Health, Medicine
What is the name of the saliva test? Methods of analysis
Human saliva is a reliable source, reflecting all the processes occurring in the body. According to the analysis of this material, you can do a DNA test, find out what infections are present in a person, get full information about how to reduce weight, and much more.
What kind of research?
What is saliva analysis? Now let's look at this issue. The first thing associated with this word combination is the DNA test. In detectives and criminal dramas, the main villain spits in a test tube or takes a swab with a cotton swab from the inside of his cheek and gives it for examination. After that justice triumphs.
However, this is not all that this test can show. Using the analysis of saliva, you can:
- Learn nationality,
- Establish paternity,
- Identify a number of diseases,
- Determine the way how to lose weight fast.
Currently, such testing is increasingly gaining popularity, more and more often doctors make a diagnosis on the content of saliva.
Modern methods of analyzing saliva
The most popular methods are currently:
- biochemical;
- Analysis on DNA;
- PCR analysis;
- On tuberculosis;
- On the maintenance of various infections, HIV.
What is the name of the saliva test? In medicine, it has no special name, it refers to genetic research. The name of tests for saliva are the names of what you need to study: DNA, infection, genetic abnormalities, to identify a disease. Now about each detail.
DNA analysis
Through the analysis of saliva on DNA, paternity can be established. For this, three samples are taken for the study - the prospective parents and the child. The material for analysis is collected with a cotton swab from the inside of the cheek and transferred to the laboratory. Despite the use of high-tech equipment, conducting such an analysis is not a quick thing. You can receive an answer on it in two weeks.
Ancient Relatives
Another question that people often are interested in is the desire to know their ancient relatives, so to speak, the roots of their origin. According to the results of the study of saliva, specialists in the laboratory can determine to what ancient people the ancestors of man belonged, in what region of the planet did these people live. The results of the genetic analysis of saliva can be obtained in two or three months.
Genetic research
In addition to such knowledge, a person on the analysis of saliva can learn the genetic predisposition to any diseases. In California, researchers at one of the laboratories developed a saliva test on DNA, capable of detecting genetic mutations and detecting more than 100 hereditary diseases. This analysis will help future parents take measures to ensure that the child is born healthy.
Analysis of saliva on PCR
Polymer Chain Reaction is the method of analysis used to detect sexual infections. It is this method that gives the most accurate results. In addition to saliva for research, other samples are taken: blood, urine, semen.
In order for the result to be accurate, some preparation will be required to carry out this analysis:
- For four hours before taking the material, it is necessary to stop eating, medications, alcohol, cleaning teeth. Also, you should not smoke;
- Before the sampling procedure, the mouth should be rinsed several times with boiled water, in order for the analysis to be more accurate.
Data processing in the laboratory will take five to fourteen days.
Biochemical study of the material
This saliva analysis is done to identify a disease such as dysbiosis. In human saliva contains microorganisms that reflect the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Such an analysis reflects the state of the oral cavity of a person and allows you to determine the causes of the disease. Dysbacteriosis of the mouth is a symptom:
- Caries;
- Stomatitis;
- Gingivitis;
- Various diseases of the digestive tract;
- Changes in the hormonal background in the body.
Saliva almost completely replicates the composition of the blood. But making saliva analysis is much easier. In the future, it is planned that people will take this material for research instead of blood.
Analysis for infection
A number of infectious diseases can be transmitted through saliva:
- Herpes virus;
- Cytomegalovirus;
- Papilloma virus;
- Helicobacter pylori - a bacterium that causes a stomach ulcer.
All these infections are transmitted through saliva, through a kiss.
Also, if there is a suspicion of the presence of helminths, lamblia, a saliva test can be done. It will contain toxins, the products of vital activity of parasites, which poison the body.
Analysis for tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is an ailment caused by a bacterium that affects mainly the lungs. Any person, regardless of age, can get sick. Treatment will be more successful if the disease is diagnosed at an earlier time. It is now possible to make a saliva test for tuberculosis. For the study, a swab is taken from the oral cavity. If, under the action of the reagent, the sample does not change its color, this means that there is no disease. If there are still suspicions of tuberculosis, a study of blood, urine, feces, secretions from the genitals is carried out. The analysis is done by PCR.
What does the saliva test show for tuberculosis? The causative agent of this disease is mycobacterium, otherwise it is called Koch's stick. In the saliva as well as in the blood, it is possible to detect the presence of the causative agent of tuberculosis. Analyzes for the study of saliva are more simple in execution, do not require complicated equipment.
What else does the analysis show?
The saliva test in forensics is very common. With the help of this analysis, it is possible to determine the DNA of the offender, to detect the presence of narcotic drugs in the human body.
Having done the saliva analysis, a person can get a detailed consultation of a specialist how to eat properly to get rid of excess weight. A diet based on the data obtained will be the most effective.
Canadian scientists, for example, examining human saliva, found that it can be determined by how much a person is tired, whether he is on the verge of failure. That is, the test will tell you that the forces are running out and you should rest. An indicator for this is the hormone cortisone. Its increased or too low content in the body is reflected in the saliva. Such an analysis will help to avoid stressful situations and prevent other diseases caused by stress.
A person can independently determine the quality and quantity of saliva that there are health problems. Changes can be quite significant. For example, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, saliva may change color. With hormonal failures, its quantity decreases, dry mouth and thirst are felt. Bitterness in the mouth is a sign that the work of the liver and gall bladder is disrupted. Abundant salivation may occur when:
- Diseases of the oral cavity;
- Violation of the nervous system;
- Diseases of the digestive tract;
- Violation of metabolic processes.
Having found out such signs, it is necessary to address at once to the doctor, in due time to diagnose disease.
In the near future it will be possible to make an analysis of saliva and get complete information about the state of the body and almost all diseases.
To be sure of the correctness of the result, you should pay attention to the fact whether this or that laboratory has experience in conducting such studies. A specialist should know how to properly make saliva fetus, which conditions are necessary. Violations in the procedure for taking materials can lead to incorrect results.
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