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Veronica Vieira: a short biography

Veronica Vieira, whose biography is described in this article, is known to the Russian audience thanks to her role in the TV series "Wild Angel". But in her country this Argentine actress is loved and for dozens of other film works.

Childhood and youth

Childhood Veronica can be called cloudless. She was a coveted and beloved daughter. Veronika Vieira was born in May 1969 in the town of Gualegauchu. Her family was rich, and the girl needed nothing. But despite her well-being, the girl was never arrogant and did not possess the qualities inherent in the rich.

She was always distinguished by her determination and desire to be independent of her parents. Therefore, she perfectly studied at school, did not require special treatment and was friends with children from different strata of the population.

What she wants to do in life, Veronica Vieira for a long time could not decide. She was attracted to many professions, she adored music. But by chance it turned out to be the star of television.


She never aspired to become an actress. She did not have a special education. But this was the fate.

Veronica Vieira accompanied her friend on one of the castings to the series. The pretender was many. Among them were young artists, already famous in Argentina. And since the girl loved to test herself and challenge destiny, she also went to speak before the commission. And conquered them.

In 1994, she performed a role in the modest film "Facundo, the shadow of a tiger." The next two years she played in the series "The Unconscious Heart".

Veronica starred in the feature films "Roller Coaster" and "One and a half orange," the series "Women Forever" and "Templates." And then there was her main star role, thanks to which the whole world learned a beautiful actress with golden curls.

Starring role

Veronica was invited to the casting of the series, which is being prepared for launch. The idea belonged to Raul Lekun. He was supported by director Hernan Abraamson. In the actress Vieira, the film crew immediately saw the ideal rich daughter, the antipode of the main character. She was approved for the role.

The series was released on television in 1998. Immediately he took first place in all world ratings. And in a flash glorified unknown artists.

Veronica Vieira played in the "Wild Angel" Victoria Di Carlo, the sister of the protagonist Ivo. She was a typical rich girl with a bunch of servants and a personal chauffeur. Initially, the actress's task was to show a capricious, errant girl who was accustomed to her vagaries being performed after she clicked her fingers. But gradually the girl begins to change, more precisely, her love for her chauffeur Morgan (Rocky) changes. Not expecting from himself such feelings, Vicki gets scared and leaves for a while, but then returns and takes everything as a reality.

At the end of the series we see a completely different person.

After the release of the series, many began to identify Veronica and Victoria. But these comparisons were not justified. Although both girls were from a wealthy family, the actress Vieira never lived by her whip, she did everything herself, set goals and achieved what she wanted, herself.

Further career

The role in "Wild Angel" made the actress really popular. But despite this, her career did not go up the hill. The girl has acted in only a few films. This was not due to lack of demand. Simply, Veronica set the priorities in her life, in the first place was the family.

The actress starred in several soap operas ("Masimo in my heart", "Bodyguard"). In 2005 she starred in the telenovela "Love says" together with his colleague on the series "Wild Angel" Osvaldi Gidi (played by Bernardo, Uncle Milagros).

In the same year, the girl tried herself as a TV presenter. She led the "Ideal Couple" program for a while, but soon returned to the series.

Veronica Vieira, whose films are not very popular outside of Argentina, appeared in only 11 projects. Her latest work to date was the role in the 2008 telenovela "The Ugly Duckling", where she performed the role of Francis.

Veronica postponed her film career for a while. She focuses on the family, and also tries to achieve something in music. Together with her husband, she records her first record.

Personal life

Veronica Vieira, photo of which flew to Argentina after the first role, monogamous. This she repeatedly stated in her interviews. And her life can not be forced to think otherwise.

In her husband, the girl fell in love, as a teenager. It was the idol of millions of Argentinian singer Silvestre. His real name is Jose Rodriguez. He was famous, rich and loving. Prior to the meeting with Veronica, who is sixteen years older, the singer was married several times. In addition, he met with colleague Vieira actress Andrea del Boca ("Antonella", "Black Pearl"). His previous marriage to model Maria Antonia Diaz fell apart, despite the fact that she was pregnant with the third son of the singer. His first son was born when Jose was only seventeen years old.

Sylvester and Veronica met in 1987 and have not parted since. The actress was not intimidated by her husband's previous relationship. She was madly in love and believed in a happy future. Today, the couple have two grown-up daughters: Makarena and Kamila. In addition, Veronica took an active part in the upbringing of her husband's four children from previous marriages.

Interesting Facts

  1. The actress is a natural blonde, but she does not like this image of herself. From the role in the role of nothing in its appearance does not change, so her cherished dream was a job that will make a dramatic change in appearance.
  2. Veronica Vieira, whose height - 170 cm, never really watched the figure. Its beauty is given by nature.

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