Self improvementPsychology

Type of personality epileptoid: description, features of behavior and character

Each person has a unique character, formed over the years of his life. But there are some common features inherent in us from birth, which allow us to identify the main types of personality. Consider those people who left the deepest, but bloody trail in history - the epileptoid type. The S-theory of personality development claims that about one in ten people on the planet belongs to this species. But what distinguishes epileptoids from the rest of humanity? What makes people shun them?

What is the characteristic of the epileptoid type of personality

The given name speaks that the processes occurring in a head of such people, remind changes of the person caused by an epilepsy. They are prone to manifestations of aggression and constantly provoke conflicts. Such a person needs a lot of time to lose control, but when the cup of patience overflows, woe to someone who falls under his hot hand. Epileptoid for a long time "start" and no less "cool" for a long time, tearing his anger at all in a row.

Another distinguishing feature of this type is incredible pedantry and accuracy. Everything that surrounds such people must obey the strict order. Otherwise, the epileptoid quickly loses its temper and begins to terrorize others. Power over people is his cherished dream. Most of the well-known dictators and tyrants have been referring to this type of personality. Epileptoids want to rule and rule, but life does not always develop as they wish. Therefore, many of them become domestic dictators, harass and oppress their relatives and friends.


Excitable, or epileptoid, type of personality accentuation begins to manifest at an early age. Children who are predisposed to such behavior, from a small age, try to subordinate others to their will. They want to dictate to other children the rules of the game, in every way oppressing and humiliating those who are weaker. Also, with adults - it is worth them only to show slack, as a child-epileptoid will immediately try to get the upper hand. Therefore, an easy conversation with him will not work, kindness has no value for people with such a character, they understand only the language of power. In front of a strong person, the epileptoid personality type will bow, narrate to him and inform on his peers.

Children-epileptoids have positive features - they take care of their things very carefully, protect them in every possible way and keep them in good condition. His toys such a child will never give up, but will gladly take away the others. Relations with animals in epileptoids have a pronounced sadistic bias - they constantly mock their pets. Therefore, the idea that a beast given to such a child can accustom him to kindness and care is fundamentally wrong. Most likely, such interaction will only aggravate the epileptoid character.


School years of this type of personality are held in especially hot battles with everyone around. In schools, these children are constantly fighting and quarreling with their peers and teachers. With their studies, too, everything is bad because of natural inhibition. Graduate the school with normal results epileptoid type of personality can only with the help of parents.

Often, such a teenager tries to surround himself with weaker, often younger children. Of these, he collects a real pack, which unquestioningly obeys the leader. Most epileptoid nature does not like it when someone tries to escape from their influence. In this case, violence is almost inevitable. The rage of a person with an epileptoid character can be so great that he is able to inflict serious damage on his victim, unable to stop.


Even in adult, conscious age, an important role is played by the type of person. The epileptoid species will aspire to power and the accumulation of material goods. If its development proceeded normally, without serious shocks, then a good policeman, military or bureaucrat can grow from such a person. Love of order epileptoid will transfer to a new field of activity, with ecstasy, proceeding to protect social norms and laws. It was people with this type of personality who created the police, the army and the senseless bureaucratic apparatus.

Of course, the life of a subordinate is unlikely to suit an epileptoid personality type. After all, ambitions and the thirst for power do not go anywhere, just circumstances make you hide your true face and pretend to be an innocent lamb. And even in pretense epileptoids have no equal - they are able to deceive even the most attentive individual, lulling his vigilance with sweet speeches. But at the first opportunity to get his own, he will throw off the mask, exposing a fierce grin.

Married life

Joint life with an epileptoid does not bode well, regardless of sex. Most often they are looking for a weak, inert partner. Then this partner gradually begins to turn into property. Jealousy is an ineradicable vice that permeates all personal life of this type. Any slightest occasion for jealousy can lead epileptoid into rabies, and this despite the fact that he himself can change without any twinge of conscience.

People are often attracted to this type of personality unbridled, hypertrophied sexuality. It carries a tangible imprint of violence and allows you to tie your partner even more to yourself. Occasionally, it happens that two epileptoid marry. In this case, constant quarrels and attempts to find out who is the master of the house are unavoidable. Such marriages are rarely long-lived.

Attitude towards money

Epileptoid type always tends to power over people, and money is its equivalent in modern society. Therefore, the relation to despicable metal in epileptoids is very palpable. For them, the process of accumulation and multiplication of material goods is natural and simple. This type of personality shows a willingness to work hard, hard work to achieve their goals. In the family, the epileptoid personality aspires first of all to gain control over finances, often selecting wages from its second half.

If the epileptoid managed to accumulate a good capital, then it will necessarily turn into a miser. Like a dragon, he will sit on his riches, destroying anyone who decides to encroach on them. This often leads to loneliness, which does not frighten the epileptoid type. Psychology and psychoanalysis of the nature of such people have revealed in them remarkable determination, the ability to move forward no matter what. For the sake of future wealth, such a person is able to withstand any burdens and adversities, to show real miracles of endurance and perseverance.

Epileptoid personality type: how to communicate

Communication with the epileptoid is not an easy task. They are often rude and petty, strive to manipulate the interlocutor. It is important to understand that such people do not restrain moral norms, they will flatter and slander, oppress and enslave, in order to get their own. Therefore, it makes no sense to try to change them or somehow neutrally explain their actions. Any manifestations of kindness will be perceived by the epileptoid type as a weakness, which must necessarily be used for their own purposes.

In a conflict situation, such a subject can not be stopped by supplications and humility. The sight of a defenseless victim will only provoke him, intensify aggression. The only language understood by the epileptoid type of character is the language of power. Only a worthy rebuff can stop it. However, given the severe nature of epileptoids, it is best to simply not have any business with them. This will save you a lot of nerves and time.

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