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Vladimir Ostapchuk. Way to glory

Young, handsome, ambitious, full of strength and new ideas. All this he - Vladimir Ostapchuk. An attractive Ukrainian guy in his young years is known not only in his homeland, but throughout the world. What made him so famous, what did he like about the public?

Briefly about him

Vladimir Ostapchuk was born on February 17, 1988 in the city of Kiev. He was the only child in the family, a favorite of my mother, father, grandmother and grandfather. From the very childhood he was spoiled and loved to attract attention. In the kindergarten, at school - everywhere he was the main "ringleader", he knew how to make him imitate and listen to his opinion. Vladimir's parents are simple workers, but they never doubted that their boy will succeed in life and become famous.

Way to glory

Started his way, Vladimir Ostapchuk, a photo of which young girls are actively revising, from the choice of profession. After school, he entered the Ukrainian Theatrical University. Already from the first months of training, the teachers believed in the guy and predicted his success. Not having had time to finish the school, he became a TV presenter on the channel "TET". His very first project was the women's program "The Goddess of Shopping." The essence of it was that several girls were given a certain amount of money, for which they had to create their own image. The reality show has been successful and today, not so long ago, the eighth season of the project was filmed.

Vladimir Ostapchuk did not stop at one project, he also led the program "Style Icon", "Big Dancing" and "Hijacking in our way".

First roles in the cinema

A young, bright and attractive guy just could not help attracting the attention of the producers. In 2012, he was offered to star in the 8th season of the film "Return of Mukhtar", where he played the role of Igor Steklov.

In 2013, he starred in the episode of the film "Kingdom of Darkness", and in 2014 appeared in the film "On the Path of War"

On this career, the actor and TV presenter did not end. He still accepts profitable offers from producers.

Projects on radio stations

Vladimir Ostapchuk is known to the public not only by his appearance, but also by his voice. For the first time he tried himself in a new role in the "Happy Money" project, broadcast on the station "FM". The new role was interesting for him, a few months later the viewer recognized him as the host of the evening show at the station "Just for fun. about"

Automotive Themes

In addition to television, Ostapchuk is interested in cars, and love for them appeared in his youth. He can name all advantages and disadvantages of each transport, make a comparative description, analyze the quality of each machine and determine its cost roughly. He also conveys his experience to TV viewers in the programs "Auto Academy" and "Minus One", broadcast on the channel "The First Automobile"

Personal life

Vladimir Ostapchuk is an incredibly talented, attractive and successful guy. This is what young girls want to see as their spouse. No wonder he always had a lot of fans. Photos on his pages in social networks are constantly commented on by female representatives.

A few years ago, he could be seen with various companions, differing in sexual appearance. He quickly parted with them and found them a replacement.

Now Vladimir has found for itself an ideal second half, with whom he would like to build happiness and family. With her, he has been in a relationship for more than one year. The name of the happy girl is kept by our hero in secret, and his private life does not seek to advertise. Colleagues on work noticed that with the appearance of this object of sympathy, the TV host became more collected, calm and judicious.

Ostapchuk Vladimir Valerevich is a young guy who is not yet 30 years old. However, his impulse and dedication helped him to succeed on the big screen. Is it worth to doubt that there are many new peaks ahead of this man!

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