began, it became a war of social systems and their manifestations. Among themselves fought fascism, communism and democracy.

Consequences for the whole world

What did the bloody clashes lead to? When the war (World War II) began, no one could imagine that everything would drag on for such a period of time: Germany was confident in its lightning fast, the USSR and its allies are in their power. But how did it all end? The war took a huge number of people: the losses were in almost every family. Huge damage was caused to the economy of all countries, as well as the demographic situation. But there are also positive moments: nevertheless the fascist system was destroyed.

Thus, when the war (World War II) began for the whole world, few could immediately appreciate its strength. These bloody events will forever remain in the memory of every person and in the history of many states, whose citizens fought the terror and aggression of the fascists.

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