TravelsTips for tourists

What medicines to take with you to the sea? Make a list

Not only mothers, but also all people, going on vacation, always wonder about what medicines to take with them to the sea. This is not surprising, because when you get into a new place, there is a high risk of infection with local microbes, which may be familiar to local residents and unbearable for tourists. The most frequent poisoning occurs, mainly from the new water that forms part of any food. The cause of poor health can be even clean sea air, which enters the lungs of a person in a much larger number than in a dusty city. In summer, near the sea waters of tourists can also expect such ailments as sunburn, bites of various insects and even fevers. Therefore it is important to know in advance what medicines to take with you at sea best, so that the rest is pleasant and joyful.

To begin with, we will discuss the main categories of medications that you need to have with you on vacation. Among them we will name the following: from scratches and abrasions, from insects and their bites, from flu and cold, to normalize the work of the intestines (opposing, from spasms in the stomach and so on), as well as preparations against allergies. Now, knowing what medicines to take with you to the sea in such generalized groups, consider a more extensive list, which specifies the specific medicines and the specificity of their action on the human body.

In the first category (funds from wounds and abrasions), we select alcohol (or some other alcohol tincture), hydrogen peroxide, zelenok or iodine, cotton wool, bandage, bactericidal plaster. This is the "backbone" of any first aid kit that is needed at sea, regardless of the age and state of human health. After all, no one is insured against mechanical damage. From bites of local "insects" an excellent tool is "Psilo-balm". Buy this tool in any pharmacy at a very affordable price.

Now we will consider what medicines to take with us on the sea, so that the rest is not marred by a standard cold and runny nose. First of all, it is important to have the "Streptocide" tablets as a kind of homeopathic remedy. From antipyretic drugs, take the drug "Paracetamol" in tablets or candles. If a kid goes with you to rest, children's syrups from heat and cough are just necessary. Ask in advance with the pediatrician what is most suitable for your child. Do not forget to take a thermometer with you to avoid "false alarms".

Further we will secure our own stomach. Ideal anesthetics are the preparations of Enterosgel and Smecta, which are sure to fill up your list of medicines. At sea, you also need to take a medication called "Regidron", which will help normalize the water balance in cases of poisoning. Do not forget about such tools as "No-Shpa", "Sorbeks" and other drugs that relieve severe pain and stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Knowing in advance what medicines to take at sea is very important. It is also desirable to buy all these drugs at home, and not in a spa pharmacy, because there their composition may be slightly different from that which will be offered in your city. And do not forget, when packing the medicine chest, to take the drug from allergies. The most effective is the "Claritin", which is suitable for adults and children.

Now you know exactly what medicines to take with you to the sea, so that the rest is not overshadowed by unnecessary ailments. It remains only to wish all readers a pleasant vacation and a long and long health.

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