HealthDiseases and Conditions

When are colic in newborns? How to fix them?

When a child appears in the family, parents begin to ask many questions. Mom and Dad are interested in the baby's nutrition, his stool and digestion. One of the most exciting issues faced by parents of infants, is increased gas formation and abdominal pain. All moms and dads need to know when the colic passes in newborns. Also, parents should find out what could be the reason for the appearance of gazicks and bloating in the intestines.

What is colic?

To begin with it is necessary to say that increased gas production occurs in most newborn babies. Why does it appear?

When the baby is born, its intestines are completely sterile. This is due to the fact that in the womb of the mother the fetus received all nutrients and vitamins through the umbilical cord. The baby intestine was not involved in this process. After birth, crumbs are applied to the mother's breast. With the first portion of milk, a lot of bacteria enter the intestine of the baby. They can be useful and not very useful.

Due to the fact that the microflora of the digestive tract has not yet stabilized, various problems can arise. So, the child has increased gas formation, pain and spasms.

Symptoms of the disease

When there are colic in newborns, all signs of ailment completely disappear. So what are they?

The main symptom of colic is the restless behavior of the child. Some time after eating, the baby begins to cry and pull legs. Cries can continue until there is relief.

Also, the observant mother can note that in the tummy the baby is fermented and gurgling sounds are heard. The child can cry very much before the guns go away.

When does the baby have colic?

To begin with it is necessary to say that the age of the baby in this case can vary somewhat and be in the range from three months to six months. It all depends on the baby's nutrition and the treatment of the disease.

If the baby is fed breast milk, the microflora in the intestine is established faster. This is due to the fact that the mother's milk contains useful substances and bacteria that can not give a baby any milk formula. So, when are colic in newborns breastfed? On average, this period is two to three months. After this time you will notice that the baby has become more calm and cheerful.

In the case when the mother can not or does not want to breastfeed the baby, you have to choose a milk formula. Do this is not necessary on the advice of experienced girlfriends, but with the help of a pediatrician. The doctor will pick up your baby a suitable formula of the formula, which will help to quickly establish the microflora and colonize the intestines with useful bacteria. By what age are colic in newborns that feed on the formula? On average this period takes from four months to six months. Through the specified time the child develops digestion, pains in the tummy pass.

Treatment of increased gas production in children

Currently, there are many ways to save the child from pain in the abdomen. Consult a district pediatrician on this issue. The doctor will appoint suitable means that will not harm the health of the little man.

Many mothers ask the question of how many colic in newborns after taking the medication.

If you give the baby drops or syrups that affect the intestines and split air bubbles, then their effect comes about half an hour after ingestion.

Also, the baby can be given special teas that soften the peristalsis of the intestine and gently remove the gazikas from it. Such funds must be taken regularly for the purpose of prevention. In this case, the possibility of colic is reduced to a minimum.

In some situations, pediatricians prescribe the reception of beneficial bacteria. In most cases, this is necessary for babies, who are fed on the formula. It is worth noting that with this treatment, colic is much faster, as the microflora is established and digestion is established.

In addition to prescribed treatment, a woman must follow a proper diet. For this it is worth consulting with a specialist in breastfeeding or a pediatrician on nutrition of a young mother.


Now you know when the colic passes in the newborns. Be patient and in every way help your baby in a difficult moment. Believe me, during periods of increased gas formation, the baby is much heavier than his parents. Fight with colic correctly and prevent their occurrence. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact the doctor.

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