Travels, Tips for tourists
Museum-Reserve Dmitrovsky Kremlin (photo)
The ancient city of Dmitrov is not as famous as Moscow, although it is its peer. It is located slightly north of the capital. Its founder, Yuri Dolgoruky, laid the city in the distant year 1154. Then it was the northernmost outpost, which covered the road to Suzdal. Then began completely wild places, endless swamps and marshes. Practically from the very day of its formation, the city was an important strategic center, which made it possible to get by water through Yakhroma, Sestra and Dubna to the upper Volga. Here he also traveled to Suzdal, along the Velha River.
History of the Battle Fortress
A strategically important point could not do without combat fortifications, that is why already in 1181 the city was a powerful fortress. Dmitrov Kremlin, the present miracle, a living museum, the heritage of ancestors, then carried quite certain functions. The earliest buildings were earthen ramparts with deep moats. Their height, more than 15 m, struck them, and the total length was about 1000 m. A little later they built walls of powerful logs with battle towers. Dmitrovsky Kremlin grew and developed, by the 17th century, according to the surviving documents, it already had eight fortress towers.
In those days, all the buildings were wooden and burned during the Time of Troubles. Then there were no stone fortifications. The inner territory of the fortress was relatively small, there were cottages of the prince's squad, the house of artisans and merchants. Today, the Dmitrov Kremlin is recreated, the history of the ancient museum is revived within its walls, creating an amazing atmosphere. Despite the fact that many buildings are reconstructed, they very accurately convey the spirit of their time. If you are traveling on the Golden Ring of Russia, then be sure to visit this cozy corner.
Why is so unique the Dmitrov Kremlin
Most of the Russian fortresses were built on hills, hills, it allowed to occupy the best observational positions and have a significant advantage in the siege. However, the ancient builders used a different principle when the Dmitrov Kremlin was laid. History shows that alternative solutions were often more effective. The fortress was built in a marshy lowland, and the swamp, which starts immediately behind the rampart, served as a natural protection. To date, this historical monument is a symbol of the highest skill of its creators. We will try to take a virtual walk, in which we will tell about the main sights.
Road to the Museum
The easiest way is to use the services of the railway. Every day, several times a day, trains to Dmitrov leave Odintsovo, Golitsyno, Kubinka and many other settlements. If your starting point is Moscow, then you can take these trains to Savelovsky Station, as well as to the station near the Fili and Begovaya metro stations. From 2011 to Dmitrov from the metro station Altufievo a comfortable air-conditioned bus departs every 30 minutes. Only one and a half hours on the road - and you are at the target. If you have a private car, the road will not take you more than an hour. For this, there is the Dmitrov highway. As you can see, you can easily plan the road and visit the Dmitrov Kremlin. How to get there is up to you, but the easiest way is to drive your car.
Chapel of Alexander Nevsky
If you were driving on a highway, then the road will take you straight to the city center, to the earthen rampart. The Dmitrov Kremlin Museum-Reserve is right in front of you, but before visiting it you can visit this ancient chapel. It is located in the center of the old city, on the site of the former ancient Nikolsky Gates and earthen rampart. Until 1868 it was a wooden structure, but it was completely destroyed. In its place erected a stone chapel, which still glorifies the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. The reason for the creation of this chapel was the miraculous deliverance from the death of Alexander II. In history there was a period when desolation reigned in the chapel, but in the 90s it was returned to the Orthodox Church.
Assumption Cathedral
We continue to inspect the unique museum-preserve. Dmitrov Kremlin has a stunning pearl - the majestic Assumption Cathedral. It dates back to 1500, but was completely rebuilt in the 17th century. At this time, added a stunning three-tiered bell tower. Just to see this magnificent structure, tourists come here. It is very similar in appearance to the Moscow cathedrals, built in the same period. Similarity is attached to the openwork iconostasis and beautiful carving depicting vegetation. But some experts believe that the architecture has a noticeable Italian influence, in particular, it concerns the decoration of the facades: windows are lucrative in the zakomaras, the treatment of the walls with panels and much more.
In the seventeenth century, when the cathedral was restored, a bell tower was added to it, and the upper part of it with clocks and spiers was built a century later. But the pride of the cathedral is a five-tiered iconostasis, the icons of which are more than 500 years old. The tiled reliefs, which are made of individual ceramic plates, covered with colored lead glaze, fascinate with their appearance.
The Elizabethan Church
It is the second largest pearl that adorns the Dmitrov Kremlin. Excursions always include the inspection of this majestic object. By the way, she was built for the spiritual mentoring of prisoners of the county prisons. The place of this construction in the general ensemble is on the northern border of the administrative complex. The building is an interesting architectural solution, patterned frames on the windows replace lattices, at the level of the second tier along the walls there is a balcony for the convoy. The choir has an entrance from the parapet. However, the church survived hard times, in this room for a long time there was a club, then a warehouse. Today the building is again transferred to the church, but its decoration has not survived.
The territory of the Kremlin, the Bridge and the Stone of Desire
A favorite place for all newlyweds, as well as tourists visiting the Kremlin. The bridge of happiness is very small, and on both sides it is decorated with two huge horseshoes. The incoming passes under the vaults of the first, then goes on each of the three that supports the bridge, and leaves under the foot of the horseshoe. It is believed that if you pass through it, then luck will surely smile. Couples who marry, like to decorate its banisters with small locks, and throw the keys into the river. A stone of desire is located just next to it, a horseshoe is embedded in it. A legend engraved on it indicates that it was here that the Dolgoruky horse stumbled and broke the horseshoe, which was the reason for the founding of the city in this place.
The Dmitrov Kremlin Museum
This is a two-story building in the Kremlin, which will be very interesting to visit every tourist. Do not forget to schedule your trip. If you just want to walk around the Kremlin, then you will have enough hours, and in order to inspect all the exposures, you need much more time. For tourists it is important where the Dmitrov Kremlin is located. The address is easily accessible from any guide: Zagorskaya street, 17. Here visitors are waited every day.
Exhibition halls
The "Dmitrov Kremlin" museum includes nine rooms where everyone will find something interesting for him, the first two of them tell the story of the old noble manors of the region.The abundance of photographs makes the exposition vivid, colorful and interesting.The third and fourth halls are quite specific, they are devoted to The history of agriculture, but their everyday life brightens the pages of the history of the development of various crafts that were developed in these places.The seventh and eighth rooms tell you about the terrible moments of history, namely, the days of the Great Patriotic War stvennoj war, the battles on this earth and the heroes of that time most interesting to many -. It is the last room it is dedicated to the history of our country where a rich collection of artifacts from different eras, which allows a better understanding of the Russian people...
Be sure to visit the Dmitrov Kremlin! The museum-reserve (the photo can be made for an additional fee - 250 rubles) will leave an indelible impression. Video shooting costs a little more: depending on the duration, you have to pay from 500 to 1000 rubles. However, the memory of the journey is worth the expense.
Plan your visit times
The entrance ticket to the museum will cost you 170 rubles per person. Children under 5 years are free, but the expositions are designed for thoughtful study and are unlikely to interest children, so it is better to leave them on the playground and go to inspect the Dmitrov Kremlin. Opening hours are from 9:00 to 17:00 daily. Monday and Tuesday are closed. When going to the museum, pay attention to the calendar: the last Wednesday of each month is a sanitary day.
You can inspect all the halls yourself or invite a guide. There are different programs that you can choose depending on your preferences. "Dmitrovsky Krai since the beginning of time" tells you about the period of the formation and flourishing of the city, the history of the region, demonstrates the weapons and armor of Russian soldiers, as history and war are inseparable. If art is closer to you, then choose the exposition of art collections. These are bright and colorful exhibitions that show icons and samples of wooden sculpture, manuscript books and articles of faience, porcelain, samples of colored and laminated glass. A special place is devoted to the excursion devoted to the history, life and art life of the region. This is a special world in which once lived merchants and nobles. You can feel its special atmosphere, get acquainted with interior objects, portraits and documents. In order to assess the completeness of the picture, the exposition also tells about the way of life of peasants. Particularly interesting is the 19th century chalet with a stove without a chimney. Against the background of luxurious interiors of noble mansions, it looks especially fantastic.
Another interesting exposition tells about the life of the famous compatriot PA Kropotkin. The exposition will be of interest to everyone who is at least a little familiar with the activities of a brilliant scientist. Kropotkin is a geographer, geologist, famous revolutionary, who invested a lot of energy in the development of our country. The exposition is located in a unique house, where he lived for the last two years of his life. Here you can get acquainted with the works of the scientist, who were published during his lifetime. In addition, you will see a large number of photos and documents that have never been published anywhere else. The situation of these rooms tells not only about the scientist himself, but also about the long and difficult reconstruction of the house and the creation of a museum in it.
The exhibition "You are all in my heart" deserves special attention. She talks about a very different dimension, about the life of the holy martyr Serafim Zvezdinsky. This is a fairly large exposition, which demonstrates photographs and documents, a difficult life, fragments of works about great exploits in the name of Vera. Here the life of the New Martyrs of Dmitrovsky is described. Entrance tickets for any excursion are available, their cost is only 50 rubles. A group excursion lasting 1 hour costs 1000 rubles, up to 20 people can take part in it.
Instead of concluding
The history of the native land can not but interest the person. That is why tourists continue to flock to the Dmitrov Kremlin. Photos of majestic monuments of ancient architecture will long remind you of a wonderful and informative walk. Such a trip is not an entertaining activity. Rather, it is a cognitive journey that enriches the tourist and gives him new knowledge about his land. Here pages of history come to life, long ago epochs reveal their secrets to us.
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