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Weners on the face of the child: reasons, photos, how to get rid?

When a baby has a fairly dense neoplasm, which has a rounded shape, which is located under the upper layer of the skin, you can confidently say that it is a fatty. He is very mobile and does not change the color of the cover on which he decided to form. He is completely painless when trying to consider it more closely or by palpation. But to confirm what a tumor is - it's a dummy, it can only be a dermatologist.

What to do if there are fatty marks on the face of a child? How harmful are they and how to get rid of them? About this - just below.

Because of what do children have adolescent women?

Weners, as a rule, are formed on those parts of the body where the largest accumulation of subcutaneous tissue. The same applies to how the adipes on the child's face are formed. The reasons are completely different.

The reasons for the appearance of such tumors (they are also called lipomas or atheromas) include the following:

- a metabolic disorder;

- a violation of the baby's body function to properly break down fat;

- if parents spend insufficient hygienic care for their baby, this can lead to the appearance of atheroma;

- the environmental conditions of the child's life are not satisfactory;

- the neutrophilic genesis of a certain part of the body is violated, which eventually leads to uncontrolled growth of fatty tissue;

- the work of the sebaceous glands is blocked, and there is a genetic predisposition to this phenomenon.

All this sooner or later provokes a situation in which the body or on the face of the child have appeared adipose.

Problems of newborns

Quite often it happens that among infants, adolescents are found. They appear due to the fact that in the first time after the birth of the sebaceous glands the crumbs are not yet ready to remove the decay products from the body. Weners on the face of a child are more common. True, it happens that they are located on the body of the baby and even in the mouth.

Localization on the face

Weners on the face of a child can appear not only in infancy, but also when the baby grows a little. In this case, there are three main reasons for their occurrence: seasonal vitamin deficiency, genetic predisposition and the growth process of the baby (after all, all organs also grow, undergoing some changes, resulting in a hormonal failure).

Widow on the face of the child (photo of such formations can be seen on the Internet) is dangerous if the baby accidentally or intentionally damages it. That's why in case of detection of a lipoma, parents should immediately show the baby to a specialist.

Wen in children from different parts of the body

Specific neoplasms can appear on the skin of completely different parts of the baby's body. And there is not only a single, but also multiple their localization.

Nose. More often than not, adipose tissue in this place occurs in newborn babies. They can only represent a conditional danger, but it is not recommended to damage them. The task of both parents is to control all the actions of their baby, because he does not need to violate the integrity of the lipoma, causing tissue infection.

Legs. This part of the body of the baby is recognized as the safest zone on which the adipose can reside. But nevertheless, this does not mean that a specialist's recommendation will not be required. After all, more often neoplasms in these places mean hormonal imbalance, which should be corrected.

The gums. At this point the lipoma can form in toddlers who have not yet turned a year old. After the teeth have erupted, the neoplasm dissolves itself.

Ears. If the tumor is massive enough, it can lead to hearing loss.

The head (its hairy part). These adolescents are the most dangerous. Often they are quite dense, although this depends on how deep the conglomerate is. In no case can they be removed by themselves. The surgeon performs the removal only when the child reaches school age.

Cheeks. This place is almost ideal for the formation of fat. This is due to the fact that there is a significant amount of glandular secretion in this zone. In the case when the ducts are not developed enough, a new growth appears.

Harm from a lipoma to the kid

But there are situations when such new growths can cause the baby harm. For example, if the lipoma (or atheroma) is on the neck, the danger lies in squeezing blood vessels, liposarcoma may begin.

If the adipose is located on the head of a child, then the danger will arise only if it is damaged. The baby can begin thrombosis of venous sinuses of the brain.

If the lipoma or atheroma is located on the tummy of a child, the result of non-intervention of specialists may be an abscess, a phlegmon.

In the case of a child's fat on his face, treatment should be started as soon as possible, because he is dangerous only if damaged. Possible neurotic disorders and depression.

If the lipoma (atheroma) is on the arm, leg or back, there may be sepsis or phlegmon.

Where else can dwelling be located

Widgets on the face of a child can be located on the forehead. When it becomes necessary, it is removed when the baby reaches school age. If surgical intervention is performed earlier, health can be irreparably damaged. The lipoma located on the ear or parotid region is removed when it interferes with hearing fully.

If such a bump is found on the neck and it is large enough, it is possible that the doctor will suggest that it be removed so that there are no complications in the circulatory system.

As a child to remove the grease on the face, only the specialist will tell. Independently you can not take any steps. If the lipoma is located on the scalp of the baby, it is removed almost always. But if the baby is too small, the operation will have to be postponed.

If a new growth is found on the back, tummy or breast of a child, it should be removed only if its integrity is constantly violated. For example, the baby always damages the fat conglomerate with clothing, and this leads to suppuration of the wound and spread of the infection to the tissues that are nearby.

How are lipomas removed from babies?

There are several ways to eliminate adiposity in children: since conservative methods are far from always useful and effective in the form of the use of medicines, excluding surgery, the doctor can advise an alternative option for recovery. How to remove the adipose on the face of the child (and in other places of its formation)?

There are five modern methods for removing fat cells:

  • Cryodestruction of the wen: the effect on the fat of liquid nitrogen vapor is provided. The advantages of this method are that there is no further scar.
  • Endoscopic intervention: first perform anesthesia, then the surgeon makes a small incision, penetrates it and destroys the fatty conglomerate by pulling it out. Observation of the process is carried out using an endoscope, which is equipped with microscopic chambers. The only drawback of this method is the high probability of relapse. The pluses include the absence of stitches after the operation and the fact that the rehabilitation period is very short. If the child has not reached the school age, this interference is contraindicated.

  • Puncture method: the fat conglomerate is pierced with a special needle, and the contents are then aspirated. At the puncture site, the doctor applies a napkin, which is moistened with an antiseptic solution, and fixes with an adhesive plaster.
  • Elimination of the lipoma by a laser beam. First - local anesthesia, then - dissection of the skin with a surgical laser; They also cauterize blood vessels to avoid bleeding. Fat conglomerate and its capsule are destroyed by a laser beam, and surrounding tissues are not affected. The operation lasts 15-20 minutes. Scars and relapses usually do not happen. The only drawback is that it can be performed by children over five years of age.
  • Surgical excision of the wen together with the capsule. This is a fairly radical method. First, the doctor anesthetizes the necessary area with local anesthesia, then with a scalpel performs a dissection, takes out the fatty gland together with the capsule, imposes sutures. If the lipoma is large, then drainage is established. The advantage of this method is that relapse happens very rarely. The disadvantage is a pronounced scar.

The main stages of preparation for the operation

If it is supposed to eliminate the wen with preliminary anesthesia, the parents talk with an anesthesiologist, who learns about the state of the cardiovascular system of the child and specifies in mom and dad how much the baby is carrying different medications.

Before an operative intervention it is necessary to hand over analyzes:

  • A clinical blood test, because the doctor must understand how much the child's blood is able to clot;
  • Hormonal panel and biochemical constituents;
  • Blood for the purpose of determining sugar.

What to do after the operation?

So, we have already realized that in some cases, the child's face on the face is dangerous. How to get rid From him, only the doctor will say. In most cases, this is an operation.

If surgical intervention is to be performed on the scalp, a cover should be removed around the lipoma. There remains a postoperative suture (even if the intervention was endoscopic), which will be removed after 7-10 days. Parents are required to check that the baby does not touch the seam, does not affect the wound. The first few days should avoid contact with water and various surfaces. Also friction of clothes is contraindicated.

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