
We make aquagrim with our own hands

Aquagrim is an amazing opportunity to make the holiday fun and unforgettable not only for children, but also for adults. But very few people know that it is quite possible to make aquagrim with their own hands, not turning to professionals. Drawing a picture on your face can be made part of the fun at a party dedicated to, for example, birthday.

What is aqua-grime

Aquagrim for children is a special degreased face water-based paint . They do not cause any harm to the child's tender skin. Wash off without any special detergents that can cause allergies in your baby, just use the usual baby soap. These special paints very quickly dry out when applied to the skin, which will make aquagrim by their own hands neat and without much difficulty.

What do you need?

You need to stock up on paint and special items for its application.

  • Paints can be purchased at any store for creativity or in the store "Children's World". It is even better to do it in a special theater kiosk. The make-up for the drawings on the face and body is in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water, or already ready, reminiscent of the usual gouache.
  • Sponges for make-up. They will help you gently and evenly apply the paint to large areas of the skin.
  • Brushes, at least 2 pieces. One should be thin, for the possibility of drawing small details, and the second - flat. It is better to use brushes made from natural hair, you can buy the usual painting from the store for artists.

Before doing aquagrime with your own hands, be sure to test the acquired paint on a small area of the skin: although the colors and hypoallergenic, individual intolerance caused by the peculiarities of the body is possible.

Drawing is the most crucial moment

Most often aquagrim - drawings depicting an animal on the face of a child. If such an art seems to you too difficult for the first time, then look for other ideas for creativity. When you decide on a drawing, practice on a regular sheet of paper. This will greatly facilitate your work and will not make a mistake. Begin drawing, adhering to the following rules and stages of applying makeup:

  • First of all prepare a basis for drawing - put on the face a smooth and equal layer of tone sponge (you can use a sponge). Apply a background color from top to bottom, paying special attention to folds near the nose and lips.
  • Pay attention to the eyebrows, they need to be made as inconspicuous as possible in the first stage, in order to give the person the necessary expression later on.
  • Next, proceed to draw eyes, use gentle cream paints, apply them with a soft wide brush. Then draw thin contour lines, hold the brush at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Draw eyebrows with a soft pencil or a suitable brush.
  • Then the aquagrim is applied from the top to the bottom: cheeks, lips, chin, if necessary neck and hands. Done!

If you celebrate a children's birthday and make babies aquagrim with your own hands, then you can afford to skip the first stage of applying the tone and start immediately drawing the details. In this case, the drawing will not be so "believable", but all children will certainly be satisfied. It is also possible to use glitter, pearl powder, which will make the image even more vivid and expressive. Have a good holiday!

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