
What is dangerous is increased eye pressure and why should it be measured?

Intraocular pressure is a pressure index, under which the eye fluid is in a closed cavity of the eyeball. This indicator is stable and the slightest change in it indicates a violation and risk of developing a certain disease.

Normal intraocular pressure is simply necessary to maintain the optimal level of metabolism, as well as the circulation of blood and other fluids. Only in such conditions the eye can function normally. That is why ophthalmologists recommend regular passage of the procedure for measuring such an indicator. The fact is that increased, or, conversely, low eye pressure may not manifest itself long enough, causing the development of glaucoma, and sometimes complete loss of vision.

Increased eye pressure: signs . In fact, eye pressure in most cases is absolutely not manifested at all and does not cause any noticeable symptoms. But there are some things that should alert a person. Increased eye pressure is accompanied by rapid eye fatigue, weight, and headaches that are taken by a person for a migraine. Nevertheless, in the presence of such symptoms, especially if they are regular, it is necessary to make an appointment for the examination.

In the event that increased eye pressure causes the development of a so-called closed-angle glaucoma, in addition to severe fatigue and headaches, a person can see colored circles in front of his eyes. The severe form of such a disease is accompanied by severe nausea, escalating into vomiting, and sometimes short-term loss of consciousness.

If you are concerned about discomfort, then you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. Unfortunately, patients who have consulted a doctor with severe glaucoma are much less likely to recover than people who have developed a disease in their early stages of development.

Low eye pressure . This phenomenon is very rare, but it is much more dangerous for human health. The main causes of this condition - deformation of the eyeball, severe trauma, retinal detachment or disruption in the operation of the choroid of the eye. If the state of low blood pressure lasts more than one month, it is fraught with menacing consequences - atrophy of the eyeball, its wrinkling, and complete death.

How are eye pressure measurements performed? Modern medicine knows two main methods - palpation and tonometry.

The palpation method is based on the fact that the doctor presses on the eyeballs, noting the difference in their density and hardness, as well as the discrepancy with normal indices. Such research is rather subjective, since the experience of the doctor and his knowledge is the main guarantee of success. This method is used only for primary diagnostics.

Tonometry is performed using a special device - a tonometer, which measures the pressure of each eye. This procedure should be performed using local anesthesia. The patient is lying down, and his eyes are fixed at one point.

It should be noted that any of the known methods of measuring eye pressure can not be called pleasant. But it is not considered painful either.

Eye pressure: methods of treatment and prevention . If the patient is diagnosed with elevated intraocular pressure after examination, the doctor, as a rule, appoints special eye drops that help to eliminate the danger.

In the event that the conservative method of treatment does not give any visible results, the question arises of the surgical method of treatment. To date, both laser therapy and microsurgery are being used for this purpose. The purpose of surgery is to normalize the outflow of fluid from the eye, resulting in eye pressure will return to normal.

As for preventive measures, every person should undergo at least once a year the process of measuring eye pressure.

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